6 research outputs found

    Regional Information System for Banana and Plantain for Asia and the Pacific (RISBAP): Proceedings of a consultation/workshop, 1-3 April 1996, Los Baños, Philippines

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    The RISBAP - Regional Information System for Banana and Plantain - Asia and the Pacific - objectives are the following: to promote information exchange among banana scientists, research administrators, and development workers in the region; to provide information services including regional collation of current and past banana research and development; to facilitate information exchange between the global INIBAP Info-Doc system and other regional information networks; and to provide training on information processing and database management. The RISBAP network will be composed of the RISBAP Center, the national centers representing each member country and institution, the RISBAP network advisory committee, and the users. Out of prin

    Gene Expression Profiling of Gastric Cancer

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    Stress urinary incontinence (SUI) is the most observed type of urinary incontinence and is defined as the loss of urine following a rise in abdominal pressure. The TVT (Tension-free Vaginal Tape), a mid-urethral sling (MUS), was introduced in 1996 and soon became the gold standard in the surgical treatment of SUI. Over the last decade, numerous MUS devices have been introduced but only some were able to achieve similar results in comparison to the original TVT. The main question of this thesis is whether slings, old and new, for either male and female, can live up to the expectations of both patients and physicians by being both safe and effective in curing urinary incontinence. Secondly, the question is raised whether sling surgery is anatomically safe with regard to those nervous systems which are essential for the sexual function or may actually be responsible for iatrogenic neurological damage during placement. In this thesis we conclude that many slings were, or still are, freely available on the market without any proper pre-market research. Moreover sling surgery can have serious negative side-effects on sexual function that should be a standard part of the informed consent provided when opting for surgery.</p