1,111 research outputs found

    Gravitation Physics at BGPL

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    We report progress on a program of gravitational physics experiments using cryogenic torsion pendula undergoing large-amplitude torsion oscillation. This program includes tests of the gravitational inverse square law and of the weak equivalence principle. Here we describe our ongoing search for inverse-square-law violation at a strength down to 10510^{-5} of standard gravity. The low-vibration environment provided by the Battelle Gravitation Physics Laboratory (BGPL) is uniquely suited to this study.Comment: To be published in The Proceedings of the Francesco Melchiorri Memorial Conference as a special issue of New Astronomy Review

    Synchronisation in networks of delay-coupled type-I excitable systems

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    We use a generic model for type-I excitability (known as the SNIPER or SNIC model) to describe the local dynamics of nodes within a network in the presence of non-zero coupling delays. Utilising the method of the Master Stability Function, we investigate the stability of the zero-lag synchronised dynamics of the network nodes and its dependence on the two coupling parameters, namely the coupling strength and delay time. Unlike in the FitzHugh-Nagumo model (a model for type-II excitability), there are parameter ranges where the stability of synchronisation depends on the coupling strength and delay time. One important implication of these results is that there exist complex networks for which the adding of inhibitory links in a small-world fashion may not only lead to a loss of stable synchronisation, but may also restabilise synchronisation or introduce multiple transitions between synchronisation and desynchronisation. To underline the scope of our results, we show using the Stuart-Landau model that such multiple transitions do not only occur in excitable systems, but also in oscillatory ones.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    Progress towards malaria control targets in relation to national malaria programme funding

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    Background: Malaria control has been dramatically scaled up the past decade, mainly thanks to increasing international donor financing since 2003. This study assessed progress up to 2010 towards global malaria impact targets, in relation to Global Fund, other donor and domestic malaria programme financing over 2003 to 2009. Methods. Assessments used domestic malaria financing reported by national programmes, and Global Fund/OECD data on donor financing for 90 endemic low- and middle-income countries, WHO estimates of households owning one or more insecticide-treated mosquito net (ITN) for countries in sub-Saharan Africa, and WHO-estimated malaria case incidence and deaths in countries outside sub-Saharan Africa. Results: Global Fund and other donor funding is concentrated in a subset of the highest endemic African countries. Outside Africa, donor funding is concentrated in those countries with highest malaria mortality and case incidence rates over the years 2000 to 2003. ITN coverage in 2010 in Africa, and declines in case and death rates per person at risk over 2004 to 2010 outside Africa, were greatest in countries with highest donor funding per person at risk, and smallest in countries with lowest donor malaria funding per person at risk. Outside Africa, all-source malaria programme funding over 2003 to 2009 per case averted (565,749)orperdeathaverted(56-5,749) or per death averted (58,000-3,900,000) over 2004 to 2010 tended to be lower (more favourable) in countries with higher donor malaria funding per person at risk. Conclusions: Increases in malaria programme funding are associated with accelerated progress towards malaria control targets. Associations between programme funding per person at risk and ITN coverage increases and declines in case and death rates suggest opportunities to maximize the impact of donor funding, by strategic re-allocation to countries with highest continued need

    The role of cytokine gene polymorphisms in the pathogenesis of abdominal aortic aneurysms: A case-control study

