1,465 research outputs found


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    The concept of the integrated quality-risk management system can be defined as a set of methodologies, associated processes that invariably use human resources, material and financial resources, equipments and knowledge, in order to meet the objectives aimed at satisfying all interested parties.In the conditions of fulfilling the integrated management system, it will bring many economic and financial benefits in order to reduce the consumption of resources and increase the profit. If implemented correctly, the quality-risk integrated management system will include all business competencies in a systematic environment that will deliver on the mission of the organization, contribute to increasing benefits, optimize resource consumption, and reduce costs to maintain multiple integrated management systems

    Characterizing asymptotically anti-de Sitter black holes with abundant stable gauge field hair

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    In the light of the "no-hair" conjecture, we revisit stable black holes in su(N) Einstein-Yang-Mills theory with a negative cosmological constant. These black holes are endowed with copious amounts of gauge field hair, and we address the question of whether these black holes can be uniquely characterized by their mass and a set of global non-Abelian charges defined far from the black hole. For the su(3) case, we present numerical evidence that stable black hole configurations are fixed by their mass and two non-Abelian charges. For general N, we argue that the mass and N-1 non-Abelian charges are sufficient to characterize large stable black holes, in keeping with the spirit of the "no-hair" conjecture, at least in the limit of very large magnitude cosmological constant and for a subspace containing stable black holes (and possibly some unstable ones as well).Comment: 33 pages, 13 figures, minor change

    Melvin solution with a dilaton potential

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    We find new Melvin-like solutions in Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton gravity with a Liouville-type dilaton potential. The properties of the corresponding solution in Freedman-Schwarz gauged supergravity model are extensively studied. We show that this configuration is regular and geodesically complete but do not preserve any supersymmetry. An exact solution describing travelling waves in this Melvin-type background is also presented.Comment: 12 pages, LaTeX, no figure

    Nuttier Bubbles

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    We construct new explicit solutions of general relativity from double analytic continuations of Taub-NUT spacetimes. This generalizes previous studies of 4-dimensional nutty bubbles. One 5-dimensional locally asymptotically AdS solution in particular has a special conformal boundary structure of AdS3Ă—S1AdS_3\times S^1. We compute its boundary stress tensor and relate it to the properties of the dual field theory. Interestingly enough, we also find consistent 6-dimensional bubble solutions that have only one timelike direction. The existence of such spacetimes with non-trivial topology is closely related to the existence of the Taub-NUT(-AdS) solutions with more than one NUT charge. Finally, we begin an investigation of generating new solutions from Taub-NUT spacetimes and nuttier bubbles. Using the so-called Hopf duality, we provide new explicit time-dependent backgrounds in six dimensions.Comment: 32 pages, 1 figure; v.3. typos corrected. Matches the published versio

    The Bethe Ansatz for Z_S Orbifolds of N=4 Super Yang-Mills Theory

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    Worldsheet techniques can be used to argue for the integrability of string theory on AdS_5xS^5/Z_S, which is dual to the strongly coupled Z_S-orbifold of N=4 SYM. We analyze the integrability of these field theories in the perturbative regime and construct the relevant Bethe equations.Comment: 16 page

    Back-hopping in Spin-Transfer-Torque switching of perpendicularly magnetized tunnel junctions

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    We analyse the phenomenon of back-hopping in spin-torque induced switching of the magnetization in perpendicularly magnetized tunnel junctions. The analysis is based on single-shot time-resolved conductance measurements of the pulse-induced back-hopping. Studying several material variants reveals that the back-hopping is a feature of the nominally fixed system of the tunnel junction. The back-hopping is found to proceed by two sequential switching events that lead to a final state P' of conductance close to --but distinct from-- that of the conventional parallel state. The P' state does not exist at remanence. It generally relaxes to the conventional antiparallel state if the current is removed. The P' state involves a switching of the sole spin-polarizing part of the fixed layers. The analysis of literature indicates that back-hopping occurs only when the spin-polarizing layer is too weakly coupled to the rest of the fixed system, which justifies a posteriori the mitigation strategies of back-hopping that were implemented empirically in spin-transfer-torque magnetic random access memories.Comment: submitted to Phys Rev.

    Classical Yang-Mills Black hole hair in anti-de Sitter space

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    The properties of hairy black holes in Einstein–Yang–Mills (EYM) theory are reviewed, focusing on spherically symmetric solutions. In particular, in asymptotically anti-de Sitter space (adS) stable black hole hair is known to exist for frak su(2) EYM. We review recent work in which it is shown that stable hair also exists in frak su(N) EYM for arbitrary N, so that there is no upper limit on how much stable hair a black hole in adS can possess

    Origin of the reduced exchange bias in epitaxial FeNi(111)/CoO(111) bilayer

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    We have employed Soft and Hard X-ray Resonant Magnetic Scattering and Polarised Neutron Diffraction to study the magnetic interface and the bulk antiferromagnetic domain state of the archetypal epitaxial Ni81_{81}Fe19_{19}(111)/CoO(111) exchange biased bilayer. The combination of these scattering tools provides unprecedented detailed insights into the still incomplete understanding of some key manifestations of the exchange bias effect. We show that the several orders of magnitude difference between the expected and measured value of exchange bias field is caused by an almost anisotropic in-plane orientation of antiferromagnetic domains. Irreversible changes of their configuration lead to a training effect. This is directly seen as a change in the magnetic half order Bragg peaks after magnetization reversal. A 30 nm size of antiferromagnetic domains is extracted from the width the (1/2 1/2 1/2) antiferromagnetic magnetic peak measured both by neutron and x-ray scattering. A reduced blocking temperature as compared to the measured antiferromagnetic ordering temperature clearly corresponds to the blocking of antiferromagnetic domains. Moreover, an excellent correlation between the size of the antiferromagnetic domains, exchange bias field and frozen-in spin ratio is found, providing a comprehensive understanding of the origin of exchange bias in epitaxial systems.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, submitte

    Chaos in Axially Symmetric Potentials with Octupole Deformation

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    Classical and quantum mechanical results are reported for the single particle motion in a harmonic oscillator potential which is characterized by a quadrupole deformation and an additional octupole deformation. The chaotic character of the motion is srongly dependent on the quadrupole deformation in that for a prolate deformation virtually no chaos is discernible while for the oblate case the motion shows strong chaos when the octupole term is turned on.Comment: 6 pages LaTex plus 4 figures available by contacting the authors directly, published in PHYS.REV.LETT. 72(1994) 235
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