376 research outputs found

    Comparative value of full-fat corn germ, whole cottonseed and tallow as energy sources for lactating dairy cows

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    We used 24 multiparous Holstein cows in 4 x 4 Latin square design to evaluate full-fat corn germ as a replacement for whole cottonseed and tallow in total mixed diets for lactating dairy cows. Experimental diets on a dry matter basis were: 1) control 3.5% fat; 2) whole cottonseed 5.1% fat; 3) tallow 5.1% fat; 4) full-fat corn germ 5.1% fat. Diets were fed as total mixed rations typical of that fed on commercial dairy operations. Cottonseed meal and cottonseed hulls were included in the control, tallow, and full-fat corn germ diets to balance for fiber and protein fractions equal to those in the whole cottonseed diet. Dry matter intake, milk production, and energy corrected milk did not differ among the diets. Milk from cows fed full-fat corn germ contained less fat than milk from cows fed whole cottonseed but was similar to that of milk from cows fed control or tallow diets. Milk protein percentage was lower for cows fed full-fat corn germ than those fed control, but similar to cows fed whole cottonseed or tallow. Percentage milk lactose did not differ among dietary treatments. Cows fed WCS produced more pounds of milk fat than cows fed full-fat corn germ or tallow, but protein and lactose yield did not differ among the diets. Cows fed whole cottonseed produced milk more efficiently than cows fed control, tallow, or full-fat corn germ. Unexpectedly, efficiency of energy corrected milk production was not improved by tallow and tallow did not depress dry matter intake. Somatic cell count did not differ among experimental diets. Urea nitrogen concentration was lower in milk from cows fed full-fat corn germ and tallow than those fed whole cottonseed. All diets led to gains in body weight. The handling and storage characteristics of full-fat corn germ enhances its desirability as a feedstuff for dairy cattle. Full-fat corn germ supported milk production as well as whole cottonseed but not milk fat percentage or fat yield at the level fed in our diets. Additional studies need to be conducted to determine the most advantageous amount to feed full-fat corn germ and clarify the mechanisms by which it depresses milk fat production.; Dairy Day, 2002, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, 2002

    Spin-orbit fields in asymmetric (001)-oriented GaAs/AlxGa 1-xAs quantum wells

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    We measure simultaneously the in-plane electron g factor and spin-relaxation rate in a series of undoped inversion-asymmetric (001)-oriented GaAs/AlGaAs quantum wells by spin-quantum beat spectroscopy. In combination the two quantities reveal the absolute values of both the Rashba and the Dresselhaus coefficients and prove that the Rashba coefficient can be negligibly small despite huge conduction-band potential gradients which break the inversion symmetry. The negligible Rashba coefficient is a consequence of the "isomorphism" of conduction- and valence-band potentials in quantum systems where the asymmetry is solely produced by alloy variations. © 2011 American Physical Society

    Current Advancements in Pancreatic Islet Cryopreservation Techniques

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    There have been significant advancements in the research of pancreatic islet transplantations over the past 50 years as a treatment for Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (T1DM). This work has resulted in hundreds of clinical islet transplantation procedures internationally. One limitation of the procedure includes effective storage techniques during donor-recipient cross-matching following islet isolation from deceased donor. Cryopreservation, which is heavily used in embryology research, has been proposed as a prospective method for pancreatic islet banking to bridge the temporal intervals between donor-recipient matching. The cryopreservation methods currently involve the freezing of islets to subzero (−80/−196°C) temperatures for storage followed by a thawing and warming period, which can be increasingly harmful to islet viability and insulin secretion capabilities. Recent advances in islet cryopreservation technologies have improved outcomes for islet health and survivability during this process. The aim of this chapter is to characterize aspects of the islet cryopreservation method while reviewing current procedural improvements that have led to better outcomes to islet health

    Strain-induced spin relaxation anisotropy in symmetric (001)-oriented GaAs quantum wells

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    We show experimentally, using spin quantum beat spectroscopy, that strain applied to an undoped symmetric (001) GaAs/AlGaAs multiple quantum well causes an in-plane anisotropy of the spin-relaxation rate Γs, but leaves the electron Landé g factor isotropic. The spin-relaxation-rate anisotropy gives a direct measure of the bulk inversion asymmetry and the strain contributions to the conduction-band spin splitting. The comparison of the measured strain-splitting coefficient C3 for the quantum well with the value for bulk GaAs suggests a dependence on electron quantum confinement. The isotropic g factor implies a symmetric conduction electron wave function, whereas the anisotropic spin-relaxation rate requires a nonzero expectation value of the valence-band potential gradient on the conduction-band states. Therefore, the experiment suggests that strain generates an effective valence-band potential gradient, while the conduction-band potential remains symmetrical to a good approximation. © 2011 American Physical Society

    Effect of symmetry reduction on the spin dynamics of (001)-oriented GaAs quantum wells

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    Spin quantum beat spectroscopy is employed to investigate the in-plane anisotropy of the spin dynamics in (001) GaAs/AlGaAs quantum wells induced by an external electric field. This technique allows the anisotropy of the spin relaxation rate Γs and the electron Landé g factor g* to be measured simultaneously. The measurements are compared to similar data from (001) GaAs/AlGaAs quantum wells with applied shear strain and asymmetric barrier growth. All of these operations act to reduce the symmetry compared to that of a symmetric (001) quantum well in an identical manner (D2d → C2v). However, by looking at the anisotropy of both Γs and g* simultaneously we show that the microscopic actions of these symmetry breaking operations are very different. The experiments attest that although symmetry arguments are a very useful tool to identify the allowed spin dependent properties of a material system, only a microscopic approach reveals if allowed anisotropies will manifest. © 2013 American Physical Society

