419 research outputs found

    Respuesta hipofisaria y ovulatoria de conejas nulíparas alimentadas con dietas suplementadas con ácidos grasos poliinsaturados n-3

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    Twenty rabbit does were fed ad libitum from 10 to 16 weeks of age two isofibrous, isoenergetic and isoproteic diets (n=10) supplemented with two different fat sources: 0.75% lard for diet C (control) or 1.5% of a supplement (Optomega-50; Optivite International Ltd., Spain) containing a 50% of EE and 38% of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids for diet P (PUFA n-3). Does feed intake, ovulation rate and plasma progesterone and LH concentrations at 0, 60 min, 5, 7 and 9 days post-induction of ovulation with 20 μg of Gonadorelina (Inducel-GnRH, Lab. Ovejero) at 16 weeks of age were assessed. Average daily intake (150.5 g/d), ovulation rate (95%), preovulatory peak of plasma LH (149.7±10.9 ng/ml ng/ml) and number of corpora lutea (9.8±0.7) were similar between dietary treatments. Plasma progesterone concentrations increased at 60 minutes (7.13±1.9 ng/ml) and 5 days (13.3±1.9 ng/ml) after induction with respect to day 0 (0.7±1.9 ng/ml; P<0.05), remaining constant afterward in both groups (19.4±1.9 ng/ml). Moreover, plasma progesterone of does fed diet P tended to be higher than for diet C on day 5 and 7 post-induction (16.6±1.9 vs.12.6±1.8 and 19.0±1.8 vs. 15.5±2.1 ng/ml, P=0.068 and P=0.082; respectively). Therefore, PUFA n-3 supplementation in does rabbit diets might be related with high progesterone levels and reduced early embryo mortality.Veinte conejas nulíparas se alimentaron ad libitum desde las 10 a las 16 semanas de edad con dos piensos isofibrosos, isoenergéticos e isoproteicos suplementados con dos fuentes de grasa diferentes: 0,75% de manteca para la dieta control (grupo C; n=10) ó 1,5% de un suplemento (Optomega-50; Optivite International Ltd., España) que contenía un 50% de extracto etérero y 38% de ácidos grasos poli-insaturados n-3 (AG n-3) para la dieta experimental (grupo P; n=10). A las 16 semanas de edad se determinó el consumo de pienso, así como la tasa de ovulación y las concentraciones plasmáticas de progesterona y LH a 0, 60 min, 5, 7 y 9 días post-inducción de ovulación con 20 μg de Gonadorelina (Inducel-GnRH, Lab. Ovejero). El consumo de pienso (150,5 g/d), el pico preovulatorio de LH (149,7±10,9 ng/ml), la tasa de ovulación (95%) y el número de cuerpos lúteos (9,8±0,7) fueron similares entre tratamientos. Las concentraciones plasmáticas de progesterona aumentaron a los 60 minutos (7,13±19 ng/ml) y 5 días (13,3±1,9 ng/ml) con respecto al día 0 (0,7±1,9 ng/ml; P<0.05), permaneciendo elevadas el día 9 en ambos grupos (19,4±1,9 ng/ml). Además, el día 5 y 7 post-inducción, las hembras alimentadas con la dieta P tendieron a tener niveles más elevados de progesterona en sangre que las alimentadas con la dieta C (16,6±1,9 vs.12,6±1,8 y 19,0±1,8 vs. 15,5±2,1 ng/ml, P=0,068 y P=0,082; respectivamente) que coinciden con el momento de la implantación embrionaria en esta especie. Por lo tanto, la suplementación con AG n-3 podría mejorar los niveles de progesterona en sangre y por lo tanto reducir la mortalidad embrionaria en este punto

    Fertilidad, desarrollo embrionario y prolificidad de conejas nulíparas alimentadas con piensos enriquecidos en ácidos grasos poliinsaturados n-3

