160 research outputs found

    Spectrum and Thermodynamics of the one-dimensional supersymmetric t-J model with 1/r21/r^2 exchange and hopping

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    We derive the spectrum and the thermodynamics of the one-dimensional supersymmetric t-J model with long range hopping and spin exchange using a set of maximal-spin eigenstates. This spectrum confirms the recent conjecture that the asymptotic Bethe-ansatz spectrum is exact. By empirical determining the spinon degeneracies of each state, we are able to explicitly construct the free energy.Comment: 13 pages, Latex, (published in PRB46, 6639 (1992)

    Fractional quantum Hall effect in the absence of Landau levels

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    It has been well-known that topological phenomena with fractional excitations, i.e., the fractional quantum Hall effect (FQHE) \cite{Tsui1982} will emerge when electrons move in Landau levels. In this letter, we report the discovery of the FQHE in the absence of Landau levels in an interacting fermion model. The non-interacting part of our Hamiltonian is the recently proposed topologically nontrivial flat band model on the checkerboard lattice \cite{sun}. In the presence of nearest-neighboring repulsion (UU), we find that at 1/3 filling, the Fermi-liquid state is unstable towards FQHE. At 1/5 filling, however, a next-nearest-neighboring repulsion is needed for the occurrence of the 1/5 FQHE when UU is not too strong. We demonstrate the characteristic features of these novel states and determine the phase diagram correspondingly.Comment: 6 pages and 4 figure

    From Rotating Atomic Rings to Quantum Hall States

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    Considerable efforts are currently devoted to the preparation of ultracold neutral atoms in the emblematic strongly correlated quantum Hall regime. The routes followed so far essentially rely on thermodynamics, i.e. imposing the proper Hamiltonian and cooling the system towards its ground state. In rapidly rotating 2D harmonic traps the role of the transverse magnetic field is played by the angular velocity. For particle numbers significantly larger than unity, the required angular momentum is very large and it can be obtained only for spinning frequencies extremely near to the deconfinement limit; consequently, the required control on experimental parameters turns out to be far too stringent. Here we propose to follow instead a dynamic path starting from the gas confined in a rotating ring. The large moment of inertia of the fluid facilitates the access to states with a large angular momentum, corresponding to a giant vortex. The initial ring-shaped trapping potential is then adiabatically transformed into a harmonic confinement, which brings the interacting atomic gas in the desired quantum Hall regime. We provide clear numerical evidence that for a relatively broad range of initial angular frequencies, the giant vortex state is adiabatically connected to the bosonic ν=1/2\nu=1/2 Laughlin state, and we discuss the scaling to many particles.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    High field level crossing studies on spin dimers in the low dimensional quantum spin system Na2_2T2_2(C2_2O4_4)3_3(H2_2O)2_2 with T=Ni,Co,Fe,Mn

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    In this paper we demonstrate the application of high magnetic fields to study the magnetic properties of low dimensional spin systems. We present a case study on the series of 2-leg spin-ladder compounds Na2_2T2_2(C2_2O4_4)3_3(H2_2O)2_2 with T = Ni, Co, Fe and Mn. In all compounds the transition metal is in the T2+T^{2+} high spin configuation. The localized spin varies from S=1 to 3/2, 2 and 5/2 within this series. The magnetic properties were examined experimentally by magnetic susceptibility, pulsed high field magnetization and specific heat measurements. The data are analysed using a spin hamiltonian description. Although the transition metal ions form structurally a 2-leg ladder, an isolated dimer model consistently describes the observations very well. This behaviour can be understood in terms of the different coordination and superexchange angles of the oxalate ligands along the rungs and legs of the 2-leg spin ladder. All compounds exhibit magnetic field driven ground state changes which at very low temperatures lead to a multistep behaviour in the magnetization curves. In the Co and Fe compounds a strong axial anisotropy induced by the orbital magnetism leads to a nearly degenerate ground state and a strongly reduced critical field. We find a monotonous decrease of the intradimer magnetic exchange if the spin quantum number is increased

