1,973 research outputs found

    Numerical Study on Impulse Ventilation for Smoke Control in an Underground Car Park

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    AbstractThis study examines smoke control capacity of impulse ventilation system (IVS) in an underground car park. An analysis is made in relation to important parameters including jet fan number, jet fan velocity, extract rate and system robustness on fire position. The comparison with ductwork system is also performed to determine the different effect of smoke control between two systems. Fire Dynamic Simulator version 5.30 is applied to simulate 10 scenarios in a 80 m long, 40 m wide and 3.2 m height domain witha fire source simulating a car fire with an peak heat release rate of 4 MW. Results show that impulse ventilation system not noly prohibit fire smoke spreading but also maintain a good visibility providing clear access for fighters. However it may cause temperature rise on the downwind zone of fire source with a maximum value between 80-100 and fire plume e tilt. Smoke control capacity of impulse ventilation system is sensitive to jet fan numbers. Too high jet fan velocity may cause severe smoke recirculation. Increment in extract rate is conductive to relay jet flows. An impulse ventilation system can effectively control smoke movement and induce smoke to extract points under two typical different fire locations, which is of great practical importance. Impulse ventilation system seems superior to ductwork system in maintaining high visibility

    Selection rules for J^PC Exotic Hybrid Meson Decay in Large-N_c

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    The coupling of a neutral hybrid {1,3,5...}^-+ exotic particle (or current) to two neutral (hybrid) meson particles with the same J^PC and J=0 is proved to be sub-leading to the usual large-N_c QCD counting. The coupling of the same exotic particle to certain two - (hybrid) meson currents with the same J^PC and J=0 is also sub-leading. The decay of a {1,3,5...}^-+ hybrid to eta pi^0, eta' pi^0, eta' eta, eta(1295) pi^0, pi(1300)^0 pi0, eta(1440) pi^0, a_0(980)^0 sigma or f_0(980) sigma is sub-leading, assuming that these final state particles are (hybrid) mesons in the limit of large N_c.Comment: 16 pages, LaTeX. Main paper shortened/rewritten and appendices expanded. Implications for phenomenology of exotic hybrid mesons clarifie

    Numerical study on the response of shoreline change to the tidal channel after a beach nourishment project on an embayed beach

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    Beach erosion is a severe problem worldwide and beach nourishment is widely regarded today as an environmentally acceptable method to protect and enlarge beaches. In many beach nourishment projects on headland-bay beaches, artificial headlands were constructed on the natural headlands to form an embayed beach in static equilibrium to protect the beach more effectively. However, the construction of artificial headland would weaken the water exchange in the bay and make the water quality easy to deteriorate. In a beach nourishment project in Qinhuangdao, China to dispose this discrepancy an engineering measure was conducted: to reserve a tidal channel between the artificial headland and the natural headland to allow the tidal current to pass. In this paper, a shoreline change model was set up based on GENESIS model to evaluate the influence of the reserve of the tidal channel on the shoreline change after the project. The model was verified by reproducing the post-project shoreline. Four different project schemes with different scales of tidal channel were simulated and discussion was given based on the analysis of simulated results. The numerical evaluation of various scheme options indicates that it is feasible to involve the tidal channel in beach nourishment projects with artificial headland and the scale of the tidal channel should be designed based on the hydrodynamic processes and the state of the beach

    A Linear Approach for Depth and Colour Camera Calibration Using Hybrid Parameters

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    Many recent applications of computer graphics and human computer interaction have adopted both colour cameras and depth cameras as input devices. Therefore, an effective calibration of both types of hardware taking different colour and depth inputs is required. Our approach removes the numerical difficulties of using non-linear optimization in previous methods which explicitly resolve camera intrinsics as well as the transformation between depth and colour cameras. A matrix of hybrid parameters is introduced to linearize our optimization. The hybrid parameters offer a transformation from a depth parametric space (depth camera image) to a colour parametric space (colour camera image) by combining the intrinsic parameters of depth camera and a rotation transformation from depth camera to colour camera. Both the rotation transformation and intrinsic parameters can be explicitly calculated from our hybrid parameters with the help of a standard QR factorisation. We test our algorithm with both synthesized data and real-world data where ground-truth depth information is captured by Microsoft Kinect. The experiments show that our approach can provide comparable accuracy of calibration with the state-of-the-art algorithms while taking much less computation time (1/50 of Herrera’s method and 1/10 of Raposo’s method) due to the advantage of using hybrid parameters

    Research on Cutting-Temperature Field and Distribution of Heat Rates among a Workpiece, Cutter, and Chip for High-Speed Cutting Based on Analytical and Numerical Methods