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    One hundred and five nulliparous rabbit does were fed ad libitum one month before and during pregnancy with two isofibrous, isoenergetic and isoproteic diets supplemented with two different fat sources: 0.75% lard for control diet (C group: n=53) or 1.5% of a supplement (Optomega-50; Optivite International Ltd., España) containing a 50% of ether extract and 38% of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) for experimental diet (group P n-3; n=52). Fertility after artificial insemination and induction of ovulation with 20 μg of Gonadorelina (Inducel-GnRH, Ovejero) at 4.5 months of age was assessed. At parturition, pregnancy length and prolificacy (number and weight of born alive and number of stillborn) were observed. A total of 8 pregnant does from each experimental group were chosen at random to study embryo and placenta dimensions by means of ultrasonography at 8, 15 and 22 days of pregnancy. PUFA n-3 supplementation did not affect any productive results due the success on reproductive features of nulliparous does which are difficult to improve. Neither, any differences in ultrasonographic meausrements were obtained; nevertheless we have defined useful physiological parameters of rabbit embryo and placenta to future studies in this specie.Un total de 105 conejas nulíparas se alimentaron ad libitum un mes antes y durante su primera gestación con dos piensos isofibrosos, isoenergéticos e isoproteicos suplementados con dos fuentes de grasa diferentes: 0,75% de manteca para la dieta control (grupo C; n=53) ó 1,5% de un suplemento (Optomega-50; Optivite International Ltd., España) que contenía un 50% de extracto etéreo y 38% de ácidos grasos poli-insaturados (AG n-3) para la dieta experimental (grupo P; n=52). A los 4,5 meses de edad se determinó la fertilidad después de ser inseminadas artificialmente y tratadas con 20 μg de Gonadorelina (Inducel-GnRH, Ovejero) para inducirles la ovulación. Al parto se determinó la duración de la gestación, el número y peso de los gazapos nacidos vivos y muertos. Se escogieron 16 conejas al azar, 8 de cada grupo, y se realizaron ecografías a los 8, 15 y 22 días de gestación en las que se determinó las dimensiones del embrión y de los anejos fetales. La suplementación con AG n-3 no afectó a los resultados productivos determinados ya que se trata de parámetros que en nulíparas son difíciles de mejorar y suelen ser altos. Tampoco se observaron diferencias en las determinaciones ecográficas pero se han podido definir medidas fisiológicas de los fetos y anejos placentarios de gran utilidad para futuros estudios en esta especie

    The Starburst-AGN connection: The role of stellar clusters in AGNs

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    Nuclear stellar clusters are a common phenomenon in spirals and in starbursts galaxies, and they may be a natural consequence of the star formation processes in the central regions of galaxies. HST UV imaging of a few Seyfert 2 galaxies have resolved nuclear starbursts in Seyfert 2 revealing stellar clusters as the main building blocks of the extended emission. However, we do not know whether stellar clusters are always associated with all types of nuclear activity. We present NUV and optical images provided by HST to find out the role that stellar clusters play in different types of AGNs (Seyferts and LLAGNs). Also with these images, we study the circumnuclear dust morphology as a probe of the circumnuclear environment of AGNs. Here we present a summary of the the first results obtained for the sample of Seyferts and LLAGN galaxies.Comment: Contribution to the conference proceedings "Space Astronomy: The UV window to the Universe", El Escorial (Spain), May 28-June 1 2007, submitted to Ap&SS, invited ed. Gomes de Castro, A.I. Further explanations are in Mu\~noz Marin, et al (2007) and Gonzalez Delgado et al (2007); and the full collection of figures are at the ULR: http://www.iaa.es/~rosa/research/LLAGNs2007/LLAGNs-HSTIma1.html http://www.iaa.es/~manuel/publications/paper01.htm

    Red Queen Coevolution on Fitness Landscapes

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    Species do not merely evolve, they also coevolve with other organisms. Coevolution is a major force driving interacting species to continuously evolve ex- ploring their fitness landscapes. Coevolution involves the coupling of species fit- ness landscapes, linking species genetic changes with their inter-specific ecological interactions. Here we first introduce the Red Queen hypothesis of evolution com- menting on some theoretical aspects and empirical evidences. As an introduction to the fitness landscape concept, we review key issues on evolution on simple and rugged fitness landscapes. Then we present key modeling examples of coevolution on different fitness landscapes at different scales, from RNA viruses to complex ecosystems and macroevolution.Comment: 40 pages, 12 figures. To appear in "Recent Advances in the Theory and Application of Fitness Landscapes" (H. Richter and A. Engelbrecht, eds.). Springer Series in Emergence, Complexity, and Computation, 201

