759 research outputs found

    Paths in r-partite self-complementary graphs

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    AbstractThis paper aims at finding best possible paths in r-partite self-complementary (r-p.s c.) graphs G(r). It is shown that, every connected bi-p.s.c. graphs G(2) of order p. with a bi-partite complementing permutation (bi-p.c.p) σ having mixed cycles, has a (p-3)-path and this result is best possible. Further, if the graph induced on each cycle of bi-p.c.p. of G(2) is connected then G(2) has a hamiltonian path. Lastly the fact that every r-p.s.c graph with an r-partite of σ has non-empty intersection with at least four partitions of G(r), has a hamiltonian path, is established. The graph obtained from G(r) by adding a vertex u constituting (r + 1)-st partition of G(r), which is the fixed point of σ∗ = (u)σ also has a hamiltonian path The last two results generalize the result that every self-complementary graph has a hamiltonian path

    Sugar Cane Refining And Processing Company: A Comprehensive Case In Capital Budgeting

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    The Sugar Cane Refining and Processing Company is a comprehensive case covering a firm’s investment decision in fixed assets or capital budgeting.  Most senior level undergraduate and graduate corporate financial management courses cover advanced topics in capital budgeting, including measuring complex cash flows, biasness in the capital budgeting process, agency issues, managerial options and risk adjusting techniques.  To cover these relevant topics in a single case, the invented or “armchair” approach is used.  This case is completely contrived but is very educationally effective

    Stacked Dual Oxide Nano MOS Parameter Optimization For 3-D IC Realization

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    AbstractWith advent of nano technology, a threshold voltage of a MOSFET can be engineered. In order to increase the packing density of the transistors on multicore processor/SOC with FPGA and processor, and 3-D IC realization, stacking of materials are necessary with lesser parasites like capacitance, voltage drop etc. In this paper, we present Silicon as a base material and metal like TiN (Titanium Nitride) as top layer is analyzed. The parameters of the different stacked materials are optimized to achieve required CStack (Stack Capacitance) and VTh. It is used explore the behavior of dual oxide MOS parameters like oxide material, electron affinity, bandgap, dielectric constant, and thickness

    Development of an Abstract Model for a Non-volatile Static Random Access Memory

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    The capability to protect against power fluctuations, which eventually prevents the corruption of the memory contents makes non-volatile static random access memory a very good choice for use in highly reliability applications. These random access memories are protected against data writing in addition to preserving the desired contents. Energy source and control circuitries are embedded into it for achieving the same. The control circuitry constantly monitors supply voltage level, inhibits data corruption, and switches on the energy source once it falls beyond a threshold level. In this paper, development of an abstract model for such a non-volatile static random access memory chip has been presented. Test sequences based on this model have been generated for this memory chip. These test sequences have been implemented in VLSI tester and exercised on the chips

    Celebration-induced air quality over a tropical urban station, Pune, India

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    AbstractIn this paper, we studied the regional aerosol and air quality over an urban location, Pune, India during the period from 8 to 18 November 2012, encompassing a major Indian celebration, namely, Diwali Festival (12–14 November 2012) and also a clean (control) day (9 November 2012). A suit of ground–based measurements, employing solar radiometers (Microtops II and Cimel Sun–sky radiometer), Nephelometer, and satellite observations carried out over the study region have been applied for these investigations. The study revealed many interesting results which include (i) almost four–fold enhancement in AOD and fine mode dominated aerosol size distribution (ASD) during Diwali compared to clean day conditions; (ii) higher columnar water vapor (H2O), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and lower ozone (O3) during Diwali period; (iii) higher cooling at bottom (–117W m−2) and top of the atmosphere (–33W m−2) and warming (+82W m−2) in the atmosphere during the festival period, (iv) abundance of fine mode anthropogenic scattering particles associated with greater real part and smaller imaginary part of refractive index, and higher single scattering albedo, (v) higher backscattering coefficient revealing intrusion of more aerosol particles, higher depolarization ratio indicating particles of non–spherical nature, presence of water–phase particles, more polluted smoke and dust particles, (vi) greater attenuation and poor horizontal/vertical visibility, and (vii) dominance of urban industrial/biomass burning aerosols among other aerosol types. These results have been compared with concurrent satellite products and found to be consistent. The results have been further explained with local meteorology, back–trajectory analysis and satellite rapid response images

