27 research outputs found

    Nedostatak informacija o raku debelog crijeva i rektuma u široj javnosti mogao bi biti razlog niske stope odgovora na program probira

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    Introduction: In Croatia, about 3,500 patients are diagnosed with a colorectal carcinoma annually. The National Program for Early Detection of Colon Cancer has been implemented in Croatia since 2007. The program’s primary goal is todetect colon cancer at an early stage of the disease, which should reduce the incidence and mortality from colon cancer. Aim: To determine the interest of the target group in participating in the program, reasons for not responding to the program, and their knowledge about it altogether. Materials and methods: Surveying 50 patients within the program’s target group about their response to and understanding of reasons for screening. Results: Although 84% of the participants know about the program, the response rate was unsatisfactory. Conclusion: Most of the respondents who suffered from a colorectal carcinoma received a call but did not respond due to the absence of symptoms, which correlates with a low level of knowledge on colorectal carcinoma.Uvod: Godišnje u Hrvatskoj od kolorektalnog karcinoma oboli oko 3500 bolesnika. Nacionalni program ranog otkrivanja raka debelog crijeva u Hrvatskoj se provodi od 2007. godine. Primarni cilj programa je otkrivanje raka debelog crijeva u ranoj fazi bolesti, što bi trebalo smanjiti učestalost i smrtnost od raka debelog crijeva. Cilj: Utvrditi interes ciljne skupine za sudjelovanje u programu, razloge neodazivanja na program te njihovu ukupnu upućenost u program. Materijali i metode: Anketiranje 50 pacijenata unutar ciljne skupine programa o njihovom odgovoru i razumijevanju razloga za probir. Rezultati: Iako 84% sudionika zna za program, stopa odaziva nije bila zadovoljavajuća. Zaključak: Većina ispitanika koji su bolovali od kolorektalnog karcinoma primili su poziv, ali se nisu odazvali zbog nepostojanja simptoma, što korelira s niskom razinom znanja o kolorektalnom karcinomu

    Genetic heterogeneity of L-Zagreb mumps virus vaccine strain

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The most often used mumps vaccine strains Jeryl Lynn (JL), RIT4385, Urabe-AM9, L-Zagreb and L-3 differ in immunogenicity and reactogenicity. Previous analyses showed that JL, Urabe-AM9 and L-3 are genetically heterogeneous.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We identified the heterogeneity of L-Zagreb throughout the entire genome. Two major variants were defined: variant A being identical to the consensus sequence of viral seeds and vaccine(s) and variant B which differs from variant A in three nucleotide positions. The difference between viral variants in L-Zagreb strain is insufficient for distinct viral strains to be defined. We demonstrated that proportion of variants in L-Zagreb viral population depends on cell substrate used for viral replication in vitro and in vivo.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>L-Zagreb strain should be considered as a single strain composed of at least two variant viral genomes.</p

    Intraoperacijsko mjerenje paratiroidnog hormona u bolesnice s paratiroidnim adenomom

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    Primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT) is a disorder characterized by increased and uncontrolled parathyroid hormone secretion, a cause of hyperfunction of one or more parathyroid glands. In 80-85% of cases PHPT is caused by parathyroid adenoma. Persistent hyperparathyroidism leads to altered osseous metabolism involving bone resorption and tissue changes. In rare cases, approximately in every thirteenth patient with PHPT, the bone mass is suspected of being a neoplastic lesion – a so-called brown tumor induced by primary hyperparathyroidism. The only way of PHPT correction is a surgical removal of the hyperactive parathyroid glands. In this article we report the first case of intraoperative parathyroid hormone measurements for primary hyperparathyroidism in the Republic of Croatia. The possibility of intraoperative PTH monitoring provides extra safety for both the patient and the operator. Intraoperative PTH becomes an exact instructor (navigator) to the operator – surgeon. Based on the decreasing value of this peptide with a very short half-life, the surgeon makes immediate decision if the operation is completed or further excision of the parathyroid glands is required because of hyperplasia. A guarantee for successful diagnosis, which is a prerequisite for a correct treatment, is a multidisciplinary, continuous, systematic and synchronized cooperation of the whole and heterogeneous medical team, which includes clinicians, radiologists, cytologists, pathologists and medical biochemists.Primarni hiperparatireoidizam (pHPT) je stanje povećane i nekontrolirane sekrecije paratireoidne žlijezde radi hiperfunkcije jedne ili vi e paratireoidnih žlijezda. U 80-85% slučajeva pHPT je uzrokovan adenomom žlijezde. Ustrajan hiperparatireoidizam uzrokuje promjene u metabolizmu kostiju. Rijetko, približno u svakog tridesetog bolesnika s pHPT, mogu se razviti i ne-neoplastične lezije kostiju, tzv. sme|i tumor u primarnom hiperparatireoidizmu. Kirurško uklanjanje hiperaktivne žlijezde jedini je način korekcije stanja pHPT. Ovim se prikazom slučaja prvi put izvješćuje o intraoperativnom mjerenju koncentracije PTH u pHPT u Hrvatskoj. Monitoriranje intraoperativne koncentracije PTH pruža mogućnost dodatne sigurnosti za bolesnika i operatera, te ujedno postaje egzaktan vodič (navigator) operateru-kirurgu, koji na temelju pada vrijednosti ovog peptida izrazito kratkog vremena poluživota donosi trenutnu odluku o tomu je li operacija završena ili je potrebno daljnje uklanjanje paratireoidnih žlijezda zbog hiperplazije. Jamstvo uspješne dijagnoze, koja je preduvjet pravilnog liječenja, jest kontinuirana multidisciplinarna, sistematična i sinkronizirana suradnja cijelog i raznorodnog medicinskog tima koji uključuje kliničara, radiologa, citologa, patologa i medicinskog biokemičara

    Protein speciation is likely to increase the chance of proteins to be determined in 2-DE/MS

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    Multiple spotting due to protein speciation might increase a protein's chance of being captured in a random selection of 2-DE spots. We tested this expectation in new (PXD015649) and previously published 2-DE/MS data of porcine and human tissues. For comparison, we included bottom-up proteomics studies (BU-LC/MS) of corresponding biological materials. Analyses of altogether ten datasets proposed that amino acid modification fosters multispotting in 2-DE. Thus, the number of 2-DE spots containing a particular protein more tightly associated with a peptide diversity measure accounting for amino acid modification than with an alternative one disregarding it. Furthermore, every 11th amino acid was a post-translational modification candidate site in 2-DE/MS proteins, whereas in BU-LC/MS proteins this was merely the case in every 21st amino acid. Alternative splicing might contribute to multispotting, since genes encoding 2-DE/MS proteins were found to have on average about 0.3 more transcript variants than their counterparts from BU-LC/MS studies. Correspondingly, resolution completeness as estimated from the representation of transcript variant-rich genes was higher in 2-DE/MS than BU-LC/MS datasets. These findings suggest that the ability to resolve proteomes down to protein species can lead to enrichment of multispotting proteins in 2-DE/MS. Low sensitivity of stains and MS instruments appears to enhance this effect

    Efficacy of surgical treatment of primary hyperparathyreoidism using intraoperative PTH monitoring – one center experience

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    Uvod: Primarni hiperparatireoidizam liječi se kirurški. Opseg i uspješnost operacije ovise o točnosti prepoznavanja lokalizacije patološki promijenjene žlijezde dijagnostičkim pretragama prije operacije te o intraoperativnoj potvrdi uklanjanja izvora povišene koncentracije PTH. Materijali i metode: Učinjena je retrospektivna analiza bolesnika s dijagnozom primarnog hiperparatireoidizma liječenih u Klinici za tumore u periodu od 2012. do 2019. Godine. Uključena su 54 bolesnika s dijagnozom primarnog hiperparatireoidizma, jedna bolesnica operirana je dva puta. Raspon normalnih koncentracija intaktnog PTH je 15 – 65 pg/mL, a ukupnog kalcija 2,14 – 2,53 mmol/L. Preoperativna koncentracija PTH mjerena je nakon uvoda u opću anesteziju. Intraoperativna koncentracija PTH mjerena je 15 minuta nakon vađenja žlijezde koju smo smatrali zahvaćenom. Kriterij uspješno učinjene operacije bio je pad koncentracije PTH veći od 50% u odnosu na početnu vrijednost. U slučaju izostanka pada koncentracije PTH, prema odluci kirurga, a ovisno o intraoperativnoj situaciji, operacija je produljena traženjem zahvaćene žlijezde, te ponavljanim mjerenjem. Rezultati: Prosječna koncentracija PTH prije operacije bila je 117,4 (39,6 – 305,4) pg/mL, a ukupnog kalcija 2,75 (2,45 – 3,15) mmol/L. Prosječna koncentracija intraoperativnog PTH bila je 35,6 (8,1 – 198,6) pg/mL. Intraoperativne vrijednosti bile su 67,6% manje u odnosu na preoperativne. Kod 44 bolesnika bilo je dovoljno jedno intraoperativno mjerenje koncentracije PTH, dok je kod 11 bolesnika bilo potrebno više mjerenja. Prosječna koncentracija ukupnog kalcija šest mjeseci nakon operacije bila je 2,39 (1,96 – 2,7) mmol/L. Primjenom intraoperativnog određivanja PTH postignuta je uspješnost operacije kod 53 bolesnika (98,14%). Određivanje intraoperativnog pada koncentracije PTH ima visoku osjetljivost 88,7% i pozitivnu prediktivnu vrijednost 97,9%. Zaključak: Intraoperativna potvrda pada koncentracije PTH povećava uspjeh kirurškog liječenja primarnog hiperparatireoidizma, posebno u skupini bolesnika s multiglandularnom bolesti. Zaključak je temeljen na skupini bolesnika kod kojih je bilo potrebno više od jednog određivanja intraoperativnog PTH.Introduction: Primary hyperparathyreoidism is treated surgically. The extent and efficacy of surgery depend on the precision of preoperative diagnostic localization and intraoperative confirmation of high PTH source removal. Materials and methods: Retrospective analysis was performed. We included patients treated in the University Hospital for Tumors between 2012 and 2019. Fifty-four patients with primary hyperparathyroidism were included, of whom one patient had two surgeries. Normal range for intact PTH is 15–65 pg/mL, and for calcium 2.14–2.53 mmol/L. Preoperative PTH was measured after general anesthesia induction. Intraoperative PTH was measured 15 minutes after the suspected gland removal. PTH decrease more than 50% of the initial value was considered a proof of sufficient surgery. In cases of persistent PTH levels, according to surgeons’ decision, based on the intraoperative finding, surgery was extended to find the altered gland and to repeat intact PTH level measuring. Results: Average preoperative PTH value was 117.4 (39.6–305.4) pg/mL and calcium 2.75 (2.45–3.15) mmol/L. Average intraoperative PTH value was 35.6 (8.1–198.6) pg/mL. Intraoperative value was 67.6% lower than preoperative. In 44 patients one intraoperative PTH measurement was sufficient, and in 11 patients more than one measurement was needed. Average calcium value six months after surgery was 2.39 (1.96–2.7) mmol/L. Surgery with intraoperative PTH monitoring was successful in 53 patients (98.14%). Intraoperative PTH decrease has high sensitivity (88.7%) and positive predictive value (97.9%). Conclusion: Intraoperative PTH monitoring increases the efficacy of surgical treatment of primary hyperparathyreoidism, especially in the group of patients with multiglandular disease. The conclusion is based on the group of patients with more than one intraoperative PTH measurement

    Elucidation of Enzymes Suitable for Lignin Degradation

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    Kako bi se istražila enzimska razgradnja kraft lignina, određivana je aktivnost lakaze, najučinkovitijeg enzima u razgradnji lignina te aktivnosti tzv. “pomoćnih“ enzima glukoza dehidrogenaze (GDH), celobioza dehidrogenaze (CDH) i litičke polisaharid monooksigenaze (LPMO). Proveden je uzgoj gljiva bijelog truljenja Trametes versicolor i Phanerochaete chrysosporium kako bi se usporedila njihova učinkovitost razgradnje lignina s učinkovitosti gore navedenih enzima. Lakaza se pokazala učinkovitom u razgradnji lignina, dok pomoćni enzimi ne djeluju na lignin, ali pospješuju depolimerizaciju lignoceluloznih sirovina. Trametes versicolor se pokazala učinkovitom u razgradnji lignina što se dovodi u vezu s proizvodnjom lakaze.Enzymatic degradation of kraft lignin was investigated using purified fungal enzymes known to degrade lignin structures. The activity of laccase, the most frequent enzyme associated with ligninolysis and the activity of auxiliary redox enzymes such as glucose dehydrogenase (GDH), cellobiose dehydrogenase (CDH) and lytic polysaccharide monooxygenase (LPMO) were tested. The effectiveness of these purified enzymes was compared with crude extracts obtained from fungal cultivations of the ligninolytic model fungi: Trametes versicolor and Phanerochaete chrysosporium. Laccase was proven to be the most efficient enzyme for lignin degradation. Auxiliary enzymes cooperate with other enzymes in order to enhance depolymerisation of lignocellulose. With observed high laccase activity, Trametes versicolor is found to be efficient in lignin degradation

    Elucidation of Enzymes Suitable for Lignin Degradation

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    Kako bi se istražila enzimska razgradnja kraft lignina, određivana je aktivnost lakaze, najučinkovitijeg enzima u razgradnji lignina te aktivnosti tzv. “pomoćnih“ enzima glukoza dehidrogenaze (GDH), celobioza dehidrogenaze (CDH) i litičke polisaharid monooksigenaze (LPMO). Proveden je uzgoj gljiva bijelog truljenja Trametes versicolor i Phanerochaete chrysosporium kako bi se usporedila njihova učinkovitost razgradnje lignina s učinkovitosti gore navedenih enzima. Lakaza se pokazala učinkovitom u razgradnji lignina, dok pomoćni enzimi ne djeluju na lignin, ali pospješuju depolimerizaciju lignoceluloznih sirovina. Trametes versicolor se pokazala učinkovitom u razgradnji lignina što se dovodi u vezu s proizvodnjom lakaze.Enzymatic degradation of kraft lignin was investigated using purified fungal enzymes known to degrade lignin structures. The activity of laccase, the most frequent enzyme associated with ligninolysis and the activity of auxiliary redox enzymes such as glucose dehydrogenase (GDH), cellobiose dehydrogenase (CDH) and lytic polysaccharide monooxygenase (LPMO) were tested. The effectiveness of these purified enzymes was compared with crude extracts obtained from fungal cultivations of the ligninolytic model fungi: Trametes versicolor and Phanerochaete chrysosporium. Laccase was proven to be the most efficient enzyme for lignin degradation. Auxiliary enzymes cooperate with other enzymes in order to enhance depolymerisation of lignocellulose. With observed high laccase activity, Trametes versicolor is found to be efficient in lignin degradation

    Cellular prion protein (PrPc) and hypoxia: true to each other in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health

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    The cellular prion protein (PrPc) and hypoxia appear to be tightly intertwined. Beneficial effects of PrPc on neuronal survival under hypoxic conditions such as focal cerebral ischemia are strongly supported. Conversely, increasing evidence indicates detrimental effects of increased PrPc expression on cancer progression, another condition accompanied by low oxygen tensions. A switch between anaerobic and aerobic metabolism characterizes both conditions. A cellular process that might unite both is glycolysis. Putative role of PrPc in stimulation of glycolysis in times of need is indeed thought provoking. A significance of astrocytic PrPc expression for neuronal survival under hypoxic conditions and possible association of PrPc with the astrocyte-neuron lactate shuttle (ANLS) is considered. We posit PrPc-induced lactate production via transactivation of lactate dehydrogenase A by hypoxia inducible factor 1α as an important factor for survival of both neurons and tumor cells in hypoxic microenvironment. Concomitantly, we discuss a cross-talk between Wnt/ß-catenin and PI-3K/Akt signaling pathways in executing PrPc-induced activation of glycolysis. Finally, we would like to emphasize that we see a great potential in joining expertise from both fields, neuroscience and cancer research in revealing the mechanisms underlying hypoxia-related pathologies. PrPc may prove focal point for future research