    Outer-disk reddening and gas-phase metallicities: The CALIFA connection

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    Astronomy and Astrophysics 585 (2016): A47 reproduced with permission from Astronomy & AstrophysicsWe study, for the first time in a statistically significant and well-defined sample, the relation between the outer-disk ionized-gas metallicity gradients and the presence of breaks in the surface brightness profiles of disk galaxies. Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) g′- and r′-band surface brightness, (g′ - r′) color, and ionized-gas oxygen abundance profiles for 324 galaxies within the Calar Alto Legacy Integral Field Area (CALIFA) survey are used for this purpose. We perform a detailed light-profile classification, finding that 84% of our disks show down- or up-bending profiles (Type II and Type III, respectively), while the remaining 16% are well fitted by one single exponential (Type I). The analysis of the color gradients at both sides of this break shows a U-shaped profile for most Type II galaxies with an average minimum (g′ - r′) color of ∼ 0.5mag and an ionized-gas metallicity flattening associated with it only in the case of low-mass galaxies. Comparatively, more massive systems show a rather uniform negative metallicity gradient. The correlation between metallicity flattening and stellar mass for these systems results in p-values as low as 0.01. Independent of the mechanism having shaped the outer light profiles of these galaxies, stellar migration or a previous episode of star formation in a shrinking star-forming disk, it is clear that the imprint in their ionized-gas metallicity was different for low- and high-mass Type II galaxies. In the case of Type III disks, a positive correlation between the change in color and abundance gradient is found (the null hypothesis is ruled out with a p-value of 0.02), with the outer disks of Type III galaxies with masses ≤1010 M′ showing a weak color reddening or even a bluing. This is interpreted as primarily due to a mass downsizing effect on the population of Type III galaxies that recently experienced an enhanced inside-out growthWe acknowledge support from the Plan Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo funding programs, AyA2010-15081, AyA2012-30717 and AyA2013-46724P, of Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO). A.G.d.P. acknowledges the support from the FP7 Marie Curie Actions of the European Commission, via the Initial Training Network DAGAL under REA grant agreement PITNGA- 2011-289313. C.C.-T. thanks the support of the Spanish Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte by means of the FPU fellowship program. C.J.W. acknowledges support through the Marie Curie Career Integration Grant 303912. Support for L.G. is provided by the Ministry of Economy, Development, and Tourism’s Millennium Science Initiative through grant IC 120009, awarded to The Millennium Institute of Astrophysics, MAS. L.G. acknowledges support by CONIC YT through FONDECYT grant 3140566. S.F.S. thanks the CONACYT-125180 and DGAPA-IA100815 projects for providing him support in this study. J.M.A. acknowledges support from the European Research Council Starting Grant (SEDmorph; P.I. V. Wild). P.P. is supported by FCT through the Investigador FCT Contract No. IF/01220/2013 and POPH/FSE (EC) by FEDER funding through the program COMPETE. He also acknowledges support by FCT under project FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-029170 (Reference FCT PTDC/FISAST/ 3214/2012), funded by FCT-MEC (PIDDAC) and FEDER (COMPETE

    Trends and outcome of neoadjuvant treatment for rectal cancer: A retrospective analysis and critical assessment of a 10-year prospective national registry on behalf of the Spanish Rectal Cancer Project

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    Introduction: Preoperative treatment and adequate surgery increase local control in rectal cancer. However, modalities and indications for neoadjuvant treatment may be controversial. Aim of this study was to assess the trends of preoperative treatment and outcomes in patients with rectal cancer included in the Rectal Cancer Registry of the Spanish Associations of Surgeons. Method: This is a STROBE-compliant retrospective analysis of a prospective database. All patients operated on with curative intention included in the Rectal Cancer Registry were included. Analyses were performed to compare the use of neoadjuvant/adjuvant treatment in three timeframes: I)2006–2009; II)2010–2013; III)2014–2017. Survival analyses were run for 3-year survival in timeframes I-II. Results: Out of 14, 391 patients, 8871 (61.6%) received neoadjuvant treatment. Long-course chemo/radiotherapy was the most used approach (79.9%), followed by short-course radiotherapy ± chemotherapy (7.6%). The use of neoadjuvant treatment for cancer of the upper third (15-11 cm) increased over time (31.5%vs 34.5%vs 38.6%, p = 0.0018). The complete regression rate slightly increased over time (15.6% vs 16% vs 18.5%; p = 0.0093); the proportion of patients with involved circumferential resection margins (CRM) went down from 8.2% to 7.3%and 5.5% (p = 0.0004). Neoadjuvant treatment significantly decreased positive CRM in lower third tumors (OR 0.71, 0.59–0.87, Cochrane-Mantel-Haenszel P = 0.0008). Most ypN0 patients also received adjuvant therapy. In MR-defined stage III patients, preoperative treatment was associated with significantly longer local-recurrence-free survival (p < 0.0001), and cancer-specific survival (p < 0.0001). The survival benefit was smaller in upper third cancers. Conclusion: There was an increasing trend and a potential overuse of neoadjuvant treatment in cancer of the upper rectum. Most ypN0 patients received postoperative treatment. Involvement of CRM in lower third tumors was reduced after neoadjuvant treatment. Stage III and MRcN + benefited the most

