854 research outputs found

    A connection between the morphology of the X-ray emission and rotation for solar-type stars in open clusters

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    It is suggested that the three-segmented morphology of the soft X-ray emission from cluster and field stars may be understood in terms of the recent classification of rotating stars into three kinds: those lying on the convective sequence, on the interface sequence, or in the gap between them.Comment: 7 pages, 1 (color) figure, accepted by ApJ Letter

    Rotation periods of late-type stars in the young open cluster IC 2602

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    We present the results of a monitoring campaign aimed at deriving rotation periods for a representative sample of stars in the young (30 Myr) open cluster IC 2602. Rotation periods were derived for 29 of 33 stars monitored. The periods derived range from 0.2d (one of the shortest known rotation periods of any single open cluster star) to about 10d (which is almost twice as long as the longest period previously known for a cluster of this age). We are able to confirm 8 previously known periods and derive 21 new ones, delineating the long period end of the distribution. Despite our sensitivity to longer periods, we do not detect any variables with periods longer than about 10d. The combination of these data with those for IC 2391, an almost identical cluster, leads to the following conclusions: 1) The fast rotators in a 30 Myr cluster are distributed across the entire 0.5 < B-V < 1.6 color range. 2) 6 stars in our sample are slow rotators, with periods longer than 6d. 3) The amplitude of variability depends on both the color and the period. The dependence on the latter might be important in understanding the selection effects in the currently available rotation period database and in planning future observations. 4) The interpretation of these data in terms of theoretical models of rotating stars suggests both that disk-interaction is the norm rather than the exception in young stars and that disk-locking times range from zero to a few Myr.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    X-Shooter spectroscopy of FU Tau A

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    We have analyzed a broad-band optical and near-infrared spectrum of FU Tau A, a presumed young brown dwarf in the Taurus star forming region that has intrigued both theorists and observers by its over-luminosity in the HR diagram with respect to standard pre-main sequence evolutionary models. The new data, obtained with the X-Shooter spectrograph at the Very Large Telescope, include an unprecedented wealth of information on stellar parameters and simultaneously observed accretion and outflow indicators for FU Tau A. We present the first measurements of gravity (log g = 3.5 +- 0.5), radial velocity (RV = 22.5 +- 2.9 km/s), rotational velocity (v sin(i) = 20 +- 5 km/s) and lithium equivalent width (W_Li = 430 +- 20 mAA) for FUTau A. From the rotational velocity and the published period we infer a disk inclination of i ~ 50^deg. The lithium content is much lower than theoretically expected for such a young very low mass object, adding another puzzling feature to this object's properties. We determine the mass accretion rate of FU Tau A from comparison of the luminosities of 24 emission lines to empirical calibrations from the literature and find a mean of log (dM/dt)_acc [M_sun/yr] = -9.9 +- 0.2. The accretion rate determined independently from modeling of the excess emission in the Balmer and Paschen continua is consistent with this value. The corresponding accretion luminosity is too small to make a significant contribution to the bolometric luminosity. The existence of an outflow in FU Tau A is demonstrated through the first detection of forbidden emission lines from which we obtain an estimate for the mass loss rate, log (dM/dt)_out [M_sun/yr] < -10.4. The mass outflow and inflow rates can be combined to yield (dM/dt)_out / (dM/dt)_acc ~ 0.3, a value that is in agreement with jet launching models.Comment: 12 pages, accepted for publication in A&

    A New X-Ray Analysis of the Open Cluster Blanco 1 Using Wide-Field BVIc Photometric and Proper Motion Surveys

