464 research outputs found

    Quantum Walks: Schur Functions Meet Symmetry Protected Topological Phases

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    This paper uncovers and exploits a link between a central object in harmonic analysis, the so-called Schur functions, and the very hot topic of symmetry protected topological phases of quantum matter. This connection is found in the setting of quantum walks, i.e. quantum analogs of classical random walks. We prove that topological indices classifying symmetry protected topological phases of quantum walks are encoded by matrix Schur functions built out of the walk. This main result of the paper reduces the calculation of these topological indices to a linear algebra problem: calculating symmetry indices of finite-dimensional unitaries obtained by evaluating such matrix Schur functions at the symmetry protected points ± 1. The Schur representation fully covers the complete set of symmetry indices for 1D quantum walks with a group of symmetries realizing any of the symmetry types of the tenfold way. The main advantage of the Schur approach is its validity in the absence of translation invariance, which allows us to go beyond standard Fourier methods, leading to the complete classification of non-translation invariant phases for typical examples. © 2021, The Author(s)

    Complete homotopy invariants for translation invariant symmetric quantum walks on a chain

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    We provide a classification of translation invariant one-dimensional quantum walks with respect to continuous deformations preserving unitarity, locality, translation invariance, a gap condition, and some symmetry of the tenfold way. The classification largely matches the one recently obtained (arXiv: 1611.04439) for a similar setting leaving out translation invariance. However, the translation invariant case has some finer distinctions, because some walks may be connected only by breaking translation invariance along the way, retaining only invariance by an even number of sites. Similarly, if walks are considered equivalent when they differ only by adding a trivial walk, i.e., one that allows no jumps between cells, then the classification collapses also to the general one. The indices of the general classification can be computed in practice only for walks closely related to some translation invariant ones. We prove a completed collection of simple formulas in terms of winding numbers of band structures covering all symmetry types. Furthermore, we determine the strength of the locality conditions, and show that the continuity of the band structure, which is a minimal requirement for topological classifications in terms of winding numbers to make sense, implies the compactness of the commutator of the walk with a half-space projection, a condition which was also the basis of the general theory. In order to apply the theory to the joining of large but finite bulk pieces, one needs to determine the asymptotic behaviour of a stationary Schrodinger equation. We show exponential behaviour, and give a practical method for computing the decay constants

    Propagation of Quantum Walks in Electric Fields

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    We study one-dimensional quantum walks in a homogenous electric field. The field is given by a phase which depends linearly on position and is applied after each step. The long time propagation properties of this system, such as revivals, ballistic expansion, and Anderson localization, depend very sensitively on the value of the electric field, Φ, e.g., on whether Φ/(2π) is rational or irrational. We relate these properties to the continued fraction expansion of the field. When the field is given only with finite accuracy, the beginning of the expansion allows analogous conclusions about the behavior on finite time scales

    Parameter estimation with mixed quantum states

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    We consider quantum enhanced measurements with initially mixed states. We show very generally that for any linear propagation of the initial state that depends smoothly on the parameter to be estimated, the sensitivity is bound by the maximal sensitivity that can be achieved for any of the pure states from which the initial density matrix is mixed. This provides a very general proof that purely classical correlations cannot improve the sensitivity of parameter estimation schemes in quantum enhanced measurement schemes.Comment: 6 page

    Quantum Walks: Schur Functions Meet Symmetry Protected Topological Phases

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    This paper uncovers and exploits a link between a central object in harmonic analysis, the so-called Schur functions, and the very hot topic of symmetry protected topological phases of quantum matter. This connection is found in the setting of quantum walks, i.e. quantum analogs of classical random walks. We prove that topological indices classifying symmetry protected topological phases of quantum walks are encoded by matrix Schur functions built out of the walk. This main result of the paper reduces the calculation of these topological indices to a linear algebra problem: calculating symmetry indices of finite-dimensional unitaries obtained by evaluating such matrix Schur functions at the symmetry protected points ± 1. The Schur representation fully covers the complete set of symmetry indices for 1D quantum walks with a group of symmetries realizing any of the symmetry types of the tenfold way. The main advantage of the Schur approach is its validity in the absence of translation invariance, which allows us to go beyond standard Fourier methods, leading to the complete classification of non-translation invariant phases for typical examples

