11 research outputs found

    Tunneling from a correlated 2D electron system transverse to a magnetic field

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    We show that, in a magnetic field parallel to the 2D electron layer, strong electron correlations change the rate of tunneling from the layer exponentially. It results in a specific density dependence of the escape rate. The mechanism is a dynamical Mossbauer-type recoil, in which the Hall momentum of the tunneling electron is partly transferred to the whole electron system, depending on the interrelation between the rate of interelectron momentum exchange and the tunneling duration. We also show that, in a certain temperature range, magnetic field can enhance rather than suppress the tunneling rate. The effect is due to the magnetic field induced energy exchange between the in-plane and out-of-plane motion. Magnetic field can also induce switching between intra-well states from which the system tunnels, and a transition from tunneling to thermal activation. Explicit results are obtained for a Wigner crystal. They are in qualitative and quantitative agreement with the relevant experimental data, with no adjustable parameters.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figure

    Reducing the environmental impact of surgery on a global scale: systematic review and co-prioritization with healthcare workers in 132 countries

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    Background Healthcare cannot achieve net-zero carbon without addressing operating theatres. The aim of this study was to prioritize feasible interventions to reduce the environmental impact of operating theatres. Methods This study adopted a four-phase Delphi consensus co-prioritization methodology. In phase 1, a systematic review of published interventions and global consultation of perioperative healthcare professionals were used to longlist interventions. In phase 2, iterative thematic analysis consolidated comparable interventions into a shortlist. In phase 3, the shortlist was co-prioritized based on patient and clinician views on acceptability, feasibility, and safety. In phase 4, ranked lists of interventions were presented by their relevance to high-income countries and low–middle-income countries. Results In phase 1, 43 interventions were identified, which had low uptake in practice according to 3042 professionals globally. In phase 2, a shortlist of 15 intervention domains was generated. In phase 3, interventions were deemed acceptable for more than 90 per cent of patients except for reducing general anaesthesia (84 per cent) and re-sterilization of ‘single-use’ consumables (86 per cent). In phase 4, the top three shortlisted interventions for high-income countries were: introducing recycling; reducing use of anaesthetic gases; and appropriate clinical waste processing. In phase 4, the top three shortlisted interventions for low–middle-income countries were: introducing reusable surgical devices; reducing use of consumables; and reducing the use of general anaesthesia. Conclusion This is a step toward environmentally sustainable operating environments with actionable interventions applicable to both high– and low–middle–income countries

    Crystal-associated cholangiopathy in sheep grazing Brachiaria decumbens containing the saponin protodioscin Colangiopatia associada a cristais em ovinos alimentados com Brachiaria decumbens que contém a saponina protodioscina

