89 research outputs found

    Signature of Randall-Sundrum Quantum Gravity model in γγ\gamma\gamma scattering in the TeV range

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    We examine the implications of the Randall-Sundrum gravity models on γγ\gamma\gamma scattering in the TeV range.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Neutrino lensing and modification of Newtonian gravity at large distances

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    The nature of the modification to neutrino lensing from galaxies, as caused by possible modifications to Newtonian gravity at large distances, is studied.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figur

    Black Hole Production at LHC: String Balls and Black Holes from pp and Lead-lead Collisions

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    If the fundamental planck scale is near a TeV, then parton collisions with high enough center-of-mass energy should produce black holes. The production rate for such black holes at LHC has been extensively studied for the case of a proton-proton collision. In this paper, we extend this analysis to a lead-lead collision at LHC. We find that the cross section for small black holes which may in principle be produced in such a collision is either enhanced or suppressed, depending upon the black hole mass. For example, for black holes with a mass around 3 TeV we find that the differential black hole production cross section, d\sigma/dM, in a typical lead-lead collision is up to 90 times larger than that for black holes produced in a typical proton-proton collision. We also discuss the cross-sections for `string ball' production in these collisions. For string balls of mass about 1 (2) TeV, we find that the differential production cross section in a typical lead-lead collision may be enhanced by a factor up to 3300 (850) times that of a proton-proton collision at LHC.Comment: Added some discussion, final version to appear in Phys. Rev. D (rapid communications

    Kaluza-Klein Structure Associated With Fat Brane

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    It is known that the imposition of orbifold boundary conditions on background scalar field can give rise to a non-trivial vacuum expectation value (VEV) along extra dimensions, which in turn generates fat branes and associated unconventional Kaluza-Klein (KK) towers of fermions. We study the structure of these KK towers in the limit of one large extra dimension and show that normalizable (bound) states of massless and massive fermions can exist at both orbifold fixed points. Closer look however indicates that orbifold boundary conditions act to suppress at least half of bound KK modes, while periodic boundary conditions tend to drive the high-lying modes to the conventional structure. By investigating the scattering of fermions on branes, we analytically compute masses and wavefunctions of KK spectra in the presence of these boundary conditions up to one-loop level. Implication of KK-number non-conservation couplings on the Coulomb potential is also examined.Comment: RevTex4, 29 pages, 7 ps figures, new references adde

    Possible Z-width probe of a "brane-world" scenario for neutrino masses

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    The possibility that the accurately known value of the Z width might furnish information about the coupling of two neutrinos to the Majoron (Nambu-Goldstone boson of spontaneous lepton number violation) is proposed and investigated in detail. Both the "ordinary" case and the case in which one adopts a "brane" world picture with the Majoron free to travel in extra dimensions are studied. Bounds on the dimensionless coupling constants are obtained, allowing for any number of extra dimensions and any intrinsic mass scale. These bounds may be applied to a variety of different Majoron models. If a technically natural see-saw model is adopted, the predicted coupling constants are far below these upper bounds. In addition, for this natural model, the effect of extra dimensions is to decrease the predicted partial Z width, the increase due to many Kaluza-Klein excitations being compensated by the decrease of their common coupling constant.Comment: RevTeX, 12 pages, 3 figure

    Modeling phase behavior for quantifying micro-pervaporation experiments

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    We present a theoretical model for the evolution of mixture concentrations in a micro-pervaporation device, similar to those recently presented experimentally. The described device makes use of the pervaporation of water through a thin PDMS membrane to build up a solute concentration profile inside a long microfluidic channel. We simplify the evolution of this profile in binary mixtures to a one-dimensional model which comprises two concentration-dependent coefficients. The model then provides a link between directly accessible experimental observations, such as the widths of dense phases or their growth velocity, and the underlying chemical potentials and phenomenological coefficients. It shall thus be useful for quantifying the thermodynamic and dynamic properties of dilute and dense binary mixtures.Comment: to be published in EPJ-

    Hierarchical Neutrino Mass Matrices, CP violation and Leptogenesis

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    In this work we study examples of hierarchical neutrino mass matrices inspired by family symmetries, compatible with experiments on neutrino oscillations, and for which there is a connection among the low energy CP violation phase associated to neutrino oscillations, the phases appearing in the amplitude of neutrinoless double beta decay, and the phases relevant for leptogenesis. In particular, we determine the predictions from a texture based on an underlying SU(3) family symmetry together with a GUT symmetry, and a strong hierarchy for the masses of the heavy right handed Majorana masses. We also give some examples of inverted hierarchies of neutrino masses, which may be motivated in the context of U(1) family symmetries.Comment: 34 pages. Replaced with published version -typos, corrections and references adde

    Field localization in warped gauge theories

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    We present four-dimensional gauge theories that describe physics on five-dimensional curved (warped) backgrounds, which includes bulk fields with various spins (vectors, spinors, and scalars). Field theory on the AdS5_5 geometry is examined as a simple example of our formulation. Various properties of bulk fields on this background, e.g., the mass spectrum and field localization behavior, can be achieved within a fully four-dimensional framework. Moreover, that gives a localization mechanism for massless vector fields. We also consider supersymmetric cases, and show in particular that the conditions on bulk masses imposed by supersymmetry on warped backgrounds are derived from a four-dimensional supersymmetric theory on the flat background. As a phenomenological application, models are shown to generate hierarchical Yukawa couplings. Finally, we discuss possible underlying mechanisms which dynamically realize the required couplings to generate curved geometries.Comment: 24 pages, 12 figures; more explanation of nonuniversal gauge couplings added, typos corrected, references update

    Vacuum Stability Higgs Mass Bound Revisited with Implications for Extra Dimension Theories

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    We take the standard model to be an effective theory including higher dimensional operators suppressed by scale Λ\Lambda and re-examine the higgs mass bounds from the requirements of vacuum stability. Our results show that the effects of the higher dimensional operators on the higgs mass limits are significant. As an implication of our results, we study the vacuum stability higgs mass bounds in theories with extra dimensions.Comment: Latex, 14 pages, 1 figure. Added references. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay from Singlet Neutrinos in Extra Dimensions

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    We study the model-building conditions under which a sizeable 0νββ0\nu\beta\beta-decay signal to the recently reported level of~0.4 eV is due to Kaluza--Klein singlet neutrinos in theories with large extra dimensions. Our analysis is based on 5-dimensional singlet-neutrino models compactified on an S1/Z2S^1/Z_2 orbifold, where the Standard--Model fields are localized on a 3-brane. We show that a successful interpretation of a positive signal within the above minimal 5-dimensional framework would require a non-vanishing shift of the 3-brane from the orbifold fixed points by an amount smaller than the typical scale (100 MeV)1^{-1} characterizing the Fermi nuclear momentum. The resulting 5-dimensional models predict a sizeable effective Majorana-neutrino mass that could be several orders of magnitude larger than the light neutrino masses. Most interestingly, the brane-shifted models with only one bulk sterile neutrino also predict novel trigonometric textures leading to mass scenarios with hierarchical active neutrinos and large νμ\nu_\mu-ντ\nu_\tau and νe\nu_e-νμ\nu_\mu mixings that can fully explain the current atmospheric and solar neutrino data.Comment: 33 pages, LaTeX, minor rewordings, references adde