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    We perform a new analysis of the extant ROSAT and XMM-Newton X-ray surveys of the southern open cluster Blanco 1, utilizing new BVIc photometric and proper motion data sets. In our study, we match optical counterparts to 47 X-ray sources associated with Blanco 1 cluster members, 6 of which were listed in previous X-ray studies as cluster nonmembers. Our new catalog of optical counterparts to X-ray sources clearly traces out the Blanco 1 main sequence in a CMD, extending from early G to mid-M spectral types. Additionally, we derive new Lx as well as Lx/Lbol ratios for confirmed cluster members. We compare these X-ray properties to other young open clusters, including the coeval Pleiades cluster, to investigate the relationship between age and X-ray activity. We find that stars in Blanco 1 generally exhibit X-ray properties similar to those of other open clusters, namely increasing Lx/Lbol with reducing mass for earlier-type stars, and a saturation limit of Lx/Lbol at a magnitude of 10^-3 for stars with V-Ic > 1.25. More generally, the X-ray detected stars in Blanco 1 have X-ray emission magnitudes that agree with the overall trends seen in the other young clusters. In a direct comparison of Blanco 1 to the Pleiades open cluster, members of both clusters have similar X-ray characteristics; however, there does appear to be some discrepancies in the distribution of Lx/Lbol as a function of color that may be related to scatter seen in the Pleiades CMD. Moreover, previous comparisons of this nature for Blanco 1 were not possible due to the reliance on photographic photometry. This is where the power of precise, homogeneous, and standardized CCD photometry allows for a high fidelity, detailed study of the X-ray properties of stars in Blanco 1. [abridged]Comment: 16 Pages, 11 Figures, 4 Tables, accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journa

    Open clusters as key tracers of Galactic chemical evolution. III. Element abundances in Berkeley 20, Berkeley 29, Collinder 261, and Melotte 66

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    Galactic open clusters are since long recognized as one of the best tools for investigating the radial distribution of iron and other metals. We employed FLAMES at VLT to collect UVES spectra of bright giant stars in a large sample of open clusters, spanning a wide range of Galactocentric distances, ages, and metallicities. We present here the results for four clusters: Berkeley 20 and Berkeley 29, the two most distant clusters in the sample; Collinder 261, the oldest and the one with the minimum Galactocentric distance; Melotte 66. Equivalent width analysis was carried out using the spectral code MOOG and Kurucz model atmospheres to derive abundances of Fe, Al, Mg, Si, Ca, Ti, Cr, Ni, Ba; non-LTE Na abundances were derived by direct line-profile fitting. We obtain subsolar metallicities for the two anticenter clusters Be 20 ([Fe/H]=-0.30, rms=0.02) and Be 29 ([Fe/H]=-0.31, rms=0.03), and for Mel 66 ([Fe/H]=-0.33, rms=0.03), located in the third Galactic quadrant, while Cr 261, located toward the Galactic center, has higher metallicity ([Fe/H]=+0.13, rms=0.05 dex). The alpha-elements Si, Ca and Ti, and the Fe-peak elements Cr and Ni are in general close to solar; the s-process element Ba is enhanced. Non-LTE computations of Na abundances indicate solar scaled values, suggesting that the enhancement in Na previously determined in giants in open clusters could be due to neglected non-LTE effects. Our results support the presence of a steep negative slope of the Fe radial gradient up to about 10-11 kpc from the Galactic center, while in the outer disk the [Fe/H] distribution seems flat. All the elemental ratios measured are in very good agreement with those found for disk stars of similar metallicity and no trend with Galactocentric distance seems to be present.Comment: Accepted for publication on A&

    The Factory and The Beehive II. Activity and Rotation in Praesepe and the Hyades

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    Open clusters are collections of stars with a single, well-determined age, and can be used to investigate the connections between angular-momentum evolution and magnetic activity over a star's lifetime. We present the results of a comparative study of the relationship between stellar rotation and activity in two benchmark open clusters: Praesepe and the Hyades. As they have the same age and roughly solar metallicity, these clusters serve as an ideal laboratory for testing the agreement between theoretical and empirical rotation-activity relations at \approx600 Myr. We have compiled a sample of 720 spectra --- more than half of which are new observations --- for 516 high-confidence members of Praesepe; we have also obtained 139 new spectra for 130 high-confidence Hyads. We have collected rotation periods (ProtP_{rot}) for 135 Praesepe members and 87 Hyads. To compare HαH\alpha emission, an indicator of chromospheric activity, as a function of color, mass, and Rossby number RoR_o, we first calculate an expanded set of χ\chi values, with which we can obtain the HαH\alpha to bolometric luminosity ratio, LHα/LbolL_{H\alpha}/L_{bol}, even when spectra are not flux-calibrated and/or stars lack reliable distances. Our χ\chi values cover a broader range of stellar masses and colors (roughly equivalent to spectral types from K0 to M9), and exhibit better agreement between independent calculations, than existing values. We find no difference between the two clusters in their HαH\alpha equivalent width or LHα/LbolL_{H\alpha}/L_{bol} distributions, and therefore take the merged HαH\alpha and ProtP_{rot} data to be representative of 600-Myr-old stars. Our analysis shows that HαH\alpha activity in these stars is saturated for Ro0.110.03+0.02R_o\leq0.11^{+0.02}_{-0.03}. Above that value activity declines as a power-law with slope β=0.730.12+0.16\beta=-0.73^{+0.16}_{-0.12}, before dropping off rapidly at Ro0.4R_o\approx0.4...Comment: 17 pages, 15 figures, Accepted by Ap

