12 research outputs found

    STDP Allows Fast Rate-Modulated Coding with Poisson-Like Spike Trains

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    Spike timing-dependent plasticity (STDP) has been shown to enable single neurons to detect repeatedly presented spatiotemporal spike patterns. This holds even when such patterns are embedded in equally dense random spiking activity, that is, in the absence of external reference times such as a stimulus onset. Here we demonstrate, both analytically and numerically, that STDP can also learn repeating rate-modulated patterns, which have received more experimental evidence, for example, through post-stimulus time histograms (PSTHs). Each input spike train is generated from a rate function using a stochastic sampling mechanism, chosen to be an inhomogeneous Poisson process here. Learning is feasible provided significant covarying rate modulations occur within the typical timescale of STDP (∼10–20 ms) for sufficiently many inputs (∼100 among 1000 in our simulations), a condition that is met by many experimental PSTHs. Repeated pattern presentations induce spike-time correlations that are captured by STDP. Despite imprecise input spike times and even variable spike counts, a single trained neuron robustly detects the pattern just a few milliseconds after its presentation. Therefore, temporal imprecision and Poisson-like firing variability are not an obstacle to fast temporal coding. STDP provides an appealing mechanism to learn such rate patterns, which, beyond sensory processing, may also be involved in many cognitive tasks

    Optimization of Muscle Activity for Task-Level Goals Predicts Complex Changes in Limb Forces across Biomechanical Contexts

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    Optimality principles have been proposed as a general framework for understanding motor control in animals and humans largely based on their ability to predict general features movement in idealized motor tasks. However, generalizing these concepts past proof-of-principle to understand the neuromechanical transformation from task-level control to detailed execution-level muscle activity and forces during behaviorally-relevant motor tasks has proved difficult. In an unrestrained balance task in cats, we demonstrate that achieving task-level constraints center of mass forces and moments while minimizing control effort predicts detailed patterns of muscle activity and ground reaction forces in an anatomically-realistic musculoskeletal model. Whereas optimization is typically used to resolve redundancy at a single level of the motor hierarchy, we simultaneously resolved redundancy across both muscles and limbs and directly compared predictions to experimental measures across multiple perturbation directions that elicit different intra- and interlimb coordination patterns. Further, although some candidate task-level variables and cost functions generated indistinguishable predictions in a single biomechanical context, we identified a common optimization framework that could predict up to 48 experimental conditions per animal (n = 3) across both perturbation directions and different biomechanical contexts created by altering animals' postural configuration. Predictions were further improved by imposing experimentally-derived muscle synergy constraints, suggesting additional task variables or costs that may be relevant to the neural control of balance. These results suggested that reduced-dimension neural control mechanisms such as muscle synergies can achieve similar kinetics to the optimal solution, but with increased control effort (≈2×) compared to individual muscle control. Our results are consistent with the idea that hierarchical, task-level neural control mechanisms previously associated with voluntary tasks may also be used in automatic brainstem-mediated pathways for balance

    Incorporation of a Laguerre–Gauss Channelized Hotelling Observer for False-Positive Reduction in a Mammographic Mass CAD System

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    Previously, we developed a simple Laguerre–Gauss (LG) channelized Hotelling observer (CHO) for incorporation into our mass computer-aided detection (CAD) system. This LG-CHO was trained using initial detection suspicious region data and was empirically optimized for free parameters. For the study presented in this paper, we wish to create a more optimal mass detection observer based on a novel combination of LG channels. A large set of LG channels with differing free parameters was created. Each of these channels was applied to the suspicious regions, and an output test statistic was determined. A stepwise feature selection algorithm was used to determine which LG channels would combine best to detect masses. These channels were combined using a HO to create a single template for the mass CAD system. Results from free-response receiver operating characteristic curves demonstrated that the incorporation of the novel LG-CHO into the CAD system slightly improved performance in high-sensitivity regions

    Data and Information Quality in Remote Sensing

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    International audienceRemote sensing datasets are characterized by multiple types of imperfections that alter extracted information and taken decisions to a variable degree depending on data acquisition conditions, processing, and final product requirements. Therefore, regardless of the sensors, type of data, extracted information, and complementary algorithms, the quality assessment question is a pervading and particularly complex one. This chapter summarizes relevant quality assessment approaches that have been proposed for data acquisition, information extraction, and data and information fusion, of the remote sensing acquisition-decision process. The case of quality evaluation for geographic information systems, which make use of remote sensing products, is also described. Aspects of a comprehensive quality model for remote sensing and problems that remain to be addressed offer a perspective of possible evolutions in the field

    Getting the glycosylation right: Implications for the biotechnology industry

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    Glycosylation is the most extensive of all the posttranslational modifications, and has important functions in the secretion, antigenicity and clearance of glycoproteins. In recent years major advances have been made in the cloning of glycosyltransferase enzymes, in understanding the varied biological functions of carbohydrates, and in the accurate analysis of glycoprotein heterogeneity. In this review we discuss the impact of these advances on the choice of a recombinant host cell line, in optimizing cell culture processes, and in choosing the appropriate level of glycosylation analysis for each stage of product development