1,176 research outputs found

    An Unusual Cause of Rectal Bleeding -Report of Three Cases and Literature Review

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    Haemangioma of the rectum and colon is very rare malformation with only around 100 cases have been reported so far. Most commonly young adult is affected. Common site is recto sigmoid junction. Here we present three cases of rectal haemangioma affecting two males and one female patient. All were having cavernous type of haemangioma at rectum and recto sigmoid junction with one involving additional caecum and ascending colon. All the cases were misdiagnosed previously. Colonoscopy is the cornerstone for evaluation of these patients showing bluish discoloration with engorged mucosa. Rectum and sigmoid colon are commonly affected. Abdominoperineal resection was the favored procedure in the past. At present, definitive treatment of diffuse cavernous haemangioma (DCH) of rectum and sigmoid colon is excision of the involved bowel with sphincter saving procedure with either stapling or hand sewn anastomosis of colon and anal canal. Key words: Rectal haemangioma; sphincter saving surgery.DOI: 10.3329/bsmmuj.v2i1.3709 BSMMU J 2009; 2(1): 36-3

    An Unusual Cause of Rectal Bleeding -Report of Three Cases and Literature Review

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    Haemangioma of the rectum and colon is very rare malformation with only around 100 cases have been reported so far. Most commonly young adult is affected. Common site is recto sigmoid junction. Here we present three cases of rectal haemangioma affecting two males and one female patient. All were having cavernous type of haemangioma at rectum and recto sigmoid junction with one involving additional caecum and ascending colon. All the cases were misdiagnosed previously. Colonoscopy is the cornerstone for evaluation of these patients showing bluish discoloration with engorged mucosa. Rectum and sigmoid colon are commonly affected. Abdominoperineal resection was the favored procedure in the past. At present, definitive treatment of diffuse cavernous haemangioma (DCH) of rectum and sigmoid colon is excision of the involved bowel with sphincter saving procedure with either stapling or hand sewn anastomosis of colon and anal canal. Key words: Rectal haemangioma; sphincter saving surgery.DOI: 10.3329/bsmmuj.v2i1.3709 BSMMU J 2009; 2(1): 36-3


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh detasseling, waktu detaselling dan mengetahui perbedaan banyak tanaman yang di detaselling terhadap produksi tanaman jagung. Manfaat penelitian menambah pengetahuan tentang teknologi budidaya tanaman jagung sehingga meningkatkan produksi tanaman jagung, memahami dan dapat melakukan teknik budidaya tanaman jagung  dengan teknologi detasseling untuk meningkatkan produksi tanaman jagung. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Rancangan Acak  Kelompok (RAK) menggunakan 2 faktor dengan 3 ulangan. faktor pertama umur detasseling dan faktor kedua adalah Tanaman yang di detasseling. Parameter Pengamatan adalah Tinggi Tanaman Umur 25, 30, dan 40 HST, Berat Tongkol Sample Per Petak Sampel, Berat Pipilan Sample Per Petak Sample, Berat tongkol sample per petak, dan Berat Tongkol Per Plot. Analisis Data Hasil pengamatan diolah dengan analisis sidik ragam untuk mengetahui adanya perbedaan nyata atau sangat nyata maka dilanjutkan uji Beda Nyata Terkecil (BNT) atau  Duncant Multiple Range Test (DMRT) pada taraf 5% dan 1%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan detasseling memberikan hasil yang berbeda sangat nyata pada parameter pengamatan Berat tongkol sample per plot sebanyak  720 gr, berat pipil sample per plot  sebanyak 583 gr dan berat tongkol per plot 7049 gr. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa aliran energi dalam pembentukan bunga  dialihkan kepada pertumbuhan dan perkembangan biji atau tongkol sehingga dapat meningkatkan produksi jagung

    Strategi Pengolahan Bahan Pustaka sebagai Pusat Sumber Referensi Informasi di Perpustakaan Al-Kindi Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Negeri 2 Bandar Lampung

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    The school library is an important facility and infrastructure that is presented by a madrasa or school and has a collection of library materials whose information can help the community in the madrasa environment, including teachers, students, staff or guardians of students in obtaining the information needed. The activity of processing library materials is the spearhead in the creation of a library as a central source of reference for information and library materials. This is what underlies the need for a strategy in processing library materials, because library materials are the most important product in the library. The researcher used a qualitative descriptive method which was strengthened by literature review, interviews and observations. The strategy for processing library materials at Al-Kindi MTs Negeri 2 Bandar Lampung includes determining the classification number and subject of library materials, library automation, preservation of library materials, and colored labeling

    Cooper pairing near charged black holes

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    We show that a quartic contact interaction between charged fermions can lead to Cooper pairing and a superconducting instability in the background of a charged asymptotically Anti-de Sitter black hole. For a massless fermion we obtain the zero mode analytically and compute the dependence of the critical temperature T_c on the charge of the fermion. The instability we find occurs at charges above a critical value, where the fermion dispersion relation near the Fermi surface is linear. The critical temperature goes to zero as the marginal Fermi liquid is approached, together with the density of states at the Fermi surface. Besides the charge, the critical temperature is controlled by a four point function of a fermionic operator in the dual strongly coupled field theory.Comment: 1+33 pages, 4 figure

    Nonlinear Hydrodynamics from Flow of Retarded Green's Function

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    We study the radial flow of retarded Green's function of energy-momentum tensor and RR-current of dual gauge theory in presence of generic higher derivative terms in bulk Lagrangian. These are first order non-linear Riccati equations. We solve these flow equations analytically and obtain second order transport coefficients of boundary plasma. This way of computing transport coefficients has an advantage over usual Kubo approach. The non-linear equation turns out to be a linear first order equation when we study the Green's function perturbatively in momentum. We consider several examples including Weyl4Weyl^4 term and generic four derivative terms in bulk. We also study the flow equations for RR-charged black holes and obtain exact expressions for second order transport coefficients for dual plasma in presence of arbitrary chemical potentials. Finally we obtain higher derivative corrections to second order transport coefficients of boundary theory dual to five dimensional gauge supergravity.Comment: Version 2, reference added, typos correcte

    Monopoles and Holography

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    We present a holographic theory in AdS_4 whose zero temperature ground state develops a crystal structure, spontaneously breaking translational symmetry. The crystal is induced by a background magnetic field, but requires no chemical potential. This lattice arises from the existence of 't Hooft-Polyakov monopole solitons in the bulk which condense to form a classical object known as a monopole wall. In the infra-red, the magnetic field is screened and there is an emergent SU(2) global symmetry.Comment: 33 pages, 16 figures; v2: ref adde

    Electrified plasma in AdS/CFT correspondence

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    We construct new gravity backgrounds holographic dual to neutral plasma with U(1) global symmetry in the presence of constant electric field, considering its full back-reactions to the metric. As the electric field and the induced current cause a net energy in-flow to the system, the plasma is continually heated up and the corresponding gravity solution has an expanding horizon. After proposing a consistent late-time expansion scheme, we present analytic solutions in the scheme up to next-leading order, and our solutions are new time-dependent solutions of 5D asymptotic AdS Einstein-Maxwell(-Chern-Simons) theory. To extract dual CFT stress tensor and U(1) current from the solutions, we perform a rigorous holographic renormalization of Einstein-Maxwell-Chern-Simons theory including full back-reactions, which can in itself be an interesting addition to literatures. As by-products, we obtain interesting modifications of energy-momentum/current Ward identities due to the U(1) symmetry and its triangle anomaly.Comment: 27 pages, no figure, v3, minor typos fixed, matches with published versio
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