786 research outputs found

    Pair creation of anti-de Sitter black holes on a cosmic string background

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    We analyze the quantum process in which a cosmic string breaks in an anti-de Sitter (AdS) background, and a pair of charged or neutral black holes is produced at the ends of the strings. The energy to materialize and accelerate the pair comes from the strings tension. In an AdS background this is the only study done in the process of production of a pair of correlated black holes with spherical topology. The acceleration AA of the produced black holes is necessarily greater than (|L|/3)^(1/2), where L<0 is the cosmological constant. Only in this case the virtual pair of black holes can overcome the attractive background AdS potential well and become real. The instantons that describe this process are constructed through the analytical continuation of the AdS C-metric. Then, we explicitly compute the pair creation rate of the process, and we verify that (as occurs with pair creation in other backgrounds) the pair production of nonextreme black holes is enhanced relative to the pair creation of extreme black holes by a factor of exp(Area/4), where Area is the black hole horizon area. We also conclude that the general behavior of the pair creation rate with the mass and acceleration of the black holes is similar in the AdS, flat and de Sitter cases, and our AdS results reduce to the ones of the flat case when L=0.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures, ReVTeX

    μe\mu-e conversion in nuclei within the CMSSM seesaw: universality versus non-universality

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    In this paper we study μe\mu-e conversion in nuclei within the context of the Constrained Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model, enlarged by three right handed neutrinos and their supersymmetric partners, and where the neutrino masses are generated via a seesaw mechanism. Two different scenarios with either universal or non-universal soft supersymmetry breaking Higgs masses at the gauge coupling unification scale are considered. In the first part we present a complete one-loop computation of the conversion rate for this process that includes the photon-, ZZ-boson, and Higgs-boson penguins, as well as box diagrams, and compare their size in the two considered scenarios. Then, in these two scenarios we analyse the relevance of the various parameters on the conversion rates, particularly emphasising the role played by the heavy neutrino masses, tanβ\tan \beta, and especially θ13\theta_{13}. In the case of hierachical heavy neutrinos, an extremely high sensitivity of the rates to θ13\theta_{13} is indeed found. The last part of this work is devoted to the study of the interesting loss of correlation between the μe\mu-e conversion and μeγ\mu \to e \gamma rates that occurs in the non-universal scenario. In the case of large tanβ\tan \beta and light H0H^0 Higgs boson an enhanced ratio of the μe\mu-e to μeγ\mu \to e \gamma rates, with respect to the universal case is found, and this could be tested with the future experimental sensitivities.Comment: 48 pages, 15 figures. Minor typos corrected and some references adde

    Spacetime Coarse Grainings in the Decoherent Histories Approach to Quantum Theory

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    We investigate the possibility of assigning consistent probabilities to sets of histories characterized by whether they enter a particular subspace of the Hilbert space of a closed system during a given time interval. In particular we investigate the case that this subspace is a region of the configuration space. This corresponds to a particular class of coarse grainings of spacetime regions. We consider the arrival time problem and the problem of time in reparametrization invariant theories as for example in canonical quantum gravity. Decoherence conditions and probabilities for those application are derived. The resulting decoherence condition does not depend on the explicit form of the restricted propagator that was problematic for generalizations such as application in quantum cosmology. Closely related is the problem of tunnelling time as well as the quantum Zeno effect. Some interpretational comments conclude, and we discuss the applicability of this formalism to deal with the arrival time problem.Comment: 23 pages, Few changes and added references in v

    Gravitino constraints on models of neutrino masses and leptogenesis

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    In the supersymmetric extensions of the standard model, neutrino masses and leptogenesis requires existence of new particles. We point out that if these particles with lepton number violating interactions have standard model gauge interactions, then they may not be created after reheating because of the gravitino problem. This will rule out all existing models of neutrino masses and leptogenesis, except the one with right-handed singlet neutrinos.Comment: 12 pages latex file with one postscript figur