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    AbstractBackground: Cytokines are the primary mediators of inflammation and also influence matrix metalloproteinase expression, both of which are important in development of abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA). A significant, but as yet unknown, familial factor contributes to the pathogenesis of AAA. Many cytokine genes contain polymorphic sites, some of which affect cytokine production in vitro. Cytokine gene polymorphisms may therefore influence the pathogenesis of AAA. The purpose of this study was to determine whether there is any association between cytokine gene polymorphisms and AAA. Methods and Results: This case-control study comprised 100 patients with AAA and 100 age-matched and sex-matched control subjects. For each case and control subject in the study, genotypes at the following cytokine gene polymorphic loci were determined: interleukin (IL)-1β +3953, IL-6 −174, IL-10 −1082, IL-10 −592, and tumor necrosis factors-α −308. Allele and genotype frequencies were compared between AAA and control groups, and odds ratios (OR) were calculated for the presence of AAA with each allele at each locus examined as risk factors. The IL-10 −1082 A allele was significantly more common in the AAA group than the control group (P =.03). The OR for the IL-10 −1082 A allele as a risk factor for AAA was 1.8 (95% confidence interval, 0.9-3.6). Discussion: These associations suggest a significant role for IL-10 in the pathogenesis of AAA. This association of AAA with the IL-10 −1082 A allele is also biologically plausible; the IL-10 −1082 A allele is associated with low IL-10 secretion, and it may be that AAA develops in patients who are unable to mount the same anti-inflammatory response as those who do not have AAA. (J Vasc Surg 2003;37:999-1005.

    Immersed boundary-finite element model of fluid-structure interaction in the aortic root

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    It has long been recognized that aortic root elasticity helps to ensure efficient aortic valve closure, but our understanding of the functional importance of the elasticity and geometry of the aortic root continues to evolve as increasingly detailed in vivo imaging data become available. Herein, we describe fluid-structure interaction models of the aortic root, including the aortic valve leaflets, the sinuses of Valsalva, the aortic annulus, and the sinotubular junction, that employ a version of Peskin's immersed boundary (IB) method with a finite element (FE) description of the structural elasticity. We develop both an idealized model of the root with three-fold symmetry of the aortic sinuses and valve leaflets, and a more realistic model that accounts for the differences in the sizes of the left, right, and noncoronary sinuses and corresponding valve cusps. As in earlier work, we use fiber-based models of the valve leaflets, but this study extends earlier IB models of the aortic root by employing incompressible hyperelastic models of the mechanics of the sinuses and ascending aorta using a constitutive law fit to experimental data from human aortic root tissue. In vivo pressure loading is accounted for by a backwards displacement method that determines the unloaded configurations of the root models. Our models yield realistic cardiac output at physiological pressures, with low transvalvular pressure differences during forward flow, minimal regurgitation during valve closure, and realistic pressure loads when the valve is closed during diastole. Further, results from high-resolution computations demonstrate that IB models of the aortic valve are able to produce essentially grid-converged dynamics at practical grid spacings for the high-Reynolds number flows of the aortic root

    Nonperturbative renormalization group approach to frustrated magnets

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    This article is devoted to the study of the critical properties of classical XY and Heisenberg frustrated magnets in three dimensions. We first analyze the experimental and numerical situations. We show that the unusual behaviors encountered in these systems, typically nonuniversal scaling, are hardly compatible with the hypothesis of a second order phase transition. We then review the various perturbative and early nonperturbative approaches used to investigate these systems. We argue that none of them provides a completely satisfactory description of the three-dimensional critical behavior. We then recall the principles of the nonperturbative approach - the effective average action method - that we have used to investigate the physics of frustrated magnets. First, we recall the treatment of the unfrustrated - O(N) - case with this method. This allows to introduce its technical aspects. Then, we show how this method unables to clarify most of the problems encountered in the previous theoretical descriptions of frustrated magnets. Firstly, we get an explanation of the long-standing mismatch between different perturbative approaches which consists in a nonperturbative mechanism of annihilation of fixed points between two and three dimensions. Secondly, we get a coherent picture of the physics of frustrated magnets in qualitative and (semi-) quantitative agreement with the numerical and experimental results. The central feature that emerges from our approach is the existence of scaling behaviors without fixed or pseudo-fixed point and that relies on a slowing-down of the renormalization group flow in a whole region in the coupling constants space. This phenomenon allows to explain the occurence of generic weak first order behaviors and to understand the absence of universality in the critical behavior of frustrated magnets.Comment: 58 pages, 15 PS figure