201 research outputs found

    The need for structured thoracic robotic training: the perspective of an American Association for Thoracic Surgery surgical robotic fellow

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    Since the initial experiences with robotic platforms in thoracic surgery (1), the number of procedures performed with this technique have continued to increase (2). Not only have newer trainees demonstrated interest in the field, but former open and VATS surgeons have also become aware of the advantages that the robotic platform provides (1,3). However, although some authors have implemented robotic thoracic surgery safely (4,5) others still consider it inefficient, citing the increased operative time (related to the learning curve), the initial instrument cost, and the lack of appropriate directed training (3)

    The mediating effect of task presentation on collaboration and children's acquisition of scientific reasoning

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    There has been considerable research concerning peer interaction and the acquisition of children's scientific reasoning. This study investigated differences in collaborative activity between pairs of children working around a computer with pairs of children working with physical apparatus and related any differences to the development of children's scientific reasoning. Children aged between 9 and 10 years old (48 boys and 48 girls) were placed into either same ability or mixed ability pairs according to their individual, pre-test performance on a scientific reasoning task. These pairs then worked on either a computer version or a physical version of Inhelder and Piaget's (1958) chemical combination task. Type of presentation was found to mediate the nature and type of collaborative activity. The mixed-ability pairs working around the computer talked proportionally more about the task and management of the task; had proportionally more transactive discussions and used the record more productively than children working with the physical apparatus. Type of presentation was also found to mediated children's learning. Children in same ability pairs who worked with the physical apparatus improved significantly more than same ability pairs who worked around the computer. These findings were partially predicted from a socio-cultural theory and show the importance of tools for mediating collaborative activity and collaborative learning

    Collective excitations of trapped Bose condensates in the energy and time domains

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    A time-dependent method for calculating the collective excitation frequencies and densities of a trapped, inhomogeneous Bose-Einstein condensate with circulation is presented. The results are compared with time-independent solutions of the Bogoliubov-deGennes equations. The method is based on time-dependent linear-response theory combined with spectral analysis of moments of the excitation modes of interest. The technique is straightforward to apply, is extremely efficient in our implementation with parallel FFT methods, and produces highly accurate results. The method is suitable for general trap geometries, condensate flows and condensates permeated with vortex structures.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures small typos fixe

    Dark soliton states of Bose-Einstein condensates in anisotropic traps

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    Dark soliton states of Bose-Einstein condensates in harmonic traps are studied both analytically and computationally by the direct solution of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation in three dimensions. The ground and self-consistent excited states are found numerically by relaxation in imaginary time. The energy of a stationary soliton in a harmonic trap is shown to be independent of density and geometry for large numbers of atoms. Large amplitude field modulation at a frequency resonant with the energy of a dark soliton is found to give rise to a state with multiple vortices. The Bogoliubov excitation spectrum of the soliton state contains complex frequencies, which disappear for sufficiently small numbers of atoms or large transverse confinement. The relationship between these complex modes and the snake instability is investigated numerically by propagation in real time.Comment: 11 pages, 8 embedded figures (two in color

    Migration of dissolved organic carbon in biochars and biochar-mineral complexes

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    The objective of this work was to determine the contribution of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) from a biochar mineral complex (BMC), so as to better understand the interactions between DOC, biochar, clay, and minerals during thermal treatment, and the effects of BMC on amended soils. The BMC was prepared by heating a mixture of a H3PO4-treated saligna biochar from Acacia saligna, clays, other minerals, and chicken manure. The BMC was applied to a sandy loam soil in Western Australia, where wheat was grown. Liquid chromatography-organic carbon detection (LC-OCD) tests were carried out on water extracts from the untreated biochar, the BMC, the BMC-amended soil, and on a control soil to measure the DOC concentration. LC-OCD tests provide a fingerprint of the DOC, which allows the fractions of DOC to be determined. Thermal processing enhanced the reaction of the A. saligna biochar with manure, clays and minerals, and affected the distribution of the DOC fractions. Notably, the process leads to immobilization of hydrophobic DOC and to an increase in the concentration of low-molecular-weight neutrals in the BMC. The application of the BMC to soil increases the DOC in the amended soil, especially the biopolymer fraction

    Communication is key: a study of the development of communication key skills in China

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    Different countries offer alternative curricula around what might be designated language, literacy and/or communication. This paper focuses on the latter which has typically been associated with vocational education and often labelled a ‘key’ or ‘core’ skill that forms part of a wider set of life and employability skills. In recent years, as China has emerged as a global economy, education has been significant in its policy and development. This research explores staff and student responses to the introduction of a key skills communication course in three Chinese further education vocational colleges. The initiative was prompted by research in China which had suggested that communication is important not just for education (Ye and Li 2007) but also for employability, and that the ability to communicate effectively could be instrumental in individuals’ success and development (Tong and Zhong 2008). It explores what communication key skills might mean in a Chinese context and questions notions of transferability and of competence and performance in communication. It analyses how motivation could affect learner success and the relationship of pedagogy to curriculum and, finally, it considers how communication might be an element in the longer-term social and political development of critical literacies

    Materializing digital collecting: an extended view of digital materiality

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    If digital objects are abundant and ubiquitous, why should consumers pay for, much less collect them? The qualities of digital code present numerous challenges for collecting, yet digital collecting can and does occur. We explore the role of companies in constructing digital consumption objects that encourage and support collecting behaviours, identifying material configuration techniques that materialise these objects as elusive and authentic. Such techniques, we argue, may facilitate those pleasures of collecting otherwise absent in the digital realm. We extend theories of collecting by highlighting the role of objects and the companies that construct them in materialising digital collecting. More broadly, we extend theories of digital materiality by highlighting processes of digital material configuration that occur in the pre-objectification phase of materialisation, acknowledging the role of marketing and design in shaping the qualities exhibited by digital consumption objects and consequently related consumption behaviours and experiences