358 research outputs found

    Dimensional Reduction, Hard Thermal Loops and the Renormalization Group

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    We study the realization of dimensional reduction and the validity of the hard thermal loop expansion for lambda phi^4 theory at finite temperature, using an environmentally friendly finite-temperature renormalization group with a fiducial temperature as flow parameter. The one-loop renormalization group allows for a consistent description of the system at low and high temperatures, and in particular of the phase transition. The main results are that dimensional reduction applies, apart from a range of temperatures around the phase transition, at high temperatures (compared to the zero temperature mass) only for sufficiently small coupling constants, while the HTL expansion is valid below (and rather far from) the phase transition, and, again, at high temperatures only in the case of sufficiently small coupling constants. We emphasize that close to the critical temperature, physics is completely dominated by thermal fluctuations that are not resummed in the hard thermal loop approach and where universal quantities are independent of the parameters of the fundamental four-dimensional theory.Comment: 20 pages, 13 eps figures, uses epsfig and pstrick

    Red cell ABO incompatibility and production of tumour necrosis factor-alpha

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    Tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF) is a major mediator of diverse pathophysiological events similar to those of haemolytic transfusion reactions (HTR), such as fever, intravascular coagulation and organ failure. However, the possible role of TNF in HTR has not been investigated. We have constructed an in vitro whole blood model of HTR to examine whether TNF may be produced in red cell ABO incompatibility. TNF was observed in plasma, in a dose dependent manner, when ABO incompatible red cells were added, but not with compatible (group O) cells. Plasma TNF levels were maximal at 2 h, and declined to control levels by 24 h. Haemolysis of incompatible red cells was accompanied by TNF production. Immune haemolysis induced TNF gene expression by buffy coat leucocytes, as determined by Northern blot analysis. Heat inactivation of plasma abolished TNF production, whereas prior treatment with interferongamma augmented the response. These results demonstrate that a major cytokine is produced in response to red cell incompatibility, and suggest that TNF may play a role in the pathogenesis of haemolytic transfusion reactions.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/75627/1/j.1365-2141.1991.tb04485.x.pd

    On the Origin of the Outgoing Black Hole Modes

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    The question of how to account for the outgoing black hole modes without drawing upon a transplanckian reservoir at the horizon is addressed. It is argued that the outgoing modes must arise via conversion from ingoing modes. It is further argued that the back-reaction must be included to avoid the conclusion that particle creation cannot occur in a strictly stationary background. The process of ``mode conversion" is known in plasma physics by this name and in condensed matter physics as ``Andreev reflection" or ``branch conversion". It is illustrated here in a linear Lorentz non-invariant model introduced by Unruh. The role of interactions and a physical short distance cutoff is then examined in the sonic black hole formed with Helium-II.Comment: 12 pages, plain latex, 2 figures included using psfig; Analogy to ``Andreev reflection" in superfluid systems noted, references and acknowledgment added, format changed to shorten tex

    Theoretical description of deformed proton emitters: nonadiabatic coupled-channel method

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    The newly developed nonadiabatic method based on the coupled-channel Schroedinger equation with Gamow states is used to study the phenomenon of proton radioactivity. The new method, adopting the weak coupling regime of the particle-plus-rotor model, allows for the inclusion of excitations in the daughter nucleus. This can lead to rather different predictions for lifetimes and branching ratios as compared to the standard adiabatic approximation corresponding to the strong coupling scheme. Calculations are performed for several experimentally seen, non-spherical nuclei beyond the proton dripline. By comparing theory and experiment, we are able to characterize the angular momentum content of the observed narrow resonance.Comment: 12 pages including 10 figure

    A tetragonal-to-monoclinic phase transition in a ferroelectric perovskite: the structure of PbZr(0.52)Ti(0.48)O3

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    The perovskite-like ferroelectric system PbZr(1-x)Ti(x)O3 (PZT) has a nearly vertical morphotropic phase boundary (MPB) around x=0.45-0.50. Recent synchrotron x-ray powder diffraction measurements by Noheda et al. [Appl. Phys. Lett. 74, 2059 (1999)] have revealed a new monoclinic phase between the previously-established tetragonal and rhombohedral regions. In the present work we describe a Rietveld analysis of the detailed structure of the tetragonal and monoclinic PZT phases on a sample with x= 0.48 for which the lattice parameters are respectively: at= 4.044 A, ct= 4.138 A, at 325 K, and am= 5.721 A, bm= 5.708 A, cm= 4.138 A, beta= 90.496 deg., at 20K. In the tetragonal phase the shifts of the atoms along the polar [001] direction are similar to those in PbTiO3 but the refinement indicates that there are, in addition, local disordered shifts of the Pb atoms of ~0.2 A perpendicular to the polar axis.. The monoclinic structure can be viewed as a condensation along one of the directions of the local displacements present in the tetragonal phase. It equally well corresponds to a freezing-out of the local displacements along one of the directions recently reported by Corker et al.[J. Phys. Condens. Matter 10, 6251 (1998)] for rhombohedral PZT. The monoclinic structure therefore provides a microscopic picture of the MPB region in which one of the "locally" monoclinic phases in the "average" rhombohedral or tetragonal structures freezes out, and thus represents a bridge between these two phases.Comment: REVTeX, 7 figures. Modifications after referee's suggestion: new figure (figure 5), comments in 2nd para. (Sect.III) and in 2nd & 3rd para. (Sect. IV-a), in the abstract: "...of ~0.2 A perpendicular to the polar axis.

