970 research outputs found

    The need for structured thoracic robotic training: the perspective of an American Association for Thoracic Surgery surgical robotic fellow

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    Since the initial experiences with robotic platforms in thoracic surgery (1), the number of procedures performed with this technique have continued to increase (2). Not only have newer trainees demonstrated interest in the field, but former open and VATS surgeons have also become aware of the advantages that the robotic platform provides (1,3). However, although some authors have implemented robotic thoracic surgery safely (4,5) others still consider it inefficient, citing the increased operative time (related to the learning curve), the initial instrument cost, and the lack of appropriate directed training (3)

    The arctic curve of the domain-wall six-vertex model

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    The problem of the form of the `arctic' curve of the six-vertex model with domain wall boundary conditions in its disordered regime is addressed. It is well-known that in the scaling limit the model exhibits phase-separation, with regions of order and disorder sharply separated by a smooth curve, called the arctic curve. To find this curve, we study a multiple integral representation for the emptiness formation probability, a correlation function devised to detect spatial transition from order to disorder. We conjecture that the arctic curve, for arbitrary choice of the vertex weights, can be characterized by the condition of condensation of almost all roots of the corresponding saddle-point equations at the same, known, value. In explicit calculations we restrict to the disordered regime for which we have been able to compute the scaling limit of certain generating function entering the saddle-point equations. The arctic curve is obtained in parametric form and appears to be a non-algebraic curve in general; it turns into an algebraic one in the so-called root-of-unity cases. The arctic curve is also discussed in application to the limit shape of qq-enumerated (with 0<q40<q\leq 4) large alternating sign matrices. In particular, as q0q\to 0 the limit shape tends to a nontrivial limiting curve, given by a relatively simple equation.Comment: 39 pages, 2 figures; minor correction

    First LOFAR results on galaxy clusters

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    Deep radio observations of galaxy clusters have revealed the existence of diffuse radio sources related to the presence of relativistic electrons and weak magnetic fields in the intracluster volume. The role played by this non-thermal intracluster component on the thermodynamical evolution of galaxy clusters is debated, with important implications for cosmological and astrophysical studies of the largest gravitationally bound structures of the Universe. The low surface brightness and steep spectra of diffuse cluster radio sources make them more easily detectable at low-frequencies. LOFAR is the first instrument able to detect diffuse radio emission in hundreds of massive galaxy clusters up to their formation epoch. We present the first observations of clusters imaged by LOFAR and the huge perspectives opened by this instrument for non-thermal cluster studies.Comment: Proceedings of the 2012 week of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics (SF2A) held in Nice, June 5th-8t

    Guidelines for training in cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR)

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    These "Guidelines for training in Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance" were developed by the Certification Committee of the Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance (SCMR) and approved by the SCMR Board of Trustees

    Green manure in coffee systems in the region of Zona da Mata, Minas Gerais: characteristics and kinetics of carbon and nitrogen mineralization.

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    The use of green manure may contribute to reduce soil erosion and increase the soil organic matter content and N availability in coffee plantations in the Zona da Mata, State of Minas Gerais, in Southeastern Brazil. The potential of four legumes (A. pintoi, C. mucunoides, S. aterrimum and S. guianensis)to produce above-ground biomass, accumulate nutrients and mineralize N was studied in two coffee plantations of subsistence farmers under different climate conditions. The biomass production of C. mucunoides was influenced by the shade of the coffee plantation.C. mucunoides tended to mineralize more N than the other legumes due to the low polyphenol content and polyphenol/N ratio. In the first year, the crop establishment of A. pintoi in the area took longer than of the other legumes, resulting in lower biomass production and N2 fixation. In the long term, cellulose was the main factor controlling N mineralization. The biochemical characteristics, nutrient accumulation and biomass production of the legumes were greatly influenced by the altitude and position of the area relative to the sun

