11,279 research outputs found

    Collaborative support for distributed design

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    A number of large integrated projects have been funded by the European Commission within both FP5 and FP6 that have aimed to develop distributed design solutions within the shipbuilding industry. VRShips-ROPAX was funded within FP5 and aimed to develop a platform to support distributed through-life design of a ROPAX (roll-on passenger) ferry. VIRTUE is an FP6 funded project that aims to integrate distributed virtual basins within a platform that allows a holistic Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis of a ship to be undertaken. Finally, SAFEDOR is also an FP6 funded project that allows designers to perform distributed Risk-Based Design (RBD) and simulation of different types of vessels. The projects have a number of commonalities: the designers are either organisationally or geographically distributed; a large amount of the design and analysis work requires the use of computers, and the designers are expected to collaborate - sharing design tasks and data. In each case a Virtual Integration Platform (VIP) has been developed, building on and sharing ideas between the projects with the aim of providing collaborative support for distributed design. In each of these projects the University of Strathclyde has been primarily responsible for the development of the associated VIP. This paper describes each project in terms of their differing collaborative support requirements, and discusses the associated VIP in terms of the manner that collaborative support has been provided

    Realising intelligent virtual design

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    This paper presents a vision and focus for the CAD Centre research: the Intelligent Design Assistant (IDA). The vision is based upon the assumption that the human and computer can operate symbiotically, with the computer providing support for the human within the design process. Recently however the focus has been towards the development of integrated design platforms that provide general support irrespective of the domain, to a number of distributed collaborative designers. This is illustrated within the successfully completed Virtual Reality Ship (VRS) virtual platform, and the challenges are discussed further within the NECTISE, SAFEDOR and VIRTUE projects

    A general purpose programming framework for ubiquitous computing environments

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    It is important to note that the need to support ad-hoc and potentially mobile arrangements of devices in ubiquitous environments does not fit well within the traditional client/server architecture. We believe peer-to-peer communication offers a preferable alternative due to its decentralised nature, removing dependence on individual nodes. However, this choice adds to the complexity of the developers task. In this paper, we describe a two-tiered approach to address this problem: A lower tier employing peer-to-peer interactions for managing the network infrastructure and an upper tier providing a mobile agent based programming framework. The result is a general purpose framework for developing ubiquitous applications and services, where the underlying complexity is hidden from the developer. This paper discusses our on-going work; presenting our design decisions, features supported by our framework, and some of the challenges still to be addressed in a complex programming environment

    Short-wavelength transmission-loss suppression in fibre Bragg gratings

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    Fibre Bragg Gratings (FBGs) are known to suffer from short-wavelength, transmission losses due to resonant coupling into backward-propagating cladding modes. Figure 1 shows a typical transmission spectrum of a 10cm standard FBG. The cladding mode losses increase with grating reflectivity and could eventually impose severe limitations in the use of FBGs. The problem can be quite acute in the case that FBG wavelength-multiplexing is required. So far, several attempts have been made to eliminate the short-wavelength, transmission losses and improve grating performance. In all cases, the resonant coupling of the forward-propagating core mode to the backward-propagating cladding modes is minimised by reducing the coupling strength. In this paper, we report on a novel method for reducing cladding-mode transmission losses in standard FBGs. We show that short-wavelength, transmission losses can be practically eliminated by damping the resonant excitation of the cladding modes. The damping is achieved by properly introducing a substantial propagation loss into the cladding modes. For maximum effect, the core mode should experience no extra propagation losses. By applying a thin lossy layer on the fibre cladding surface, a reduction of cladding-mode-losses of about 12dB was achieved

    Real time resource scheduling within a distributed collaborative design environment

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    Operational design co-ordination is provided by a Virtual Integration Platform (VIP) that is capable of scheduling and allocating design activities to organisationally and geographically distributed designers. To achieve this, the platform consists of a number of components that contribute to the engineering management and co-ordination of data, resources, activities, requirements and processes. The information required to schedule and allocate activities to designers is defined in terms of: the designers' capability to perform particular design activities; commitment in terms of the design activities that it is currently performing, and capacity to perform more than one design activity at the same time as well as the effect of increased capacity on capability. Previous approaches have been developed by the authors to automatically allocate resources to activities [1-3], however these approaches have generally been applied either within the context of real-time allocation of computational resources using automated design tools, or in the planning of human resources within future design projects and not for the real-time allocation of activities to a combination of human and computational resources. The procedure presented here is based upon this previous research and involves: the determination of the design activities that need to be undertaken on the basis of the goals that need to be achieved; identification of the resources that can undertake these design activities; and, the use of a genetic algorithm to optimally allocate the activities to the resources. Since the focus of the procedure is toward the real-time allocation of design activities to designers, additional human issues with respect to scheduling are considered. These human issues aspects include: consideration of the improvement in performance as a result of the experience gained from undertaking the activity; provision of a training period to allow inexperienced designers the opportunity to improve their performance without their performance being assessed; and the course of action to take when a designer is either unwilling or unable to perform an activity

    Mobile object location discovery in unpredictable environments

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    Emerging mobile and ubiquitous computing environments present hard challenges to software engineering. The use of mobile code has been suggested as a natural fit for simplifing software development for these environments. However, the task of discovering mobile code location becomes a problem in unpredictable environments when using existing strategies, designed with fixed and relatively stable networks in mind. This paper introduces AMOS, a mobile code platform augmented with a structured overlay network. We demonstrate how the location discovery strategy of AMOS has better reliability and scalability properties than existing approaches, with minimal communication overhead. Finally, we demonstrate how AMOS can provide autonomous distribution of effort fairly throughout a network using probabilistic methods that requires no global knowledge of host capabilities

    Realising intelligent virtual design

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    This paper presents a vision and focus for the CAD Centre research: the Intelligent Design Assistant (IDA). The vision is based upon the assumption that the human and computer can operate symbiotically, with the computer providing support for the human within the design process. Recently however the focus has been towards the development of integrated design platforms that provide general support irrespective of the domain, to a number of distributed collaborative designers. This is illustrated within the successfully completed Virtual Reality Ship (VRS) virtual platform, and the challenges are discussed further within the NECTISE, SAFEDOR and VIRTUE projects