    Noise Kernel and Stress Energy Bi-Tensor of Quantum Fields in Hot Flat Space and Gaussian Approximation in the Optical Schwarzschild Metric

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    Continuing our investigation of the regularization of the noise kernel in curved spacetimes [N. G. Phillips and B. L. Hu, Phys. Rev. D {\bf 63}, 104001 (2001)] we adopt the modified point separation scheme for the class of optical spacetimes using the Gaussian approximation for the Green functions a la Bekenstein-Parker-Page. In the first example we derive the regularized noise kernel for a thermal field in flat space. It is useful for black hole nucleation considerations. In the second example of an optical Schwarzschild spacetime we obtain a finite expression for the noise kernel at the horizon and recover the hot flat space result at infinity. Knowledge of the noise kernel is essential for studying issues related to black hole horizon fluctuations and Hawking radiation backreaction. We show that the Gaussian approximated Green function which works surprisingly well for the stress tensor at the Schwarzschild horizon produces significant error in the noise kernel there. We identify the failure as occurring at the fourth covariant derivative order.Comment: 21 pages, RevTeX

    Systematic Reviews of Animal Experiments Demonstrate Poor Human Clinical and Toxicological Utility

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    The assumption that animal models are reasonably predictive of human outcomes provides the basis for their widespread use in toxicity testing and in biomedical research aimed at developing cures for human diseases. To investigate the validity of this assumption, the comprehensive Scopus biomedical bibliographic databases were searched for published systematic reviews of the human clinical or toxicological utility of animal experiments. In 20 reviews in which clinical utility was examined, the authors concluded that animal models were either significantly useful in contributing to the development of clinical interventions, or were substantially consistent with clinical outcomes, in only two cases, one of which was contentious. These included reviews of the clinical utility of experiments expected by ethics committees to lead to medical advances, of highly-cited experiments published in major journals, and of chimpanzee experiments — those involving the species considered most likely to be predictive of human outcomes. Seven additional reviews failed to clearly demonstrate utility in predicting human toxicological outcomes, such as carcinogenicity and teratogenicity. Consequently, animal data may not generally be assumed to be substantially useful for these purposes. Possible causes include interspecies differences, the distortion of outcomes arising from experimental environments and protocols, and the poor methodological quality of many animal experiments, which was evident in at least 11 reviews. No reviews existed in which the majority of animal experiments were of good methodological quality. Whilst the effects of some of these problems might be minimised with concerted effort (given their widespread prevalence), the limitations resulting from interspecies differences are likely to be technically and theoretically impossible to overcome. Non-animal models are generally required to pass formal scientific validation prior to their regulatory acceptance. In contrast, animal models are simply assumed to be predictive of human outcomes. These results demonstrate the invalidity of such assumptions. The consistent application of formal validation studies to all test models is clearly warranted, regardless of their animal, non-animal, historical, contemporary or possible future status. Likely benefits would include, the greater selection of models truly predictive of human outcomes, increased safety of people exposed to chemicals that have passed toxicity tests, increased efficiency during the development of human pharmaceuticals and other therapeutic interventions, and decreased wastage of animal, personnel and financial resources. The poor human clinical and toxicological utility of most animal models for which data exists, in conjunction with their generally substantial animal welfare and economic costs, justify a ban on animal models lacking scientific data clearly establishing their human predictivity or utility

    Advances in ab-initio theory of Multiferroics. Materials and mechanisms: modelling and understanding

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    Within the broad class of multiferroics (compounds showing a coexistence of magnetism and ferroelectricity), we focus on the subclass of "improper electronic ferroelectrics", i.e. correlated materials where electronic degrees of freedom (such as spin, charge or orbital) drive ferroelectricity. In particular, in spin-induced ferroelectrics, there is not only a {\em coexistence} of the two intriguing magnetic and dipolar orders; rather, there is such an intimate link that one drives the other, suggesting a giant magnetoelectric coupling. Via first-principles approaches based on density functional theory, we review the microscopic mechanisms at the basis of multiferroicity in several compounds, ranging from transition metal oxides to organic multiferroics (MFs) to organic-inorganic hybrids (i.e. metal-organic frameworks, MOFs)Comment: 22 pages, 9 figure

    Evidence of Color Coherence Effects in W+jets Events from ppbar Collisions at sqrt(s) = 1.8 TeV

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    We report the results of a study of color coherence effects in ppbar collisions based on data collected by the D0 detector during the 1994-1995 run of the Fermilab Tevatron Collider, at a center of mass energy sqrt(s) = 1.8 TeV. Initial-to-final state color interference effects are studied by examining particle distribution patterns in events with a W boson and at least one jet. The data are compared to Monte Carlo simulations with different color coherence implementations and to an analytic modified-leading-logarithm perturbative calculation based on the local parton-hadron duality hypothesis.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures. Submitted to Physics Letters