32 research outputs found
Validating VCP using model based approach
Verification cases and procedures (VCP) are required to provide the procedure and approach to verify the functional and non-functional requirements of a system on target. Reviews are required to check the correctness and completeness of these VCP's which depends on time and reviewer's experience. This paper proposes a novel approach to validate VCPs that are created using conventional method. Modeling of the functional requirements [1] [2] is carried out using Matlab Simulink R2013a. The approach has been evaluated for correctness by running it on one of the critical functionalities of an indigenously developed safety critical system
Structural Optimization of RC Columns in a Multi-storeyed Building by Tree-Columns Subjected to Lateral Loads
It has become the agenda to use the bottom storey as the parking area in the multi-storey buildings and it has been quite a disturbance caused by RCC columns occupying more while projecting down to the ground. To get rid of this disturbance and for the aesthetic appearance, the number of columns in the bottom storey has to be reduced so that number of the footing will also get reduced. To achieve this, the five-storey RCC framed structure of plan area 30m X 33m which is assumed to be situated in Chennai with each storey height of 4m is modelled in STAAD Pro software in the way that the loads from the four columns present in the ends of each room will be transferring to the single-column placed in the centre of each room at the bottom storey. Then the necessary loads such as Gravity loads, Seismic loads, Wind loads, and software-generated automatic load combinations were applied to the generated model and the analysis was carried out. Similarly, the conventional model of the same plan was also analyzed by STAAD Pro software with the same set of load cases, and a comparative study of structural parameters such as bending moment, shear force, and deflection was done. Finally, both the models were designed as per IS code and Cost analysis between the two models was carried out
நொச்சியூரணி கடலோர அலையிடைப்பகுதியில் கடற்பாசிகளின் பல்லுயிரி வளமும் அதன் பரவலும்
மன்னார் வளைகுடாப் பகுதியில் அமைந்துள்ள நொச்சியூரணி கடலோர அலையிடைப்பகுதி கடற்பாசி மிகுந்த கடற்கரைப்பகுதியாகும். 2014 ஆம் ஆண்டு ஒன்பது இடங்களில் இக்கடற்கரைப்பகுதியில் நடத்தப்பட்ட ஓராண்டு ஆய்வில் 22 வகையான கடற்பாசிகள் காணப்படுவது கண்டறியப்பட்டது. நொச்சியூரணி கடலோர அலையிடைப்பகுதியானது பாறைகளைக் கொண்டுள்ளதால் கடற்பாசிகள் பிடித்து வளர்வதற்கு ஏற்ற இயற்கை சூழலுடன் உகந்ததாக அமைந்திருப்பதுடன் அதிகளவு மனித நடமாட்டம் இன்றி காணப்படுவதாலும், இடையூறுகள் ஏதுமின்றி பல்வகை கடற்பாசிகள் கடற்கரைக்கு வெகு அருகாமையில் பல்கிப்பெருகி வளர்வதற்கு காரணமாக அமைந்துள்ளதெனக் கண்டறியப்பட்டன
Pathogenicity and proteome production of Isaria fumosorosea (=Paecilomyces Fumosoroseus) (WISE) isolates against lemon butterfly, Papilio demoleus (Papilionidae: lepidoptera)
The pathogenic potential and catalytic triad conserved amino acids of the isolates Isaria fumosorosea (=Paecilomyces fumosoroseus) (Ifr1 and Ifr2) in response to Papilio demoleus was analysed. The isolates showed its potential in killing P. demoleus causing mortality of 72.23 and 61.90% at the end of 8 days with 108 spores ml-1 concentrations. The enzyme assays (higher proteolytic and chitinolytic activity) also showed that the Ifr2 was more efficient than Ifr1. The predictions of catalytic triads (serine, histidine and asparagine) were also visualized in the peak level obtained in infra-red (IR) and H1 nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra. With this information it was suggested that, partial characterization of catalytic domain was predicted in the fungal isolates Ifr.Keywords: Entomopathogenic fungi, Isaria fumosorosea, Papilio demoleus, biological control.African Journal of Biotechnology, Vol 13(43) 4176-418