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    High-speed cutting is widely employed in aerospace, automotive, die, and other industries. However, no comprehensive mechanism of highspeed cutting behavior was as yet comprehended completely. Models of thermal sources and fields of cutting temperature are proposed for analysis of thermal equilibrium between heat generation and energy consumption at high-speed dry cutting. Mathematic models of cutting temperature for three cutting deformation areas are developed to analyze heat generation and release behavior in high-speed machining. The ratios of heat distribution among a chip, cutter and workpiece were found for different cutting speeds using the MATLAB software.Высокоскоростное резание широко используется в авиакосмической, автомобильной и других отраслях промышленности. Однако комплексный механизм процесса высокоскоростного резания еще недостаточно изучен. На основе анализа теплового равновесия между тепловыделением и потреблением энергии при высокоскоростной обработке без смазочно-охлаждающей жидкости предложены модели тепловых источников и полей температур резания. Для анализа влияния выделения и выхода тепла при обработке на высоких скоростях резания выведены математические модели температур резания для трех зон деформирования. Определены соотношения распределения тепла между стружкой, резаком и заготовкой, иллюстрирующие степень пропорциональности со скоростью с помощью пакета прикладных программ MATLAB.Високошвидкісне різання широко використовується в авіакосмічній, автомобільній та інших галузях промисловості. Однак комплексний механізм процесу високошвидкісного різання ще недостатньо вивчений. На основі аналізу теплової рівноваги між тепловиділенням і споживанням енергії при високошвидкісній обробці без мастильно-охолоджуючої рідини запропоновано моделі теплових джерел та полів температур різання. Для аналізу впливу виділення і виходу тепла при обробці на високих швидкостях різання виведено математичні моделі температур різання для трьох зон деформування. Визначено співвідношення розподілу тепла між стружкою, різаком і заготівкою, що ілюструють ступінь пропорційності зі швидкістю за допомогою пакета прикладних програм MATLAB

    Neutron matter at zero temperature with auxiliary field diffusion Monte Carlo

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    The recently developed auxiliary field diffusion Monte Carlo method is applied to compute the equation of state and the compressibility of neutron matter. By combining diffusion Monte Carlo for the spatial degrees of freedom and auxiliary field Monte Carlo to separate the spin-isospin operators, quantum Monte Carlo can be used to simulate the ground state of many nucleon systems (A\alt 100). We use a path constraint to control the fermion sign problem. We have made simulations for realistic interactions, which include tensor and spin--orbit two--body potentials as well as three-nucleon forces. The Argonne v8v_8' and v6v_6' two nucleon potentials plus the Urbana or Illinois three-nucleon potentials have been used in our calculations. We compare with fermion hypernetted chain results. We report results of a Periodic Box--FHNC calculation, which is also used to estimate the finite size corrections to our quantum Monte Carlo simulations. Our AFDMC results for v6v_6 models of pure neutron matter are in reasonably good agreement with equivalent Correlated Basis Function (CBF) calculations, providing energies per particle which are slightly lower than the CBF ones. However, the inclusion of the spin--orbit force leads to quite different results particularly at relatively high densities. The resulting equation of state from AFDMC calculations is harder than the one from previous Fermi hypernetted chain studies commonly used to determine the neutron star structure.Comment: 15 pages, 15 tables and 5 figure

    Entanglement Sudden Death in Band Gaps

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    Using the pseudomode method, we evaluate exactly time-dependent entanglement for two independent qubits, each coupled to a non-Markovian structured environment. Our results suggest a possible way to control entanglement sudden death by modifying the qubit-pseudomode detuning and the spectrum of the reservoirs. Particularly, in environments structured by a model of a density-of-states gap which has two poles, entanglement trapping and prevention of entanglement sudden death occur in the weak-coupling regime

    Entangled light in transition through the generation threshold

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    We investigate continuous variable entangling resources on the base of two-mode squeezing for all operational regimes of a nondegenerate optical parametric oscillator with allowance for quantum noise of arbitrary level. The results for the quadrature variances of a pair of generated modes are obtained by using the exact steady-state solution of Fokker-Planck equation for the complex P-quasiprobability distribution function. We find a simple expression for the squeezed variances in the near-threshold range and conclude that the maximal two-mode squeezing reaches 50% relative to the level of vacuum fluctuations and is achieved at the pump field intensity close to the generation threshold. The distinction between the degree of two-mode squeezing for monostable and bistable operational regimes is cleared up.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures; Content changed: more details added to the discussion. To be published in Phys. Rev.

    Stroke Incidence and Survival in American Indians, Blacks, and Whites: The Strong Heart Study and Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study

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    Background: American Indians (AIs) have high stroke morbidity and mortality. We compared stroke incidence and mortality in AIs, blacks, and whites. Methods and Results: Pooled data from 2 cardiovascular disease cohort studies included 3182 AIs from the SHS (Strong Heart Study), aged 45 to 74 years at baseline (1988–1990) and 3765 blacks and 10 413 whites from the ARIC (Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities) Study, aged 45 to 64 years at baseline (1987–1989). Stroke surveillance was based on self-report, hospital records, and death certificates. We estimated hazard ratios for incident stroke (ischemic and hemorrhagic combined) through 2008, stratified by sex and birth-year tertile, and relative risk for poststroke mortality. Incident strokes numbered 282 for AIs, 416 for blacks, and 613 for whites. For women and men, stroke incidence among AIs was similar to or lower than blacks and higher than whites. Covariate adjustment resulted in lower hazard ratios for most comparisons, but results for these models were not always statistically significant. After covariate adjustment, AI women and men had higher 30-day poststroke mortality than blacks (relative risk=2.1 [95% CI=1.0, 3.2] and 2.2 [95% CI=1.3, 3.1], respectively), and whites (relative risk=1.6 [95% CI=0.8, 2.5] and 1.7 [95% CI=1.1, 2.4]), and higher 1-year mortality (relative risk range=1.3–1.5 for all comparisons). Conclusions: Stroke incidence in AIs was lower than for blacks and higher than for whites; differences were larger for blacks and smaller for whites after covariate adjustment. Poststroke mortality was higher in AIs than blacks and whites

    Experimental preparation of Werner state via spontaneous parametric down-conversion

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    We present an experiment of preparing Werner state via spontaneous parametric down-conversion and controlled decoherence of photons in this paper. In this experiment two independent BBO (beta-barium borate) crystals are used to produce down-conversion light beams, which are mixed to prepare Werner state.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures and 2 table