3,863 research outputs found

    Locoregional therapies in cholangiocarcinoma

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    Cholangiocarcinoma is a rare and aggressive malignancy of the biliary tract. Complete surgical resection can be curative, but the majority of patients are diagnosed with advanced disease and usually die within a year of diagnosis. Most deaths are attributable to local disease progression rather than distant metastases, supporting the use of locoregional therapies. There is evidence that locoregional therapies can provide local tumor control resulting in increased survival while avoiding some of the side effects of systemic treatments, increasing potential treatment options for patients who may be unsuitable for systemic palliative treatments. This review considers the evidence for locoregional therapies in cholangiocarcinoma, which can be classified into endoscopic, vascular, percutaneous and radiation oncological therapies. Current guidelines do not recommend the routine use of locoregional therapies due to a lack of prospective data, but the results of ongoing trials are likely to increase the evidence base and impact on clinical practice

    Beyond persons: extending the personal / subpersonal distinction to non-rational animals and artificial agents

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    The distinction between personal level explanations and subpersonal ones has been subject to much debate in philosophy. We understand it as one between explanations that focus on an agent’s interaction with its environment, and explanations that focus on the physical or computational enabling conditions of such an interaction. The distinction, understood this way, is necessary for a complete account of any agent, rational or not, biological or artificial. In particular, we review some recent research in Artificial Life that pretends to do completely without the distinction, while using agent-centered concepts all the way. It is argued that the rejection of agent level explanations in favour of mechanistic ones is due to an unmotivated need to choose among representationalism and eliminativism. The dilemma is a false one if the possibility of a radical form of externalism is considered

    Formalization of Transform Methods using HOL Light

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    Transform methods, like Laplace and Fourier, are frequently used for analyzing the dynamical behaviour of engineering and physical systems, based on their transfer function, and frequency response or the solutions of their corresponding differential equations. In this paper, we present an ongoing project, which focuses on the higher-order logic formalization of transform methods using HOL Light theorem prover. In particular, we present the motivation of the formalization, which is followed by the related work. Next, we present the task completed so far while highlighting some of the challenges faced during the formalization. Finally, we present a roadmap to achieve our objectives, the current status and the future goals for this project.Comment: 15 Pages, CICM 201

    Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in the treatment of generalized anxiety disorder

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    Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors have proven efficacy in the treatment of panic disorder, obsessive–compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder and social anxiety disorder. Accumulating data shows that selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor treatment can also be efficacious in patients with generalized anxiety disorder. This review summarizes the findings of randomized controlled trials of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor treatment for generalized anxiety disorder, examines the strengths and weaknesses of other therapeutic approaches and considers potential new treatments for patients with this chronic and disabling anxiety disorder

    Age and environment affect constitutive immune function in Red Knots (Calidris canutus)

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    We studied subspecies, age and environmental effects on constitutive immune function (natural antibody and complement titres, haptoglobin activity and leukocyte concentrations) in Red Knots (Calidris canutus). We compared C. c. islandica and C. c. canutus in the Wadden Sea and found no difference in immune function between subspecies. However, C. c. canutus on their wintering grounds in Banc d’Arguin had higher natural antibody and lower complement levels than C. c. canutus or C. c. islandica in the Wadden Sea. This suggests that immune function is determined more by the surrounding environment than by subspecies. We also compared age classes in the Wadden Sea and found that first year birds had significantly lower natural antibody levels than adults, but that second year birds no longer differed from adults. Finally, we examined the interaction of age and environment in Banc d’Arguin. We found that first year birds (but not adults) in a low quality habitat had higher leukocyte concentrations than first year birds or adults in a high quality habitat. Differences in available resources and defence needs between environments, and differences among individuals differentially distributed between sites, are likely important contributors to the variation in immune function we report. Future studies, which examine these factors on wild birds, will be important for our understanding of how animals function in their natural environment.

    Positive Interactions between Desert Granivores: Localized Facilitation of Harvester Ants by Kangaroo Rats