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    An outbreak of hepatogenous photosensitization is reported in a flock of 28 sheep grazing Brachiaria decumbens in Mato Grosso do Sul State, Central-Western Brazil. Seven lambs and an adult sheep were affected and 6 of them died. Two surviving affected lambs and one lamb without clinical signs had increased serum values of gamma glutamyltransferase, bilirubin, and cholesterol. In two adult unaffected sheep those parameters were within normal values. An adult sheep submitted to necropsy presented moderate body condition, unilateral corneal opacity, drying of the muzzle, moderate jaundice, increased lobular pattern of the liver, and a distended gallbladder. Histological lesions were epithelial degeneration, necrosis, and hyperplasia of small bile ducts. Mild amounts of foamy macrophages were observed, mainly in the centroacinar zone. Diffuse swelling and vacuolation were observed in hepatocytes. Crystal negative images were found within bile ducts, foamy macrophages, and the lumen of some renal tubules. The heart showed multifocal areas of degeneration and necrosis of the muscle fibers. Pasture samples (Brachiaria decumbens) contained 2.36% of protodioscin. No Pithomyces chartarum spores were found in the pasture. Samples from a similar neighboring B. decumbens pasture grazed by cattle without photosensitization contained 1.63% of protodioscin isomers. Outbreaks of photosensitization caused by Brachiaria spp. are common in cattle in the Brazilian Cerrado (savanna) with about 51 million hectares of Brachiaria spp pastures. Sheep farming has been recently developed in this region, and the number of sheep is increasing significantly. Because sheep are more susceptible than cattle to lithogenic saponins, poisoning by Brachiaria should be an important limiting factor for the sheep industry.<br>Um surto de fotossensibilização hepatógena é descrito em um rebanho de 28 ovinos mantidos em pastagem de Brachiaria decumbens no Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul, região Centro-Oeste do Brasil. Sete cordeiros e uma ovelha adulta foram afetados e seis deles morreram. Dois cordeiros com sinais clínicos e um cordeiro, aparentemente sem sinais clínicos, apresentaram elevação na atividade sérica de gama glutamil-transferase, e nos valores de bilirrubina e colesterol. Em dois animais adultos que não apresentavam sinais clínicos, esses parâmetros estavam dentro dos valores normais. Uma ovelha adulta submetida à necropsia apresentou moderada condição corporal, opacidade de córnea unilateral, focinho ressecado, moderada icterícia, padrão lobular hepático evidente e vesícula biliar acentuadamente distendida e repleta. As lesões histológicas consistiram de degeneração epitelial, necrose e hiperplasia de ductos biliares. Havia discreta quantidade de macrófagos espumosos, principalmente na região centroacinar, e tumefação e vacuolização difusas dos hepatócitos. Foram observadas imagens negativas de cristais dentro dos ductos biliares, macrófagos espumosos e lúmen de alguns túbulos renais. O coração apresentou áreas multifocais de degeneração e necrose de fibras musculares. Amostras da pastagem (B. decumbens) apresentaram 2,36% de protodioscina e nenhum esporo de Pithomyces chartarum foi encontrado na pastagem. Amostras de uma pastagem vizinha semelhante (B. decumbens), que havia sido pastejada por bovinos que não desenvolveram fotossensibilização, apresentaram 1,63% de protodioscina. Surtos de fotossensibilização causados por espécies de Brachiaria são comuns em bovinos no Cerrado brasileiro onde há aproximadamente 51 milhões de hectares plantados com essa gramínea. A criação de ovinos nesta região ganhou recente impulso e o número de ovinos vem aumentando significativamente. Como os ovinos são mais suscetíveis que os bovinos à intoxicação pelas saponinas litogênicas presentes nas espécies de Brachiaria spp, isso deve se constituir um fator importante para a criação de ovinos nessa região

    Symbiotic efficiency and genetic characteristics of Bradyrhizobium sp. strain UFSM LA 1.3 isolated from Lupinus albescens (H. et Arn) Eficiência simbiótica e características genéticas da estirpe UFSM LA 1.3 de Bradyrhizobium sp. isolado de Lupinus albescens (H. et Arn)

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    Legume species belonging to the genus Lupinus are annual herb plants. The majority of them are indigenous to the Americas. They are known for nitrogen-fixing symbioses with soil bacteria collectively called rhizobia. The aim of this study was to characterize a rhizobium strain isolated from Lupinus albescens using phenotypic, symbiotic and molecular approaches. Strain UFSM LA 1.3 was tested in vitro according to several parameters: colony size, color and growing rate; acid or alkaline reaction in yeast mannitol media supplemented with bromothymol blue; gum production. Molecular characterization was evaluated by PCR technique using primers BOX A1-R and sequence analysis of the 16S-23S rDNA intergenic region (ITS). ITS sequencing fragments showed genetic similarity with Bradyrhizobium sp. The polymorphism observed by BOX-PCR have shown that strain differs from the reference strain SEMIA 928 and SEMIA 938. The symbiotic efficiency under axenic conditions of UFSM LA 1.3 was 94.6%, without statistical differences compared to the mineral nitrogen fertilized control, to which was applied solution of 400 mg of ammonium nitrate.<br>Espécies de leguminosas pertencentes ao gênero Lupinus são plantas herbáceas anuais. A maioria é originária das Américas. Estas plantas estabelecem simbioses com bactérias do solo que realizam fixação biológica de nitrogênio coletivamente chamada de rizóbios. Caracterizou-se uma estirpe isolada de Lupinus albescens por meio de características fenotípicas, simbióticas e moleculares. A estirpe UFSM LA 1.3 foi testada in vitro de acordo com os parâmetros: tamanho de colônia; cor e taxa de crescimento; reação ácida ou básica em meio levedura manitol suplementado com azul de bromotimol; produção de goma. A caracterização molecular foi feita pela técnica de PCR usando os oligonucleotídeos BOX A1-R e seqüenciamento da região ITS. A análise da seqüência dos fragmentos da região intergênica (ITS) 16S-26S rDNA mostrou similaridade genética com Bradyrhizobium sp. O polimorfismo observado por BOX-PCR demonstrou que a estirpe difere das estirpes referência SEMIA 928 e SEMIA 938. A eficiência simbiótica de UFSM LA 1.3 foi de 94,6%, sem diferenças estatísticas comparada com o controle com fertilizante nitrogenado mineral que recebeu 400 mg de nitrato de amônio

