37,128 research outputs found

    Quantum Counterfactuals and Locality

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    Stapp's counterfactual argument for quantum nonlocality based upon a Hardy entangled state is shown to be flawed. While he has correctly analyzed a particular framework using the method of consistent histories, there are alternative frameworks which do not support his argument. The framework dependence of quantum counterfactual arguments, with analogs in classical counterfactuals, vitiates the claim that nonlocal (superluminal) influences exist in the quantum world. Instead it shows that counterfactual arguments are of limited use for analyzing these questions.Comment: 8 pages, 1 PSTricks figur

    Factor Analysis Of Ordinal Data Based On Weighted Ranking And Its Application To Reduce Perception Variables To Math Lessons Of Senior High School Student

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    The objectives of research are to reduce dimension of ordinal data using factor analysis based on weighted ranking correlation. In general, the correlation is used Spearman ranking correlation. This papers will discuss about application of both methods on the case of simplify of student’s perception variables on math lessons. The samples of this research are 791 students which consist of questionnaire. Factor analysis based on the weighted ranking correlation have given the results the number of factors and variables domination on factors more good than Spearman ranking correlation. The factors that influence perception of senior high school students towards Math lesson are an internal motivation of students, negative assessment of the Math lesson, teaching methods of Math teacher, habit of learning of students in Math and the support of parents, and knowledge of impact and benefits of Math. Key Words: factor analysis, weighted ranking, perception, mat

    Darwin in the Galapagos

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    The taming of the duel: masculinity, honour and ritual violence in London, 1660–1800

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    Over the course of the ‘long’ eighteenth century the nature and significance of duels fought in the London area changed dramatically. Pistols replaced swords, seconds took on a new role as mediators, and new conventions reduced the violence. Consequently, injuries and fatalities decreased significantly. The purpose of fighting duels also shifted from the defeat of one's antagonist to a demonstration of courage. Although duels continued to occur, growing opposition meant that the audience of people who supported duelling became increasingly limited and duels took place in places far from public view. At the same time, both the press and the courts provided alternative strategies for defending reputations. These changes cannot be attributed to technological developments, official attempts to prevent duelling, or the embourgeoisement of the duel. Rather, they resulted from a series of interlinked cultural changes, including an increasing intolerance of violence, new internalized understandings of elite honour, and the adoption of ‘polite’ and sentimental norms governing masculine conduct. These eighteenth-century changes shed new light on the reasons for the final end of duelling in England in 1852

    Symmetry Breaking Using Value Precedence

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    We present a comprehensive study of the use of value precedence constraints to break value symmetry. We first give a simple encoding of value precedence into ternary constraints that is both efficient and effective at breaking symmetry. We then extend value precedence to deal with a number of generalizations like wreath value and partial interchangeability. We also show that value precedence is closely related to lexicographical ordering. Finally, we consider the interaction between value precedence and symmetry breaking constraints for variable symmetries.Comment: 17th European Conference on Artificial Intelligenc

    The Application of Article 85 of the EEC Treaty to Exclusive Distribution Agreements

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    Compares the application of EEC competition laws and U.S. antitrust laws to exclusive distribution agreements, and noting an interesting development in the two systems. Article analyzes Continental T.V., Inc. v. GTE Sylvania Inc. and concludes it introduced the rule of reason to the U.S. approach for analyzing all nonprice vertical restrictions, but did not provide concrete guidelines for its application. The EEC approach, on the other hand, is designed to promote the goal of Common Market integration by preventing the insulation of national markets. Thus the Commission and the Court of Justice have developed a favorable attitude towards territorial and exclusive supply restrictions, but are stricter with regard to price and customer restrictions

    Conservation Laws and 2D Black Holes in Dilaton Gravity

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    A very general class of Lagrangians which couple scalar fields to gravitation and matter in two spacetime dimensions is investigated. It is shown that a vector field exists along whose flow lines the stress-energy tensor is conserved, regardless of whether or not the equations of motion are satisfied or if any Killing vectors exist. Conditions necessary for the existence of Killing vectors are derived. A new set of 2D black hole solutions is obtained for one particular member within this class of Lagrangians. One such solution bears an interesting resemblance to the 2D string-theoretic black hole, yet contains markedly different thermodynamic properties.Comment: 11 pgs. WATPHYS-TH92/0

    A computational approach for a fluid queue driven by a truncated birth-death process

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    In this paper, we consider a fluid queue driven by a truncated birth-death process with general birth and death rates. We find the equilibrium distribution of the content of the fluid buffer by computing the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of an associated real tridiagonal matrix. We provide efficient procedures which avoid numerical instability, to a greater extent, arising in a straightforward calculation of these quantities by standard procedures. In particular, we reduce the order of the matrix by one and show that this reduced matrix can be made symmetric and hence we could make use of the stable and efficient method of bisection to compute the eigenvalues. The effectiveness of these procedures is illustrated through tables and graphs. \u

    RV Pelagia Cruise 64PE372, 27 Jun - 11 Jul 2013. Flow dynamics and sedimentation in an active submarine channel: a process-product approach

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    Novel technologies are providing new opportunities to study the structure and dynamics of submarine sediment-gravity flows; these flows are the dominant process for transfer of sediment into the deep ocean, but are very hard to monitor due their destructive and unpredictable character. The primary aim of 64PE372 was to image the 3D structure of submarine flows passing though a rare example of an active submarine channel system in the southeast Black Sea. The channel system is maintained by through-flow of relatively dense, saline water coming from the Bosporus Strait outflow. ADCP mapping of internal flow structure within and outside the channel was achieved using the NERC Autosub3 Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV), supplemented by vertical, vessel-based, CTD profiling, and a fixed CTD mooring in the proximal channel for the duration of the cruise. Sedimentary features associated with the channel were imaged using towed high-resolution sidescan sonar, supported by vessel-based multibeam bathymetry and backscatter, AUV subbottom profiler data, and gravity cores. The 64PE372 cruise built upon a previous cruise to the study area in spring 2010, but was far more successful due to the increased capability of the barter vessel and the improved performance of the AUV
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