28 research outputs found

    Multi-Locus Next-Generation Sequence Typing of DNA Extracted From Pooled Colonies Detects Multiple Unrelated Candida albicans Strains in a Significant Proportion of Patient Samples

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    The yeast Candida albicans is an important opportunistic human pathogen. For C. albicans strain typing or drug susceptibility testing, a single colony recovered from a patient sample is normally used. This is insufficient when multiple strains are present at the site sampled. How often this is the case is unclear. Previous studies, confined to oral, vaginal and vulvar samples, have yielded conflicting results and have assessed too small a number of colonies per sample to reliably detect the presence of multiple strains. We developed a next-generation sequencing (NGS) modification of the highly discriminatory C. albicans MLST (multilocus sequence typing) method, 100+1 NGS-MLST, for detection and typing of multiple strains in clinical samples. In 100+1 NGS-MLST, DNA is extracted from a pool of colonies from a patient sample and also from one of the colonies. MLST amplicons from both DNA preparations are analyzed by high-throughput sequencing. Using base call frequencies, our bespoke DALMATIONS software determines the MLST type of the single colony. If base call frequency differences between pool and single colony indicate the presence of an additional strain, the differences are used to computationally infer the second MLST type without the need for MLST of additional individual colonies. In mixes of previously typed pairs of strains, 100+1 NGS-MLST reliably detected a second strain. Inferred MLST types of second strains were always more similar to their real MLST types than to those of any of 59 other isolates (22 of 31 inferred types were identical to the real type). Using 100+1 NGS-MLST we found that 7/60 human samples, including three superficial candidiasis samples, contained two unrelated strains. In addition, at least one sample contained two highly similar variants of the same strain. The probability of samples containing unrelated strains appears to differ considerably between body sites. Our findings indicate the need for wider surveys to determine if, for some types of samples, routine testing for the presence of multiple strains is warranted. 100+1 NGS-MLST is effective for this purpose

    The Future of Multimedia Research

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    Potencial de rizobactérias no controle de Fusarium solani (Mart.) Sacc. em pepino (Cucumis sativum L.) Potential of rhizobacteria in the control of Fusarium solani (Mart.) Sacc. in cucumber (Cucumis sativum L.)

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    Rizobactérias, isoladas da rizosfera de diferentes hospedeiros foram selecionadas in vitro quanto ao antagonismo contra Fusarium solam agente causai da podridão radicular. In vitro, foram selecionadas 18 bactérias isoladas da rizosfera de plantas sadias de pepino e, destas, somente três foram eficientes em inibir consideravelmente o crescimento micelial do patógeno. Dois isolados de Bacillus subtilis e dois de Pseudomonas sp., antagônicos a outros fungos fitopatogênicos foram incluidos nos testes, os quais mostraram-se capazes de antagonizar F. solani. Em condições de casa-de-vegetação, B. subtilis, linhagem 0G, controlou totalmente o patógeno em todos os ensaios realizados. Promoção do crescimento de plantas foi verificada pela inoculação com linhagens 0G (B. subtilis), St. Barb. e CBPN (Pseudomonas sp).<br>Rhizobacteria, isolated from the rhizosphere of different hosts were selected in vitro, based on the antagonism against Fusarium solani, agent of root rot. In vitro, 18 bacterias were selected from rhizosphere of healthy plants of cucumber and, from those, only three were efficient in inhibiting the micelial growth of the pathogen. In these tests two isolates of Bacillus subtilis (0G and 5G), and two of Pseudomonas (CBPN and St Barb.), antagonistic to some pathogenic fungi, were included. These bolates also inhibited the growth of F solani. The bolate OG of B. subtilis reduced significantly the root rot of cucumber. Beneficial effects were obtained with the bolates St Barb., 0G and CBPN in relation to plant growth

    Routes to action in reaction time tasks

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    “The original publication is available at www.springerlink.com”. Copyright Springer DOI: 10.1007/BF00309165 [Full text of this article is not available in the UHRA]Two-choice tactile RTs are no faster than 8-choice tasks, implying the existence of a direct route. However, simple tactile RTs are much faster than choice tactile RTs (Leonard, 1959). In Experiment I we show that this is not due to subjects anticipating the stimulus in simple tactile RT tasks. Increasing probability of stimulus occurrence at a particular time led to equally decreased tactile RTs for simple and choice tasks. We suggest that an alternative route is available for simple RTs which is faster than the direct route available for choice tactile RTs. This route is faster because (a) the response can be specified in advance, and (b) the stimulus does not need to be identified. The subject needs merely to register that it has occurred. In Experiment II we show that simple RTs to a visual stimulus are decreased by a simultaneous uninformative tactile stimulus even when this is to the wrong finger. This confirms that exact stimulus identification is not necessary in the fast route. In Experiment III we show that a secondary task slows down simple tactile RTs to the same level as choice tactile RTs while the latter are hardly affected. This suggests that focussed attention is not needed for the direct route, but it is needed for the fast route. We propose that a useful distinction can be made between action largely controlled by external stimuli (the direct route) and action largely controlled by internal intentions of will (the fast route).Peer reviewe