    Variações qualitativas e quantitativas na microbiota do solo e na fixação biológica do nitrogênio sob diferentes manejos com soja Qualitative and quantitative changes in soil microbiota and biological nitrogen fixation under different soybean managements

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    Neste estudo foram avaliados atributos qualitativos e quantitativos da microbiota do solo, visando monitorar alterações por diferentes manejos do solo e das culturas. As avaliações foram feitas em um ensaio a campo, conduzido há 14 anos em Londrina, PR, sob plantio convencional (PC) ou plantio direto (PD) e com sucessão (S) (soja/trigo) ou rotação (R) (tremoço/milho/aveia-preta/soja/trigo/soja/trigo/soja) de culturas, quando todos os sistemas estavam com soja no estádio de florescimento pleno. Os incrementos no C e N da biomassa microbiana (CBM e NBM) no PD foram de 114 e 157 %, respectivamente, em comparação ao PC; além disso, o quociente metabólico (qCO2) foi inferior em 37 % no PD, indicando maior eficiência metabólica da microbiota do solo. Não foram detectadas diferenças nesses atributos em função dos sistemas de rotação e sucessão de culturas. A diversidade genética da comunidade bacteriana total do solo foi superior no PD e inferior no PC com sucessão de culturas. Em relação à fixação biológica do N2, a massa, o N total e a fração de N-ureídos acumulados na parte aérea e a eficiência dos nódulos em fixar N2 foram superiores no PD. A diversidade genética dos rizóbios foi afetada, principalmente, pelo manejo das culturas, sendo superior com a rotação, provavelmente pelo maior número de espécies de plantas. Contudo, com a rotação ocorreu decréscimo na eficiência do processo de fixação biológica do N2, o que pode estar relacionado com os teores mais elevados de N no solo, ou com a menor pressão de seleção por bactérias eficientes. Desse modo, para microrganismos do solo com função específica, como os rizóbios, a diversidade genética pode ser distinta da funcionalidade.<br>In this study, quantitative and qualitative microbiological parameters were evaluated to detect differences related to soil and crop management. The study was carried out in a field experiment installed 14 years ago on a Rhodic Eutrudox, in Londrina, PR, Brazil. Treatments were a combination of a crop sequence (S) (soybean/wheat) and a crop rotation (R) (lupin/maize/black oat/soybean/wheat/soybean/wheat/soybean), either under conventional tillage (CT) or no-tillage (NT). Evaluations were performed when all systems were under the soybean cropping season, at full flowering. Amounts of microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen (MB-C and MB-N, respectively) were 114 and 157 % higher in NT than in CT. Furthermore, the metabolic quotient (qCO2) was lower under NT, indicating higher metabolic efficiency of the soil microbes. These parameters were not affected by the crop sequence/rotation. Genetic diversity of the total soil bacterial community was higher under NT and lower in the CT system with crop sequence. Regarding the biological N2 fixation, it was found that plant biomass, total N and fraction of N-ureides in shoots, as well as nodule efficiency, were higher under NT. Genetic diversity of rhizobia was affected mainly by crop management and was higher under crop rotation, probably due to the greater number of plant species. However, crop rotation decreased the efficiency of the biological N2 fixation process, which may be related to more abundant N in the soil or to a lower selection pressure for efficient rhizobia. For soil microbes with specific functions, e.g., rhizobia, genetic diversity may therefore differ from functionality