    Assessment of eosinophils in gastrointestinal inflammatory disease of dogs

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    Background Accurate identification of eosinophils in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract of dogs with eosinophilic GI disease (EGID) by histological evaluation is challenging. The currently used hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining method detects intact eosinophils but does not detect degranulated eosinophils, thus potentially underrepresenting the number of infiltrating eosinophils. Objective To develop a more sensitive method for identifying and quantifying both intact and degranulated eosinophils to diagnose EGID more accurately. Methods Endoscopically obtained paraffin‐embedded intestinal biopsy specimens from dogs with GI signs were examined. The study groups were dogs with eosinophilic enteritis (EE), lymphoplasmacytic and mixed enteritis, and control dogs with GI signs but no histologic changes on tissue sections. Consecutive sections were immunolabeled with monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) against the eosinophil granule protein eosinophil peroxidase (Epx) and stained by H&E, respectively. The number of eosinophils was manually quantified and classified as intact or degranulated. Results The number of intact eosinophils detected in Epx mAb‐labeled duodenal sections was significantly higher compared with that in H&E‐stained sections, with a similar relationship noted in the colon and stomach. The Epx mAb allowed the unique assessment of eosinophil degranulation. The number of intact and degranulated eosinophils was significantly higher in duodenal lamina propria of the EE and mixed group compared to the control group. Conclusion Immunohistochemical detection of Epx provides a more precise method to detect GI tract eosinophils compared to H&E staining and could be used as an alternative and reliable diagnostic tool for assessment of biopsy tissues from dogs with EGID

    Mesoscale magnetism at the grain boundaries in colossal magnetoresistive films

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    We report the discovery of mesoscale regions with distinctive magnetic properties in epitaxial La1−x_{1-x}Srx_{x}MnO3_{3} films which exhibit tunneling-like magnetoresistance across grain boundaries. By using temperature-dependent magnetic force microscopy we observe that the mesoscale regions are formed near the grain boundaries and have a different Curie temperature (up to 20 K {\it higher}) than the grain interiors. Our images provide direct evidence for previous speculations that the grain boundaries in thin films are not magnetically and electronically sharp interfaces. The size of the mesoscale regions varies with temperature and nature of the underlying defect.Comment: 4 pages of text, 4 figure

    A Multi-model Analysis of Post-2020 Mitigation Efforts of Five Major Economies

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    This paper looks into the regional mitigation strategies of five major economies (China, EU, India, Japan and USA) in the context of the 2 degrees C target, using a multi-model comparison. In order to stay in line with the 2 degrees C target, a tripling or quadrupling of mitigation ambitions is required in all regions by 2050, employing vigorous decarbonization of the energy supply system and achieving negative emissions during the second half of the century. In all regions looked at, decarbonization of energy supply (and in particular power generation) is more important than reducing energy demand. Some differences in abatement strategies across the regions are projected: In India and the USA the emphasis is on prolonging fossil fuel use by coupling conventional technologies with carbon storage, whereas the other main strategy depicts a shift to carbon-neutral technologies with mostly renewables (China, EU) or nuclear power (Japan). Regions with access to large amounts of biomass, such as the USA, China and the EU, can make a trade-off between energy related emissions and land related emissions, as the use of bioenergy can lead to a net increase in land use emissions. After supply-side changes, the most important abatement strategy focuses on enduse efficiency improvements, leading to considerable emission reductions in both the industry and transport sectors across all regions. Abatement strategies for non-CO2 emissions and land use emissions are found to have a smaller potential. Inherent model, as well as collective, biases have been observed affecting the regional response strategy or the available reduction potential in specific (end-use) sectors

    A 3D Map of the Human Genome at Kilobase Resolution Reveals Principles of Chromatin Looping

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    SummaryWe use in situ Hi-C to probe the 3D architecture of genomes, constructing haploid and diploid maps of nine cell types. The densest, in human lymphoblastoid cells, contains 4.9 billion contacts, achieving 1 kb resolution. We find that genomes are partitioned into contact domains (median length, 185 kb), which are associated with distinct patterns of histone marks and segregate into six subcompartments. We identify ∌10,000 loops. These loops frequently link promoters and enhancers, correlate with gene activation, and show conservation across cell types and species. Loop anchors typically occur at domain boundaries and bind CTCF. CTCF sites at loop anchors occur predominantly (>90%) in a convergent orientation, with the asymmetric motifs “facing” one another. The inactive X chromosome splits into two massive domains and contains large loops anchored at CTCF-binding repeats.PaperFlic

    Changes in capital allocation practices – ERM and organisational change

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    This paper aims to study changes in capital allocation routines following the introduction of a new risk management system, enterprise risk management (ERM). Based on an institutional framework and empirical evidence from multiple sources in a large UK insurance company, we evaluated the extent and nature of organisational change. ERM was seen as an external driver to the change in the existing routines, which in turn led to internal changes in new capital allocation routines. The change was extreme, which signifies that existing capital allocation routines were not strong enough to deal with ERM as a key driver of change
