42 research outputs found

    A C 0 interior penalty discontinuous Galerkin Method for fourth-order total variation flow. II: Existence and uniqueness

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    We prove the existence and uniqueness of a solution of a C0 Interior Penalty Discontinuous Galerkin (C0 IPDG) method for the numerical solution of a fourth‐order total variation flow problem that has been developed in part I of the paper. The proof relies on a nonlinear version of the Lax‐Milgram Lemma. It requires to establish that the nonlinear operator associated with the C0 IPDG approximation is Lipschitz continuous and strongly monotone on bounded sets of the underlying finite element space

    A monotone multigrid solver for two body contact problems in biomechanics

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    The purpose of the paper is to apply monotone multigrid methods to static and dynamic biomechanical contact problems. In space, a finite element method involving a mortar discretization of the contact conditions is used. In time, a new contact-stabilized Newmark scheme is presented. Numerical experiments for a two body Hertzian contact problem and a biomechanical application are reported

    Involking silvern voices in healthcare : transforming practice by engaging older adults in collaborative partnerships

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    Canada's population is aging. This growing trend will ultimately have an impact on nursing practice as older individuals continue to seek healthcare services. Nurses must be able to work in collaboration with the older population to provide quality care. This action research study explored participative healthcare from an older adult's perspective. This study revealed that older adults prefer to be active participants in their care. The major theme that emerged was true partnership. Three sub-themes that emerged were communication, respect, and trust. These three sub-themes work in unity to contribute to a healthcare experience that exemplifies true partnerships. This study proposes a definition of true partnership as being open to and inviting mutual communication in an atmosphere that encourages equity sharing of information contributing to respect and the development of trust that results in confident collaboration in care

    Application of Iterative Methods for Solving Nonsymmetric Linear Systems in the Simulation of Semiconductor Processing

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    This paper presents a systematic comparison of recently developed iterative methods for solving nonsymmetric linear equations arising from the numerical simulation of semiconductor processing. A non comprehensive survey of the literature concerning iterative solvers is given including theoretical studies as well as current articles on practical applications. In particular, we consider the conjugate gradient-type algorithms CGS, Bi-CGSTAB and GMRES as well as the Broyden type secant method GB specially adapted to the linear case. At the moment these methods are among the most frequently applied techniques for the solution of nonsymmetric linear systems. The algorithms, including ILU-D (incomplete LU-diagonal decomposition) as a preconditioner, are given and their performance is compared on an industrial application within the process simulator MIMAS II. The simulation of semiconductor processing is an important and challenging area of industrial application and therefore an ideal field ..

    Entwicklung effizienter Algorithmen zur numerischen Loesung der 3D Neutronentransportgleichungen in Kernreaktoren Abschlussbericht

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    Examination of the steady-state and transient performance of a nuclear power plant requires simulation of the neutron kinetics and thermohydraulic processes in the reactor, coupled with simulation of the processes for cooling loop and plant control. Siemens AG, KWU makes available for these examinations an integrated program package. Work reported here was to enhance the simulation of the neutron kinetics. An efficient algorithm was developed, analysed and implemented, enabling simultaneous calculation of the neutron flux and neutron streams on the basis of multigroup diffusion equations. The algorithm uses the method of mixed hybridisation and achieves both an efficient multilevel-based iterative solution and a coupled, automatic time increment control and adaptivity for given locality. Extensive simulations were performed for examination of benchmark problems for the IAEA and incidents in real nuclear power plants. (orig./CB)Die Untersuchung des stationaeren und transienten Betriebsverhaltens von Kernkraftwerken erfordert die gekoppelte Simulation der neutronenkinetischen und thermohydraulischen Ablaeufe im Kernreaktor und der Kuehlkreislauf- und Gesamtanlagenregelung. Dazu steht beim industriellen Verbundpartner (Siemens AG, Abt. KWU) ein integriertes Programmpaket zur Verfuegung. Zur Verbesserung der Simulation der Neutronenkinetik wurde im Rahmen dieses Projekts ein effizienter Algorithmus entwickelt, analysiert und implementiert, der die simultane Berechnung der Neutronenfluesse und -stroeme auf der Grundlage der Mehrgruppen-Diffusionsgleichungen ermoeglicht. Der Algorithmus verwendet die Technik der gemischten Hybridisierung und realisiert sowohl einen effizienten Multilevel basierten iterativen Loeser als auch eine gekoppelte automatische Zeitschrittweitensteuerung und Adaptivitaet im Ort. Umfangreiche Simulationen wurden durchgefuehrt fuer Benchmarkprobleme der Internationalen Atomenergiebehoerde und fuer Stoerfaelle in realen Kernkraftanlagen. (orig.)Available from TIB Hannover: DtF QN1(62,38) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEBundesministerium fuer Bildung, Wissenschaft, Forschung und Technologie, Bonn (Germany)DEGerman