    Statistical Theory of Spin Relaxation and Diffusion in Solids

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    A comprehensive theoretical description is given for the spin relaxation and diffusion in solids. The formulation is made in a general statistical-mechanical way. The method of the nonequilibrium statistical operator (NSO) developed by D. N. Zubarev is employed to analyze a relaxation dynamics of a spin subsystem. Perturbation of this subsystem in solids may produce a nonequilibrium state which is then relaxed to an equilibrium state due to the interaction between the particles or with a thermal bath (lattice). The generalized kinetic equations were derived previously for a system weakly coupled to a thermal bath to elucidate the nature of transport and relaxation processes. In this paper, these results are used to describe the relaxation and diffusion of nuclear spins in solids. The aim is to formulate a successive and coherent microscopic description of the nuclear magnetic relaxation and diffusion in solids. The nuclear spin-lattice relaxation is considered and the Gorter relation is derived. As an example, a theory of spin diffusion of the nuclear magnetic moment in dilute alloys (like Cu-Mn) is developed. It is shown that due to the dipolar interaction between host nuclear spins and impurity spins, a nonuniform distribution in the host nuclear spin system will occur and consequently the macroscopic relaxation time will be strongly determined by the spin diffusion. The explicit expressions for the relaxation time in certain physically relevant cases are given.Comment: 41 pages, 119 Refs. Corrected typos, added reference

    Consistent histories of systems and measurements in spacetime

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    Traditional interpretations of quantum theory in terms of wave function collapse are particularly unappealing when considering the universe as a whole, where there is no clean separation between classical observer and quantum system and where the description is inherently relativistic. As an alternative, the consistent histories approach provides an attractive "no collapse" interpretation of quantum physics. Consistent histories can also be linked to path-integral formulations that may be readily generalized to the relativistic case. A previous paper described how, in such a relativistic spacetime path formalism, the quantum history of the universe could be considered to be an eignestate of the measurements made within it. However, two important topics were not addressed in detail there: a model of measurement processes in the context of quantum histories in spacetime and a justification for why the probabilities for each possible cosmological eigenstate should follow Born's rule. The present paper addresses these topics by showing how Zurek's concepts of einselection and envariance can be applied in the context of relativistic spacetime and quantum histories. The result is a model of systems and subsystems within the universe and their interaction with each other and their environment.Comment: RevTeX 4; 37 pages; v2 is a revision in response to reviewer comments, connecting the discussion in the paper more closely to consistent history concepts; v3 has minor editorial corrections; accepted for publication in Foundations of Physics; v4 has a couple minor typographical correction

    Impact of microvascular disease on cardiovascular outcomes in type 2 diabetes: Results from the LEADER and SUSTAIN 6 clinical trials

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    The randomized, double-blind, cardiovascular outcomes trials LEADER (NCT01179048) and SUSTAIN 6 (NCT01720446) showed cardiovascular risk reduction in patients with type 2 diabetes treated with liraglutide and semaglutide, respectively, compared with placebo. This post hoc analysis examined the impact of microvascular disease at baseline on cardiovascular outcomes in these trials, and the efficacy of liraglutide (1.8 mg) and once-weekly semaglutide (0.5-1.0 mg) in patients with and without microvascular disease. In total, 9340 patients from LEADER and 3297 patients from SUSTAIN 6 were included in this analysis; of these, 5761 and 2356 had a history of microvascular disease at baseline and 3835 and 1640 had a history of both microvascular and macrovascular disease, respectively. Patients with microvascular disease were shown to have an increased risk of major adverse cardiovascular events compared with patients without microvascular disease (hazard ratio [95% confidence interval] in LEADER: 1.15 [1.03; 1.29], P =.0136; SUSTAIN 6: 1.56 [1.14; 2.17], P =.0064). Liraglutide and semaglutide consistently reduced cardiovascular risk in patients with and without microvascular disease

    The first dozen years of the history of ITEP Theoretical Physics Laboratory

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    The theoretical investigations at ITEP in the years 1945-1958 are reviewed. There are exposed the most important theoretical results, obtained in the following branches of physics: 1) the theory of nuclear reactors on thermal neutrons; 2) the hydrogen bomb project ("Tube" in USSR and "Classical Super" in USA); 3) radiation theory; ~4) low temperature physics; 5) quantum electrodynamics and quantum field theories; 6) parity violation in weak interactions, the theory of β\beta-decay and other weak processes; 7) strong interaction and nuclear physics. To the review are added the English translations of few papers, originally published in Russian, but unknown (or almost unknown) to Western readers.Comment: 55 pages, 5 fig