    Current Perspective and Advancements of Alginate-Based Transplantation Technologies

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    Versatile yet biocompatible bio-materials are in high demand in nearly every industry, with biological and biomedical engineering relying heavily on common biomaterials like alginate polymers. Alginate is a very common substance found in various marine plants which can easily be extracted and purified through cheap nonhazardous methods. A key characteristic of alginate polymers includes easily manipulatable physical properties due to its inert but functional chemical composition. Factors including its functional versatility, long-term polymer stability and biocompatibility have caused alginate-based technologies to draw major attention from both the scientific and industrial communities alike. While also used in food industry manufacturing and standard dental procedures, this chapter will focus on a discussion of the both clinical and nonclinical use of alginate-based technologies in transplantation for regenerative cell and drug delivery systems. In addition, we overview the immune system response prompted following implantation of alginate hydrogels. Consequences of immune cell reactivity to foreign materials, such as inflammation and the foreign body response (FBR), are also analyzed and current and future strategies for potential circumvention of severe immune responses toward alginate-based devices are reviewed and suggested

    Weak localization effect on thermomagnetic phenomena

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    The quantum transport equation (QTE) is extended to study weak localization (WL) effects on galvanomagnetic and thermomagnetic phenomena. QTE has many advantages over the linear response method (LRM): (i) particle-hole asymmetry which is necessary for the Hall effect is taken into account by the nonequilibrium distribution function, while LRM requires expansion near the Fermi surface, (ii) when calculating response to the temperature gradient, the problem of WL correction to the heat current operator is avoided, (iii) magnetic field is directly introduced to QTE, while the LRM deals with the vector potential and and special attention should be paid to maintain gauge invariance, e.g. when calculating the Nernst effect the heat current operator should be modified to include the external magnetic field. We reproduce in a very compact form known results for the conductivity, the Hall and the thermoelectric effects and then we study our main problem, WL correction to the Nernst coefficient (transverse thermopower).Comment: 20 pages 2 figure

    Cloning and expression of a novel Na(+)-dependent neutral amino acid transporter structurally related to mammalian Na+/glutamate cotransporters

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    A cDNA has been isolated from human hippocampus that appears to encode a novel Na(+)-dependent, Cl(-)-independent, neutral amino acid transporter. The putative protein, designated SATT, is 529 amino acids long and exhibits significant amino acid sequence identity (39-44%) with mammalian L-glutamate transporters. Expression of SATT cDNA in HeLa cells induced stereospecific uptake of L-serine, L-alanine, and L-threonine that was not inhibited by excess (3 mM) 2-(methylamino)-isobutyric acid, a specific substrate for the System A amino acid transporter. SATT expression in HeLa cells did not induce the transport of radiolabeled L-cysteine, L-glutamate, or related dicarboxylates. Northern blot hybridization revealed high levels of SATT mRNA in human skeletal muscle, pancreas, and brain, intermediate levels in heart, and low levels in liver, placenta, lung, and kidney. SATT transport characteristics are similar to the Na(+)-dependent neutral amino acid transport activity designated System ASC, but important differences are noted. These include: 1) SATT\u27s apparent low expression in ASC-containing tissues such as liver or placenta; 2) the lack of mutual inhibition between serine and cysteine; and 3) the lack of trans-stimulation. SATT may represent one of multiple activities that exhibit System ASC-like transport characteristics in diverse tissues and cell lines

    Airborne Laser Scanning Quantification of Disturbances from Hurricanes and Lightning Strikes to Mangrove Forests in Everglades National Park, USA

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    Airborne light detection and ranging (LIDAR) measurements derived before and after Hurricanes Katrina and Wilma (2005) were used to quantify the impact of hurricanes and lightning strikes on the mangrove forest at two sites in Everglades National Park (ENP). Analysis of LIDAR measurements covering 61 and 68 ha areas of mangrove forest at the Shark River and Broad River sites showed that the proportion of high tree canopy detected by the LIDAR after the 2005 hurricane season decreased significantly due to defoliation and breakage of branches and trunks, while the proportion of low canopy and the ground increased drastically. Tall mangrove forests distant from tidal creeks suffered more damage than lower mangrove forests adjacent to the tidal creeks. The hurricanes created numerous canopy gaps, and the number of gaps per square kilometer increased from about 400~500 to 4000 after Katrina and Wilma. The total area of gaps in the forest increased from about 1~2% of the total forest area to 12%. The relative contribution of hurricanes to mangrove forest disturbance in ENP is at least 2 times more than that from lightning strikes. However, hurricanes and lightning strikes disturb the mangrove forest in a related way. Most seedlings in lightning gaps survived the hurricane impact due to the protection of trees surrounding the gaps, and therefore provide an important resource for forest recovery after the hurricane. This research demonstrated that LIDAR is an effective remote sensing tool to quantify the effects of disturbances such as hurricanes and lightning strikes in the mangrove forest
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