    Applying causality principles to the axiomatization of probabilistic cellular automata

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    Cellular automata (CA) consist of an array of identical cells, each of which may take one of a finite number of possible states. The entire array evolves in discrete time steps by iterating a global evolution G. Further, this global evolution G is required to be shift-invariant (it acts the same everywhere) and causal (information cannot be transmitted faster than some fixed number of cells per time step). At least in the classical, reversible and quantum cases, these two top-down axiomatic conditions are sufficient to entail more bottom-up, operational descriptions of G. We investigate whether the same is true in the probabilistic case. Keywords: Characterization, noise, Markov process, stochastic Einstein locality, screening-off, common cause principle, non-signalling, Multi-party non-local box.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, LaTeX, v2: refs adde

    The quantum world is not built up from correlations

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    It is known that the global state of a composite quantum system can be completely determined by specifying correlations between measurements performed on subsystems only. Despite the fact that the quantum correlations thus suffice to reconstruct the quantum state, we show, using a Bell inequality argument, that they cannot be regarded as objective local properties of the composite system in question. It is well known since the work of J.S. Bell, that one cannot have locally preexistent values for all physical quantities, whether they are deterministic or stochastic. The Bell inequality argument we present here shows this is also impossible for correlations among subsystems of an individual isolated composite system. Neither of them can be used to build up a world consisting of some local realistic structure. As a corrolary to the result we argue that entanglement cannot be considered ontologically robust. The argument has an important advantage over others because it does not need perfect correlations but only statistical correlations. It can therefore easily be tested in currently feasible experiments using four particle entanglement.Comment: Published version. Title change

    Quantum Key Distribution between N partners: optimal eavesdropping and Bell's inequalities

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    Quantum secret-sharing protocols involving N partners (NQSS) are key distribution protocols in which Alice encodes her key into N1N-1 qubits, in such a way that all the other partners must cooperate in order to retrieve the key. On these protocols, several eavesdropping scenarios are possible: some partners may want to reconstruct the key without the help of the other ones, and consequently collaborate with an Eve that eavesdrops on the other partners' channels. For each of these scenarios, we give the optimal individual attack that the Eve can perform. In case of such an optimal attack, the authorized partners have a higher information on the key than the unauthorized ones if and only if they can violate a Bell's inequality.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figur

    Transfer of quantum states using finite resources

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    We discuss the problem of transfering a qubit from Alice to Bob using a noisy quantum channel and only finite resources. As the basic protocol for the transfer we apply quantum teleportation. It turns out that for a certain quality of the channel direct teleportation combined with qubit purification is superior to entanglement purification of the channel. If, however, the quality of the channel is rather low one should simply apply an estimation-preparation scheme.Comment: 9 pages RevTeX including 5 figures, replaced with revised version, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Index theory of one dimensional quantum walks and cellular automata

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    If a one-dimensional quantum lattice system is subject to one step of a reversible discrete-time dynamics, it is intuitive that as much "quantum information" as moves into any given block of cells from the left, has to exit that block to the right. For two types of such systems - namely quantum walks and cellular automata - we make this intuition precise by defining an index, a quantity that measures the "net flow of quantum information" through the system. The index supplies a complete characterization of two properties of the discrete dynamics. First, two systems S_1, S_2 can be pieced together, in the sense that there is a system S which locally acts like S_1 in one region and like S_2 in some other region, if and only if S_1 and S_2 have the same index. Second, the index labels connected components of such systems: equality of the index is necessary and sufficient for the existence of a continuous deformation of S_1 into S_2. In the case of quantum walks, the index is integer-valued, whereas for cellular automata, it takes values in the group of positive rationals. In both cases, the map S -> ind S is a group homomorphism if composition of the discrete dynamics is taken as the group law of the quantum systems. Systems with trivial index are precisely those which can be realized by partitioned unitaries, and the prototypes of systems with non-trivial index are shifts.Comment: 38 pages. v2: added examples, terminology clarifie