    Spectral weight transfer in a disorder-broadened Landau level

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    In the absence of disorder, the degeneracy of a Landau level (LL) is N=BA/ϕ0N=BA/\phi_0, where BB is the magnetic field, AA is the area of the sample and ϕ0=h/e\phi_0=h/e is the magnetic flux quantum. With disorder, localized states appear at the top and bottom of the broadened LL, while states in the center of the LL (the critical region) remain delocalized. This well-known phenomenology is sufficient to explain most aspects of the Integer Quantum Hall Effect (IQHE) [1]. One unnoticed issue is where the new states appear as the magnetic field is increased. Here we demonstrate that they appear predominantly inside the critical region. This leads to a certain ``spectral ordering'' of the localized states that explains the stripes observed in measurements of the local inverse compressibility [2-3], of two-terminal conductance [4], and of Hall and longitudinal resistances [5] without invoking interactions as done in previous work [6-8].Comment: 5 pages 3 figure

    Paired and clustered quantum Hall states

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    We briefly summarize properties of quantum Hall states with a pairing or clustering property. Their study employs a fundamental connection with parafermionic Conformal Field Theories. We report on closed form expressions for the many-body wave functions and on multiplicities of the fundamental quasi-hole excitations.Comment: 13 pages, Contribution to the proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop "Statistical Field Theories" Como (Italy), June 18-23 200

    Reading, Trauma and Literary Caregiving 1914-1918: Helen Mary Gaskell and the War Library

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    This article is about the relationship between reading, trauma and responsive literary caregiving in Britain during the First World War. Its analysis of two little-known documents describing the history of the War Library, begun by Helen Mary Gaskell in 1914, exposes a gap in the scholarship of war-time reading; generates a new narrative of "how," "when," and "why" books went to war; and foregrounds gender in its analysis of the historiography. The Library of Congress's T. W. Koch discovered Gaskell's ground-breaking work in 1917 and reported its successes to the American Library Association. The British Times also covered Gaskell's library, yet researchers working on reading during the war have routinely neglected her distinct model and method, skewing the research base on war-time reading and its association with trauma and caregiving. In the article's second half, a literary case study of a popular war novel demonstrates the extent of the "bitter cry for books." The success of Gaskell's intervention is examined alongside H. G. Wells's representation of textual healing. Reading is shown to offer sick, traumatized and recovering combatants emotional and psychological caregiving in ways that she could not always have predicted and that are not visible in the literary/historical record

    Statistically induced phase transitions and anyons in 1D optical lattices

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    Anyons-particles carrying fractional statistics that interpolate between bosons and fermions-have been conjectured to exist in low-dimensional systems. In the context of the fractional quantum Hall effect, quasi-particles made of electrons take the role of anyons whose statistical exchange phase is fixed by the filling factor. Here we propose an experimental setup to create anyons in one-dimensional lattices with fully tuneable exchange statistics. In our setup, anyons are created by bosons with occupation-dependent hopping amplitudes, which can be realized by assisted Raman tunnelling. The statistical angle can thus be controlled in situ by modifying the relative phase of external driving fields. This opens the fascinating possibility of smoothly transmuting bosons via anyons into fermions and of inducing a phase transition by the mere control of the particle statistics as a free parameter. In particular, we demonstrate how to induce a quantum phase transition from a superfluid into an exotic Mott-like state where the particle distribution exhibits plateaus at fractional densities

    Nucleocytoplasmic transport: a thermodynamic mechanism

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    The nuclear pore supports molecular communication between cytoplasm and nucleus in eukaryotic cells. Selective transport of proteins is mediated by soluble receptors, whose regulation by the small GTPase Ran leads to cargo accumulation in, or depletion from the nucleus, i.e., nuclear import or nuclear export. We consider the operation of this transport system by a combined analytical and experimental approach. Provocative predictions of a simple model were tested using cell-free nuclei reconstituted in Xenopus egg extract, a system well suited to quantitative studies. We found that accumulation capacity is limited, so that introduction of one import cargo leads to egress of another. Clearly, the pore per se does not determine transport directionality. Moreover, different cargo reach a similar ratio of nuclear to cytoplasmic concentration in steady-state. The model shows that this ratio should in fact be independent of the receptor-cargo affinity, though kinetics may be strongly influenced. Numerical conservation of the system components highlights a conflict between the observations and the popular concept of transport cycles. We suggest that chemical partitioning provides a framework to understand the capacity to generate concentration gradients by equilibration of the receptor-cargo intermediary.Comment: in press at HFSP Journal, vol 3 16 text pages, 1 table, 4 figures, plus Supplementary Material include