26 research outputs found

    Are APOE ɛ genotype and TOMM40 poly-T repeat length associations with cognitive ageing mediated by brain white matter tract integrity?

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    Genetic polymorphisms in the APOE Δ and TOMM40 ‘523’ poly-T repeat gene loci have been associated with significantly increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease. This study investigated the independent effects of these polymorphisms on human cognitive ageing, and the extent to which nominally significant associations with cognitive ageing were mediated by previously reported genetic associations with brain white matter tract integrity in this sample. Most participants in the Lothian Birth Cohort 1936 completed a reasoning-type intelligence test at age 11 years, and detailed cognitive/physical assessments and structural diffusion tensor brain magnetic resonance imaging at a mean age of 72.70 years (s.d.=0.74). Participants were genotyped for APOE Δ2/Δ3/Δ4 status and TOMM40 523 poly-T repeat length. Data were available from 758–814 subjects for cognitive analysis, and 522–543 for mediation analysis with brain imaging data. APOE genotype was significantly associated with performance on several different tests of cognitive ability, including general factors of intelligence, information processing speed and memory (raw P-values all<0.05), independently of childhood IQ and vascular disease history. Formal tests of mediation showed that several significant APOE-cognitive ageing associations—particularly those related to tests of information processing speed—were partially mediated by white matter tract integrity. TOMM40 523 genotype was not associated with cognitive ageing. A range of brain phenotypes are likely to form the anatomical basis for significant associations between APOE genotype and cognitive ageing, including white matter tract microstructural integrity

    From micro‐ to macro‐structures in multiple sclerosis: what is the added value of diffusion imaging

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    Diffusion imaging has been instrumental in understanding damage to the central nervous system as a result of its sensitivity to microstructural changes. Clinical applications of diffusion imaging have grown exponentially over the past couple of decades in many neurological and neurodegenerative diseases, such as multiple sclerosis (MS). For several reasons, MS has been extensively researched using advanced neuroimaging techniques, which makes it an ‘example disease’ to illustrate the potential of diffusion imaging for clinical applications. In addition, MS pathology is characterized by several key processes competing with each other, such as inflammation, demyelination, remyelination, gliosis and axonal loss, enabling the specificity of diffusion to be challenged. In this review, we describe how diffusion imaging can be exploited to investigate micro‐, meso‐ and macro‐scale properties of the brain structure and discuss how they are affected by different pathological substrates. Conclusions from the literature are that larger studies are needed to confirm the exciting results from initial investigations before current trends in diffusion imaging can be translated to the neurology clinic. Also, for a comprehensive understanding of pathological processes, it is essential to take a multiple‐level approach, in which information at the micro‐, meso‐ and macroscopic scales is fully integrated

    The role of the serotonergic system in suicidal behavior

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    Marta Sadkowski,1,* Brittany Dennis,2–4,* Robert C Clayden,2 Wala ElSheikh,5 Sumathy Rangarajan,5 Jane DeJesus,5 Zainab Samaan3–6 1Arts and Sciences Program, 2Faculty of Health Sciences, 3Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, 4Population Genomics Program, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada; 5Population Health Research Institute, Hamilton, ON, Canada; 6Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurosciences, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada *These authors contributed equally to this work Abstract: Serotonin is a widely investigated neurotransmitter in several psychopathologies, including suicidal behavior (SB); however, its role extends to several physiological functions involving the nervous system, as well as the gastrointestinal and cardiovascular systems. This review summarizes recent research into ten serotonergic genes related to SB. These genes – TPH1, TPH2, SLC6A4, SLC18A2, HTR1A, HTR1B, HTR2A, DDC, MAOA, and MAOB – encode proteins that are vital to serotonergic function: tryptophan hydroxylase; the serotonin transporter 5-HTT; the vesicular transporter VMAT2; the HTR1A, HTR1B, and HTR2A receptors; the L-amino acid decarboxylase; and the monoamine oxidases. This review employed a systematic search strategy and a narrative research methodology to disseminate the current literature investigating the link between SB and serotonin. Keywords: serotonin, suicide, geneti