    Magnetic Fields, Relativistic Particles, and Shock Waves in Cluster Outskirts

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    It is only now, with low-frequency radio telescopes, long exposures with high-resolution X-ray satellites and gamma-ray telescopes, that we are beginning to learn about the physics in the periphery of galaxy clusters. In the coming years, Sunyaev-Zeldovich telescopes are going to deliver further great insights into the plasma physics of these special regions in the Universe. The last years have already shown tremendous progress with detections of shocks, estimates of magnetic field strengths and constraints on the particle acceleration efficiency. X-ray observations have revealed shock fronts in cluster outskirts which have allowed inferences about the microphysical structure of shocks fronts in such extreme environments. The best indications for magnetic fields and relativistic particles in cluster outskirts come from observations of so-called radio relics, which are megaparsec-sized regions of radio emission from the edges of galaxy clusters. As these are difficult to detect due to their low surface brightness, only few of these objects are known. But they have provided unprecedented evidence for the acceleration of relativistic particles at shock fronts and the existence of muG strength fields as far out as the virial radius of clusters. In this review we summarise the observational and theoretical state of our knowledge of magnetic fields, relativistic particles and shocks in cluster outskirts.Comment: 34 pages, to be published in Space Science Review

    Quasinormal modes for tensor and vector type perturbation of Gauss Bonnet black holes using third order WKB approach

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    We obtain the quasinormal modes for tensor perturbations of Gauss-Bonnet (GB) black holes in d=5,7,8d=5, 7, 8 dimensions and vector perturbations in d=5,6,7d = 5, 6, 7 and 8 dimensions using third order WKB formalism. The tensor perturbation for black holes in d=6d=6 is not considered because of the fact that it is unstable to tensor mode perturbations. In the case of uncharged GB black hole, for both tensor and vector perturbations, the real part of the QN frequency increases as the Gauss-Bonnet coupling (α\alpha') increases. The imaginary part first decreases upto a certain value of α\alpha' and then increases with α\alpha' for both tensor and vector perturbations. For larger values of α\alpha', the QN frequencies for vector perturbation differs slightly from the QN frequencies for tensorial one. It has also been shown that as α0\alpha' \to 0, the quasinormal mode frequency for tensor and vector perturbation of the Schwarzschild black hole can be obtained. We have also calculated the quasinormal spectrum of the charged GB black hole for tensor perturbations. Here we have found that the real oscillation frequency increases, while the imaginary part of the frequency falls with the increase of the charge. We also show that the quasinormal frequencies for scalar field perturbations and the tensor gravitational perturbations do not match as was claimed in the literature. The difference in the result increases if we increase the GB coupling.Comment: 17 pages, 11 figures, change in title and abstract, new equations and results added for QN frequencies for vector perturbations, new referencees adde

    Quasinormal modes from potentials surrounding the charged dilaton black hole

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    We clarify the purely imaginary quasinormal frequencies of a massless scalar perturbation on the 3D charged-dilaton black holes. This case is quite interesting because the potential-step appears outside the event horizon similar to the case of the electromagnetic perturbations on the large Schwarzschild-AdS black holes. It turns out that the potential-step type provides the purely imaginary quasinormal frequencies, while the potential-barrier type gives the complex quasinormal modes.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figure

    NMR and NQR Fluctuation Effects in Layered Superconductors

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    We study the effect of thermal fluctuations of the s-wave order parameter of a quasi two dimensional superconductor on the nuclear spin relaxation rate near the transition temperature Tc. We consider both the effects of the amplitude fluctuations and the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) phase fluctuations in weakly coupled layered superconductors. In the treatment of the amplitude fluctuations we employ the Gaussian approximation and evaluate the longitudinal relaxation rate 1/T1 for a clean s-wave superconductor, with and without pair breaking effects, using the static pair fluctuation propagator D. The increase in 1/T1 due to pair breaking in D is overcompensated by the decrease arising from the single particle Green's functions. The result is a strong effect on 1/T1 for even a small amount of pair breaking. The phase fluctuations are described in terms of dynamical BKT excitations in the form of pancake vortex-antivortex (VA) pairs. We calculate the effect of the magnetic field fluctuations caused by the translational motion of VA excitations on 1/T1 and on the transverse relaxation rate 1/T2 on both sides of the BKT transitation temperature T(BKT)<Tc. The results for the NQR relaxation rates depend strongly on the diffusion constant that governs the motion of free and bound vortices as well as the annihilation of VA pairs. We discuss the relaxation rates for real multilayer systems where the diffusion constant can be small and thus increase the lifetime of a VA pair, leading to an enhancement of the rates. We also discuss in some detail the experimental feasibility of observing the effects of amplitude fluctuations in layered s-wave superconductors such as the dichalcogenides and the effects of phase fluctuations in s- or d-wave superconductors such as the layered cuprates.Comment: 38 pages, 12 figure