    Element abundances in the metal rich open cluster NGC6253

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    We have carried out a big FLAMES survey of 10 Galactic open clusters aiming at different goals. One of them is the determination of chemical abundances, in order to put constraints on the radial metallicity gradient in the disk and its evolution. One of the sample clusters is the very metal rich NGC 6253. We have obtained UVES high resolution spectra of seven candidate cluster members (from the turn off up to the red clump) with the goal of determining the chemical composition of NGC 6253 and to investigate its origin and role in the interpretation of the radial metallicity gradient in the disk. Equivalent width analysis and spectral synthesis were performed using MOOG and Kurucz model atmospheres. We derived abundances of Fe, alpha- and Fe-peak elements, the light element Na and the s-process element Ba. Excluding two likely non-members and the clump giant, whose metallicity from equivalent widths is overestimated, we find an average [Fe/H]=+0.36+/-0.07 (rms) for the cluster. For most of the other elements we derive solar abundance ratios.Comment: accepted by A&A (02/01/2007), 21 pages, 11 ps figure

    Lithium abundances from the 6104A line in cool Pleiades stars

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    Lithium abundances determined by spectral synthesis from both the 6708A resonance line and the 6104 subordinate line are reported for 11 late-type Pleiades stars, including spectra previously analysed by Russell (1996). We report a 0.7 dex scatter in the abundances from 6708A, and a scatter at least as large from the 6104A line. We find a reasonable correllation between the 6104A and 6708A Li abundances, although four stars have 6104A-determined abundances which are significantly larger than the 6708-determined values, by up to 0.5 dex, suggesting problems with the homogeneous, one-dimensional atmospheres being used. We show that these discrepancies can be explained, although probably not uniquely, by the presence of star spots with plausible coverage fractions. The addition of spots does not significantly reduce the apparent scatter in Li abundances, leaving open the possibility that at least some of the spread is caused by real star-to-star differences in pre-main- sequence Li depletion.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures; Accepted by A&A 17/05/0

    X-Shooter spectroscopy of young stellar objects: II. Impact of chromospheric emission on accretion rate estimates

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    Context. The lack of knowledge of photospheric parameters and the level of chromospheric activity in young low-mass pre-main sequence stars introduces uncertainties when measuring mass accretion rates in accreting (Class II) Young Stellar Objects. A detailed investigation of the effect of chromospheric emission on the estimates of mass accretion rate in young low-mass stars is still missing. This can be undertaken using samples of young diskless (Class III) K and M-type stars. Aims. Our goal is to measure the chromospheric activity of Class III pre main sequence stars to determine its effect on the estimates of accretion luminosity (Lacc) and mass accretion rate (Macc) in young stellar objects with disks. Methods. Using VLT/X-Shooter spectra we have analyzed a sample of 24 non-accreting young stellar objects of spectral type between K5 and M9.5. We identify the main emission lines normally used as tracers of accretion in Class II objects, and we determine their fluxes in order to estimate the contribution of the chromospheric activity to the line luminosity. Results. We have used the relationships between line luminosity and accretion luminosity derived in the literature for Class II objects to evaluate the impact of chromospheric activity on the accretion rate measurements. We find that the typical chromospheric activity would bias the derived accretion luminosity by Lacc,noise< 10-3Lsun, with a strong dependence with the Teff of the objects. The noise on Macc depends on stellar mass and age, and the typical values of log(Macc,noise) range between -9.2 to -11.6Msun/yr. Conclusions. Values of Lacc< 10-3Lsun obtained in accreting low-mass pre main sequence stars through line luminosity should be treated with caution as the line emission may be dominated by the contribution of chromospheric activity.Comment: accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic