27 research outputs found


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    Distribution of street vendors which occurs sporadically, making such a irregular view in the urban environment. This case motivates an action to restructure them. In Surakarta, the arrangement of PKL has been done since years ago and its top action was in 2006 with the relocation of street vendors of Monuments 45 Banjarsari Surakarta to Market Klitikan Notoharjo Semanggi. Besides the relocation, the arrangement is also done through the form of stabilization. Which type of arrangement is more successful to be applied? This study tried to see some changes that occur from the PKL arrangement, ie by comparing the pra condition before arrangement and after the arrangement. There are 13 aspects of PKL measured, they are spacious stalls, trade time, the amount of merchandise, the number of visitors, levy, supported facilities, and the role of the community. Then, the data analysis was done with Paired t-test, where the value of Sig <0.05 indicates a change between the average condition before and after the arrangement, correlation coefficient indicates the magnitude of the changes that occur before and after the arrangement. The respondents who answer the questionnaire taken using quota technique (30 respondents who were based on types of merchandises from five types of merchandises, both relocated merchants and stabilized merchants. From the government view, the PKL arrangement is considered successful. The PKL actors accomodated in the markets and public spaces of the city. PKL is no longer as cause of congestion and slum environment. Economically the city, the market and the street vendors as populist economic base which has brought charges and large income to the city itself, but in terms of PKL itself, it has really different view. There are nine changes in the relocation arrangement including a comprehensive relocation shanties, levies and income. In term of stabilized arrangement, there are 5 changes, such as making the urban environment seems more orderly and beautiful, because of large and homogenous stalls, and and it is also formed a definite business climate and comfortable, although most the income of traders does not increase. Keywords: street vendors, stabilization, relocatio

    Dampak Kebijakan Pemerintah Daerah dalam Pengelolaan PKL di Kota Jakarta, Bandung dan Surabaya

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    As a developing country, Indonesia has a huge number of street vendors. Because of that, the existence of street vendors needs a special attention. This special attention is needed because streer vendors mostly occupy city's public spaces. Street vendor management in Indonesia's cities is based on the regulations that was made by each regional government which is pointing to Indonesia's higher level of regulation. Each regional regulation has their own unique characteristics. Jakarta, Bandung, and Surabaya are big cities that have street vendor problems that also have street vendor management regulations. From those three cities, the advantages and disadvantages of their regulation's contents will be revealed, enriched by information digging and research results. From the regulation side, those three cities showed their concern about regulations regarding street vendors. The forms of restructuring that has been done are relocation and stabilization. Those three cities are also supported by private sector regarding street vendor management. Street vendor management has a vital contribution towards regional economical growth and street vendor's income growth. These positive impacts increases the efficiency of city space management, so the city itself will look tidy, beautiful, and not congested, but street vendors are still poppimg out in restricted areas and old spaces, if the new managed locations are far from the crowds, the impact will decrease street vendor's incom


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    This study aims, formulate design of Rusunawa service space based  on Post Occupancy Evaluation.The approach used in this study is qualitative rationalistic, that emphasize the empiri meaning, intellectual understanding and the ability to maintains logic supported by relevant empirical data. Object of research is Rusunawa in Surakarta and its surroundings. Samples studied are a group of Services space in Rusunawa, consisting of individual service each unit house : Kitchen, warehouse / storage, KM / WC, wash dishes, wash clothes, the clothes drying. And communal service space consisting of: landfills, parking lots. The sampling technique is porpusive of maximum variation, that means taking a sample that has information about the service space. Model Rusunawa service space designed based on the type of occupant activities, evaluation / assessment of the best performance of each service spac, the best perception of occupants indicated by behavioral responses, an ideal precedent servicing space obtained from results of field surveys, comparative studies and standards or the basic criteria design of service space Rusunawa.


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    Management of hawkers has purpose to improve the welfare of hawkers, maintain publicorder, and sanitation. Management of hawkers in the city of Surakarta, which began in 2006, the successful concept of the arrangement is not only seen from the hawkers town aesthetic that hasalways been the main reason, but also improving the quality of performance of the activities afterthe program implemented to ensure sustainability.One of form of arrangement that has been implemented in the city of Surakarta is stabilization. In determining the form of the arrangement,unique character and behavior are very diverse hawkers must be known to ensure that hawkers canreceive the planned arrangement. This paper aims to know determine the efficacy of this form ofstabilization arrangement hawkers particular arrangement was done by first looking at thecharacteristics of hawkers activity. Statistical analysis used to determine the success of the arrangement of the hawkers performance combined with qualitative analysis found that the successof the arrangement hawkers aesthetic form of stabilization in the city is not same with the improved performance / empowerment of hawkers

    Identifikasi karakteristik pedagang keliling (studi kasus Kota Surakarta)

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    Kota Surakarta sebagai salah satu kawasan perkotaan penting di Jawa Tengah menjadi tempat berdagang bagi banyak pedagang informal, khususnya pedagang keliling. Keberadaan mereka dibutuhkan oleh warga kota walaupun dengan permasalahan status legal. Pedagang keliling memiliki sifat pergerakan yang leluasa sehingga mudah dijumpai dan diakses masyarakat. Penelitian ini berfokus pada kajian karakteristik pedagang keliling di Kota Surakarta. Objek pedagang keliling yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah pedagang sayur dan pedagang makanan siap saji. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pendekatan kualitatif dengan analisis deskriptif yang menekankan pada realitas dan proses suatu fenomena dapat terjadi agar mampu memberikan gambaran khusus terkait pedagang keliling. Hasil dari penelitian ini berupa karakteristik pedagang keliling yang diidentifikasi dengan lima indikator, yaitu karakteristik pelaku, lokasi, sarana fisik, modal, dan aktivitas berdagang. Strategi yang digunakan pedagang keliling untuk menjaga keberlangsungan usaha dilakukan melalui dua cara, yaitu diversifikasi produk sesuai kebutuhan konsumen serta mempertahankan kepercayaan konsumen terhadap pedagang keliling


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    Needs land settlement increasingly over the development of cities. Demands of land use settlement that can’t be accommodated by the city space to inflict urban sprawl to the urban fringe. Urban fringe development caused visibility of the morphology. Propose of the research is to know the form of morphology settlement urban fringe the southern Surakarta. This research used morphology form’s two step: (1) identified component in the form of morphology consisting of land use, road pattern, and the pattern building and (2) analyzed form of morphology settlement urban fringe the southern Surakarta with integrated the result of first step’s research. This research result show land use has mixed use, spinal road pattern, and diversity building pattern. It shows the form of morphology octopus.


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    Developing of towers already widely practiced in urban areasas one way of ultillinq residential, given the limited land area. Unfortunately, the construction of owers is only regarded as an industrial activity, commodities, and finished goods »roducts. Socio-cultural, economic, values and behavior of the occupants are out of he observation. Realities that exist today, the design space of less service towers in iccordetice with the needs and desires of residents. The presence service room in recti unit consists of only the home kitchen and KM/ We. Other service spaces such as irying room and laundry room (shared) as the area of social and cultural needs have lOt been there. For lack of space for servicing activities, residents utilizepublic space a serve the activities. Consequently Rusunawa evolved into "slum-rise buildings" vhich in addition are not comfortable, neither beautiful nor healthy. Evaluation of the ixistence of the building service space on the towers Clover comfortable and healthy ispects necessary because in fact, the design and the existence of the facility into one )f the benchmarks in the Post Occupancy evaluation. Room service evaluation ictivities carried out through: 1) the observation that there is room service, 2) measure uid draw a sketch room service, 3) interviews with the perception nyaman and healthy or the occupants of the existence of room service, 4) analysis of the comparison »etween the results of data collection and standards normative aspects of healthy and :omfortable 5). Cozy aspects of healthy and synthesis in space Semanggi service owers. The final result of this study is expected to be a recommendation for space ievelopment program service on building towers nex

    Upaya Penataan Lingkungan Sosial dan Ekonomi Pedagang Kaki Lima di Kota Surakarta Berdasarkan Tipologi Lokasi Stabilisasi Surakarta

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    The street vendors (SVs) select the trading locations according to the activity characteristics. The selected locations are often located in the areas of public facilities or state-owned lands which are all at once close to productive main activities. This way is aimed to drive many people to come and buy their goods after doing certain main activities. In addition, street vendors tend to choose trading locations on highways having vast social activities. The Surakarta City Government has controlled street vendors through structuring in the form of stabilization and relocation. This study aims to identify changes in the social and economic environment of street vendors based on the typology of street vendor stabilization locations in Surakarta. This study used a qualitative descriptive analysis to analyze changes in the social and economic environment with the typology of street vendor stabilization locations in Surakarta. The setting location typologies were determined based on the characteristics of street vendors’ stabilization locations viewed from the proximate main activities. The results of study showed that there were three typologies of stabilization locations, namely the locations approaching trading areas, settlement, and recreation. The operating hours of the street vendors depended on the proximate main activities. The street vendors in the settlement areas tended to open earlier and end their activities later at night than the street vendors proximate to the trade and recreation areas. The street vendors' capital starts at ≤ Rp. 500,000 to > Rp. 3,000,000. The street vendors with small capital usually trade longer than the street vendors with large capital. The street vendors with large capital are most often found trading at night

    STRATEGI PERENCANAAN PEMBANGUNAN PERMUKIMAN KUMUH Kasus Pemukiman Bantaran Sungai Bengawan Solo, Kelurahan Pucangsawit, Surakarta

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    Inhabitants of slum area is one of the community who re marginal economically, socialy and politicaly. Complexity of the marginality has many problems when it does not manage properly. This create endemic problems in the community. The community can participate in all development steps, if they have enough capacity. Capacity building of the community need sustainability effort according to existing condition. Existing conditions can be elaborated by map potency, problems for developing strategy of communit empowerment. This research has some goals. Firsly, to descripe economicly, social condition of slum area at bantaran sungai Bengawan Solo, secondly, to get some s rategies that important for agenda in planning of Surakarta’s development program.This research is explorative steps with meta analysis tehnic, for can be identified inhabitans of slum area, problems and needing of problems solving

    Keberadaan Pedagang Kaki Lima sebagai Activity Support di Kawasan Stadion Manahan, Kota Surakarta

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    PKL (Pedagang Kaki Lima) dianggap sebagai sumber permasalahan di perkotaan. Meskipun PKL memiliki manfaat dan keluwesan dalam menyerap potensi ketenagakerjaan, namun keberadaannya di tengah ruang publik seringkali menimbulkan masalah seperti penurunan kualitas lingkungan dan visual ruang. Padahal setiap orang memiliki hak akses yang sama dan bebas, termasuk PKL sebagai penghuni kota juga memiliki hak dan akses yang sama dengan warga kota lainnya dalam menggunakan ruang publik. PKL dikategorikan termasuk dalam activity support, dan harus diakomodasi sehingga fungsinya dalam ruang dapat dirasakan oleh masyarakat serta tidak menimbulkan tantangan bagi ruang perkotaan. Pengelolaan PKL di Kota Surakarta, khususnya di Kawasan Stadion Manahan telah menerima bentuk penataan melalui penyediaan selter berdagang bagi PKL di sekitar stadion. Keberadaan PKL sebagai activity support di Kawasan Stadion Manahan diduga memberikan dampak dan manfaat bagi pusat aktivitas di kawasan tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dampak keberadaan PKL sebagai activity support di kawasan Stadion Manahan, tepatnya pada Jalan Menteri Supeno dan Jalan K.S. Tubun. Studi ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan analisis deskriptif untuk menggambarkan secara sistematis fakta dan karakteristik PKL sebagai activity support yang diteliti secara tepat, serta dampaknya dalam ruang publik. Hasil menemukan bahwa keberedaan PKL memberikan sebuah kemudahan bagi masyarakat yang beraktivitas di sekitar kawasan dengan menyediakan kebutuhan seperti masyarakat untuk tempat beristirahat dan bersantai setelah berolahraga di kawasan Stadion Manahan. PKL juga mendukung kegiatan dari pusat-pusat aktivitas dengan menjadi daya tarik tersendiri bagi kawasan tersebut. Serta keberadaan PKL menjadi penghubung antar pusat aktivitas