155 research outputs found

    Relativistic nuclear structure effects in quasielastic neutrino scattering

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    Charged-current cross sections are calculated for quasielastic neutrino and antineutrino scattering using a relativistic meson-nucleon model. We examine how nuclear-structure effects, such as relativistic random-phase-approximation (RPA) corrections and momentum-dependent nucleon self-energies, influence the extraction of the axial form factor of the nucleon. RPA corrections are important only at low-momentum transfers. In contrast, the momentum dependence of the relativistic self-energies changes appreciably the value of the axial-mass parameter, MAM_A, extracted from dipole fits to the axial form factor. Using Brookhaven's experimental neutrino spectrum we estimate the sensitivity of MA_A to various relativistic nuclear-structure effects.Comment: 26 pages, revtex, 6 postscript figures (available upon request

    Exact formula for currents in strongly pumped diffusive systems

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    We analyze a generic model of mesoscopic machines driven by the nonadiabatic variation of external parameters. We derive a formula for the probability current; as a consequence we obtain a no-pumping theorem for cyclic processes satisfying detailed balance and demonstrate that the rectification of current requires broken spatial symmetry.Comment: 10 pages, accepted for publication in the Journal of Statistical Physic

    Back reaction in the formation of a straight cosmic string

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    A simple model for the formation of a straight cosmic string, wiggly or unperturbed is considered. The gravitational field of such string is computed in the linear approximation. The vacuum expectation value of the stress tensor of a massless scalar quantum field coupled to the string gravitational field is computed to the one loop order. Finally, the back-reaction effect on the gravitational field of the string is obtained by solving perturbatively the semiclassical Einstein's equations.Comment: 29 pages, LaTeX, no figures. A postcript version can be obtained from anonymous ftp at ftp://ftp.ifae.es/preprint.f

    Thermodynamic Curvature of the BTZ Black Hole

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    Some thermodynamic properties of the Ba\~nados-Teitelboim-Zanelli (BTZ) black hole are studied to get the effective dimension of its corresponding statistical model. For this purpose, we make use of the geometrical approach to the thermodynamics: Considering the black hole as a thermodynamic system with two thermodynamic variables (the mass MM and the angular momemtum JJ), we obtain two-dimensional Riemannian thermodynamic geometry described by positive definite Ruppeiner metric. From the thermodynamic curvature we find that the extremal limit is the critical point. The effective spatial dimension of the statistical system corresponding to the near-extremal BTZ black holes is one. Far from the extremal point, the effective dimension becomes less than one, which leads to one possible speculation on the underlying structure for the corresponding statistical model.Comment: 19 pages, LaTeX with revtex macro, 4 figures in eps file

    All the Four Dimensional Static, Spherically Symmetric Solutions of Abelian Kaluza-Klein Theory

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    We present the explicit form for all the four dimensional, static, spherically symmetric solutions in (4+n)(4+n)-d Abelian Kaluza-Klein theory by performing a subset of SO(2,n)SO(2,n) transformations corresponding to four SO(1,1)SO(1,1) boosts on the Schwarzschild solution, supplemented by SO(n)/SO(n2)SO(n)/SO(n-2) transformations. The solutions are parameterized by the mass MM, Taub-Nut charge aa, nn electric Q\vec{\cal Q} and nn magnetic P\vec{\cal P} charges. Non-extreme black holes (with zero Taub-NUT charge) have either the Reissner-Nordstr\" om or Schwarzschild global space-time. Supersymmetric extreme black holes have a null or naked singularity, while non-supersymmetric extreme ones have a global space-time of extreme Reissner-Nordstr\" om black holes.Comment: 8 pages, uses RevTex, improved version to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Closed-String Tachyons and the Hagedorn Transition in AdS Space

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    We discuss some aspects of the behaviour of a string gas at the Hagedorn temperature from a Euclidean point of view. Using AdS space as an infrared regulator, the Hagedorn tachyon can be effectively quasi-localized and its dynamics controled by a finite energetic balance. We propose that the off-shell RG flow matches to an Euclidean AdS black hole geometry in a generalization of the string/black-hole correspondence principle. The final stage of the RG flow can be interpreted semiclassically as the growth of a cool black hole in a hotter radiation bath. The end-point of the condensation is the large Euclidean AdS black hole, and the part of spacetime behind the horizon has been removed. In the flat-space limit, holography is manifest by the system creating its own transverse screen at infinity. This leads to an argument, based on the energetics of the system, explaining why the non-supersymmetric type 0A string theory decays into the supersymmetric type IIB vacuum. We also suggest a notion of `boundary entropy', the value of which decreases along the line of flow.Comment: 24 pages, Harvmac. 2 Figures. Typos corrected and reference adde

    Linear Response, Validity of Semi-Classical Gravity, and the Stability of Flat Space

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    A quantitative test for the validity of the semi-classical approximation in gravity is given. The criterion proposed is that solutions to the semi-classical Einstein equations should be stable to linearized perturbations, in the sense that no gauge invariant perturbation should become unbounded in time. A self-consistent linear response analysis of these perturbations, based upon an invariant effective action principle, necessarily involves metric fluctuations about the mean semi-classical geometry, and brings in the two-point correlation function of the quantum energy-momentum tensor in a natural way. This linear response equation contains no state dependent divergences and requires no new renormalization counterterms beyond those required in the leading order semi-classical approximation. The general linear response criterion is applied to the specific example of a scalar field with arbitrary mass and curvature coupling in the vacuum state of Minkowski spacetime. The spectral representation of the vacuum polarization function is computed in n dimensional Minkowski spacetime, and used to show that the flat space solution to the semi-classical Einstein equations for n=4 is stable to all perturbations on distance scales much larger than the Planck length.Comment: 22 pages: This is a significantly expanded version of gr-qc/0204083, with two additional sections and two new appendices giving a complete, explicit example of the semi-classical stability criterion proposed in the previous pape

    Highly Scalable Multiplication for Distributed Sparse Multivariate Polynomials on Many-core Systems

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    We present a highly scalable algorithm for multiplying sparse multivariate polynomials represented in a distributed format. This algo- rithm targets not only the shared memory multicore computers, but also computers clusters or specialized hardware attached to a host computer, such as graphics processing units or many-core coprocessors. The scal- ability on the large number of cores is ensured by the lacks of synchro- nizations, locks and false-sharing during the main parallel step.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figure

    Lodged in the throat: Internal infinities and AdS/CFT

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    In the context of AdS3/CFT2, we address spacetimes with a certain sort of internal infinity as typified by the extreme BTZ black hole. The internal infinity is a null circle lying at the end of the black hole's infinite throat. We argue that such spacetimes may be described by a product CFT of the form CFT-L * CFT-R, where CFT-R is associated with the asymptotically AdS boundary while CFT-L is associated with the null circle. Our particular calculations analyze the CFT dual of the extreme BTZ black hole in a linear toy model of AdS3/CFT2. Since the BTZ black hole is a quotient of AdS3, the dual CFT state is a corresponding quotient of the CFT vacuum state. This state turns out to live in the aforementioned product CFT. We discuss this result in the context of general issues of AdS/CFT duality and entanglement entropy.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures; v2 - some typos corrected, minor revision