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    Facilitation, when one species enhances the environment or performance of another species, can be highly localized in space. While facilitation in plant communities has been intensely studied, the role of facilitation in shaping animal communities is less well understood. In the Chihuahuan Desert, both kangaroo rats and harvester ants depend on the abundant seeds of annual plants. Kangaroo rats, however, are hypothesized to facilitate harvester ants through soil disturbance and selective seed predation rather than competing with them. I used a spatially explicit approach to examine whether a positive or negative interaction exists between banner-tailed kangaroo rat (Dipodomys spectabilis) mounds and rough harvester ant (Pogonomyrmex rugosus) colonies. The presence of a scale-dependent interaction between mounds and colonies was tested by comparing fitted spatial point process models with and without interspecific effects. Also, the effect of proximity to a mound on colony mortality and spatial patterns of surviving colonies was examined. The spatial pattern of kangaroo rat mounds and harvester ant colonies was consistent with a positive interspecific interaction at small scales (<10 m). Mortality risk of vulnerable, recently founded harvester ant colonies was lower when located close to a kangaroo rat mound and proximity to a mound partly predicted the spatial pattern of surviving colonies. My findings support localized facilitation of harvester ants by kangaroo rats, likely mediated through ecosystem engineering and foraging effects on plant cover and composition. The scale-dependent effect of kangaroo rats on abiotic and biotic factors appears to result in greater founding and survivorship of young colonies near mounds. These results suggest that soil disturbance and foraging by rodents can have subtle impacts on the distribution and demography of other species

    Gauged Flavor Group with Left-Right Symmetry

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    We construct an anomaly-free extension of the left-right symmetric model, where the maximal flavor group is gauged and anomaly cancellation is guaranteed by adding new vectorlike fermion states. We address the question of the lowest allowed flavor symmetry scale consistent with data. Because of the mechanism recently pointed out by Grinstein et al. tree-level flavor changing neutral currents turn out to play a very weak constraining role. The same occurs, in our model, for electroweak precision observables. The main constraint turns out to come from WR-mediated flavor changing neutral current box diagrams, primarily K - Kbar mixing. In the case where discrete parity symmetry is present at the TeV scale, this constraint implies lower bounds on the mass of vectorlike fermions and flavor bosons of 5 and 10 TeV respectively. However, these limits are weakened under the condition that only SU(2)_R x U(1)_{B-L} is restored at the TeV scale, but not parity. For example, assuming the SU(2) gauge couplings in the ratio gR/gL approx 0.7 allows the above limits to go down by half for both vectorlike fermions and flavor bosons. Our model provides a framework for accommodating neutrino masses and, in the parity symmetric case, provides a solution to the strong CP problem. The bound on the lepton flavor gauging scale is somewhat stronger, because of Big Bang Nucleosynthesis constraints. We argue, however, that the applicability of these constraints depends on the mechanism at work for the generation of neutrino masses.Comment: 1+23 pages, 1 table, 5 figures. v3: some more textual fixes (main change: discussion of Lepton Flavor Violating observables rephrased). Matches journal versio

    The primordial Helium-4 abundance determination: systematic effects

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    By extrapolating to O/H = N/H = 0 the empirical correlations Y-O/H and Y-N/H defined by a relatively large sample of ~ 45 Blue Compact Dwarfs (BCDs), we have obtained a primordial 4Helium mass fraction Yp= 0.2443+/-0.0015 with dY/dZ = 2.4+/-1.0. This result is in excellent agreement with the average Yp= 0.2452+/-0.0015 determined in the two most metal-deficient BCDs known, I Zw 18 (Zsun/50) and SBS 0335-052 (Zsun/41), where the correction for He production is smallest. The quoted error (1sigma) of < 1% is statistical and does not include systematic effects. We examine various systematic effects including collisional excitation of Hydrogen lines, ionization structure and temperature fluctuation effects, and underlying stellar HeI absorption, and conclude that combining all systematic effects, our Yp may be underestimated by ~ 2-4%. Taken at face value, our Yp implies a baryon-to-photon number ratio eta = 4.7x10^-10 and a baryon mass fraction Omega_b h^2_{100} = 0.017+/-0.005 (2sigma), consistent with the values obtained from deuterium and Cosmic Microwave Background measurements. Correcting Yp upward by 2-4% would make the agreement even better.Comment: 12 pages, 5 PS figures, to appear in "Matter in the Universe", ed P. Jetzer, K. Pretzl and R. von Steiger, Kluwer, Dordrecht (2002

    Case-based exercises fail to improve medical students' information management skills: a controlled trial

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    BACKGROUND: Tomorrow's physicians must learn to access, retrieve, integrate and apply current information into ambulatory patient encounters, yet few medical schools teach 'real time' information management. METHODS: We compared two groups of clerkship students' information management skills using a standardized patient case. The intervention group participated in case-based discussions including exercises that required them to manage new information. The control group completed the same case discussions without information management exercises. RESULTS: After five weeks, there was no significant difference between the control and intervention groups' scores on the standardized patient case. However, third rotation students significantly outperformed first rotation students. CONCLUSION: Case-based exercises to teach information management failed to improve students' performance on a standardized patient case. Increased number of clinical rotations was associated with improved performance