    Assessment of plasma chitotriosidase activity, CCL18/PARC concentration and NP-C suspicion index in the diagnosis of Niemann-Pick disease type C: A prospective observational study

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    Background: Niemann-Pick disease type C (NP-C) is a rare, autosomal recessive neurodegenerative disease caused by mutations in either the NPC1 or NPC2 genes. The diagnosis of NP-C remains challenging due to the non-specific, heterogeneous nature of signs/symptoms. This study assessed the utility of plasma chitotriosidase (ChT) and Chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 18 (CCL18)/pulmonary and activation-regulated chemokine (PARC) in conjunction with the NP-C suspicion index (NP-C SI) for guiding confirmatory laboratory testing in patients with suspected NP-C. Methods: In a prospective observational cohort study, incorporating a retrospective determination of NP-C SI scores, two different diagnostic approaches were applied in two separate groups of unrelated patients from 51 Spanish medical centers (n = 118 in both groups). From Jan 2010 to Apr 2012 (Period 1), patients with =2 clinical signs/symptoms of NP-C were considered ''suspected NP-C'' cases, and NPC1/NPC2 sequencing, plasma chitotriosidase (ChT), CCL18/PARC and sphingomyelinase levels were assessed. Based on findings in Period 1, plasma ChT and CCL18/PARC, and NP-C SI prediction scores were determined in a second group of patients between May 2012 and Apr 2014 (Period 2), and NPC1 and NPC2 were sequenced only in those with elevated ChT and/or elevated CCL18/PARC and/or NP-C SI =70. Filipin staining and 7-ketocholesterol (7-KC) measurements were performed in all patients with NP-C gene mutations, where possible. Results: In total across Periods 1 and 2, 10/236 (4%) patients had a confirmed diagnosis o NP-C based on gene sequencing (5/118 4.2%] in each Period): all of these patients had two causal NPC1 mutations. Single mutant NPC1 alleles were detected in 8/236 (3%) patients, overall. Positive filipin staining results comprised three classical and five variant biochemical phenotypes. No NPC2 mutations were detected. All patients with NPC1 mutations had high ChT activity, high CCL18/PARC concentrations and/or NP-C SI scores =70. Plasma 7-KC was higher than control cut-off values in all patients with two NPC1 mutations, and in the majority of patients with single mutations. Family studies identified three further NP-C patients. Conclusion: This approach may be very useful for laboratories that do not have mass spectrometry facilities and therefore, they cannot use other NP-C biomarkers for diagnosis

    Predicting at-risk opioid use three months after ed visit for trauma: Results from the AURORA study

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    OBJECTIVE: Whether short-term, low-potency opioid prescriptions for acute pain lead to future at-risk opioid use remains controversial and inadequately characterized. Our objective was to measure the association between emergency department (ED) opioid analgesic exposure after a physical, trauma-related event and subsequent opioid use. We hypothesized ED opioid analgesic exposure is associated with subsequent at-risk opioid use. METHODS: Participants were enrolled in AURORA, a prospective cohort study of adult patients in 29 U.S., urban EDs receiving care for a traumatic event. Exclusion criteria were hospital admission, persons reporting any non-medical opioid use (e.g., opioids without prescription or taking more than prescribed for euphoria) in the 30 days before enrollment, and missing or incomplete data regarding opioid exposure or pain. We used multivariable logistic regression to assess the relationship between ED opioid exposure and at-risk opioid use, defined as any self-reported non-medical opioid use after initial ED encounter or prescription opioid use at 3-months. RESULTS: Of 1441 subjects completing 3-month follow-up, 872 participants were included for analysis. At-risk opioid use occurred within 3 months in 33/620 (5.3%, CI: 3.7,7.4) participants without ED opioid analgesic exposure; 4/16 (25.0%, CI: 8.3, 52.6) with ED opioid prescription only; 17/146 (11.6%, CI: 7.1, 18.3) with ED opioid administration only; 12/90 (13.3%, CI: 7.4, 22.5) with both. Controlling for clinical factors, adjusted odds ratios (aORs) for at-risk opioid use after ED opioid exposure were: ED prescription only: 4.9 (95% CI 1.4, 17.4); ED administration for analgesia only: 2.0 (CI 1.0, 3.8); both: 2.8 (CI 1.2, 6.5). CONCLUSIONS: ED opioids were associated with subsequent at-risk opioid use within three months in a geographically diverse cohort of adult trauma patients. This supports need for prospective studies focused on the long-term consequences of ED opioid analgesic exposure to estimate individual risk and guide therapeutic decision-making