3 research outputs found

    Photoinduced antibacterial activity of the essential oils from Eugenia brasiliensis lam and Piper mosenii C. DC. by blue led light

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the phytochemical composition and the antibacterial and antibiotic-modulating activities of the essential oils of Eugenia brasiliensis Lam (OEEb) and Piper mosenii C. DC (OEPm) singly or in association with blue LED (Light-emitting diode) light. The antibacterial and antibiotic-modulatory activities of the essential oils on the activity of aminoglycosides were evaluated to determine the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC, \u3bcg/mL) in the presence or absence of exposure to blue LED light. The chemical analysis showed \u3b1-pinene and bicyclogermacrene as major constituents of OEPm, whereas \u3b1-muurolol was the main compound of OEEb. Both OEEb and OEPm showed MIC 65 512 \u3bcg/mL against the strains under study. However, the association of these oils with the blue LED light enhanced the action of the aminoglycosides amikacin and gentamicin. In conclusion, the association of aminoglycosides with the blue LED light and essential oils was effective against resistant bacteria

    Desenvolvimento de embriões de camundongas após manutenção em diferentes soluções de manipulação

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    Avaliou-se a eficácia de duas soluções de manipulação (SM) de embriões de camundongas nos estádios de blastocisto inicial (Bin), mórula compacta grau I (McI) e II (McII), distribuídos aleatoriamente em três tratamentos (T), de acordo com a solução de manutenção. No T1 usou-se PBS modificado (controle); no T2, SME e no T3, SME enriquecida. Os embriões foram mantidos durante quatro horas na solução de manutenção e posteriormente classificados quanto ao estádio de desenvolvimento e à qualidade embrionária. Logo após, foram cultivados em meio TCM 199 e classificados novamente quanto ao estádio de desenvolvimento e à qualidade embrionária. A taxa de desenvolvimento dos embriões após manutenção por quatro horas em solução de manipulação foi menor (P0,05) após o cultivo in vitro. Os embriões McII do T3 tiveram maior desenvolvimento (P0.05) as compared to EMS and EMS supplemented embryos. After in vitro culture, no differences (P>0.05) on embryo development rate among control, EMS, and EMS supplemented were observed. Moreover, McII from EMS supplemented had a higher development (P<0.05) (93%) as compared to control (82.5%) and EMS (83.9%), suggesting a beneficial effect of EMS supplemented. EMS and EMS supplemented embryos had a positive effect on embryo development, showing higher embryo development than those in PBS solution