90 research outputs found

    Напрями та види діяльності у період Центральної Ради, Гетьманату та Директорії: конституційно-правовий аспект

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    Стаття присвячена одній із актуальних проблем у конституційному праві України - проблемі функцій Верховної Ради України, зокрема це стосується однієї із пріоритетних парламентських функцій - законодавчої. Саме тому, значний інтерес викликає досвід здійснення законодавчої функції за часів Центральної Ради, Гетьманату та Директорії, який має важливе значення як в історичному аспекті, так і в контексті удосконалення сучасного процесу законотворення та державного будівництва в Україні. У статті аналізується цей досвід, що дає можливість вивчити, проаналізувати та практично застосувати законодавчі надбання цієї доби. Ключові слова: законотворення, законодавча функція, законодавча діяльність, закон, Конституція УНР, Центральна Рада, Гетьманат, Директорія.Статья посвящена одной из актуальных проблем в конституционном праве Украины - проблеме функций Верховной Рады Украины, в частности это касается одной из приоритетных парламентских функций - законодательной. Именно поэтому, значительный интерес вызывает опыт осуществления законодательной функции во времена Центральнй Рады, Гетьманата и Директории, который имеет важное значение как в историческом аспекте, так и в контексте усовершенствования современного процесса законодательствования и государственного строительства в Украине. В статье анализируется этот опыт, который дает возможность изучить, проанализировать и практически применить его в наше время. Ключевые слова: законодательствование, законодательная функция, законодательная деятельность, закон, Конституция УНР, Центральная Рада, Гетьманат, Директория.The article is devoted one of issues of the day in a constitutional right for Ukraine . problem of functions of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, in particular it touches one of priority parliamentary functions . legislative. For this reason, considerable interest is caused by experience of realization of legislative function in the days of Central Advice, to Get'manatu and Directory which has an important value both historical aspect and in the context of improvement of modern process of zakonotvorennya and state building in Ukraine. This experience which enables to learn is analysed in the article, to analyse and practically apply legislative acquisitions these days. Key words: zakonotvorennya, legislative function, legislative activity, law, Constitution of UNR, Central Advice, Get'manat, Directory

    Intranasal administration of olanzapine has beneficial outcome in a rat activity-based anorexia model

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    The atypical antipsychotic drug olanzapine is prescribed despite clinical studies on olanzapine treatment showing mixed results on treatment efficacy in anorexia nervosa. We investigated the effect of systemic and intranasal administration of olanzapine in the activity-based anorexia (ABA) model. Rats were habituated to a running wheel and exposed to the ABA model while treated with olanzapine. During ABA rats had 1.5 h of daily access to food and ad libitum access to a running wheel for seven consecutive days. Olanzapine was administered via an osmotic minipump (1, 2.75, and 7.5 mg/kg) or intranasally 2 h before dark onset (1 and 2.75 mg/kg). We monitored body weight, food intake, wheel revolutions, body temperature, and adipose tissue. We found 2.75 and 7.5 mg/kg systemic olanzapine decreased wheel revolutions during ABA. Relative adipose tissue mass was increased in the 7.5 mg/kg olanzapine-treated group while body weight, food intake, and body temperature were unaltered by the systemic olanzapine. 1 and 2.75 mg/kg intranasal olanzapine diminished wheel revolutions and body temperature during the first 2 h after administration. The intranasal olanzapine-treated rats had a higher body weight at the end of ABA. We find that olanzapine has beneficial outcomes in the ABA via two administration routes by acting mainly on running wheel activity. Intranasal olanzapine showed a rapid effect in the first hours after administration in reducing locomotor activity. We recommend further exploring intranasal administration of olanzapine in anorectic patients to assist them in coping with restlessness

    Zona incerta neurons projecting to the ventral tegmental area promote action initiation towards feeding

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    Key pointsThe zona incerta (ZI) and ventral tegmental area (VTA) are brain areas that are both implicated in feeding behaviour. The ZI projects to the VTA, although it has not yet been investigated whether this projection regulates feeding.We experimentally (in)activated the ZI to VTA projection by using dual viral vector technology, and studied the effects on feeding microstructure, the willingness to work for food, general activity and body temperature.Activity of the ZI to VTA projection promotes feeding by facilitating action initiation towards food, as reflected in meal frequency and the willingness to work for food reward, without affecting general activity or directly modulating body temperature.We show for the first time that activity of the ZI to VTA projection promotes feeding, which improves the understanding of the neurobiology of feeding behaviour and body weight regulation.Both the zona incerta (ZI) and the ventral tegmental area (VTA) have been implicated in feeding behaviour. The ZI provides prominent input to the VTA, although it has not yet been investigated whether this projection regulates feeding. Therefore, we investigated the role of ZI to VTA projection neurons in the regulation of several aspects of feeding behaviour. We determined the effects of (in)activation of ZI to VTA projection neurons on feeding microstructure, food-motivated behaviour under a progressive ratio schedule of reinforcement, locomotor activity and core body temperature. To activate or inactivate ZI neurons projecting to the VTA, we used a combination of canine adenovirus-2 in the VTA, as well as Cre-dependent designer receptors exclusively activated by designer drugs (DREADD) or tetanus toxin (TetTox) light chain in the ZI. TetTox-mediated inactivation of ZI to VTA projection neurons reduced food-motivated behaviour and feeding by reducing meal frequency. Conversely, DREADD-mediated chemogenetic activation of ZI to VTA projection neurons promoted food-motivated behaviour and feeding. (In)activation of ZI to VTA projection neurons did not affect locomotor activity or directly regulate core body temperature. Taken together, ZI neurons projecting to the VTA exert bidirectional control overfeeding behaviour. More specifically, activity of ZI to VTA projection neurons facilitate action initiation towards feeding, as reflected in both food-motivated behaviour and meal initiation, without affecting general activity

    The effects of polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) administration on the microbiome-gut-brain axis in adolescents with anorexia nervosa (the MiGBAN study): study protocol for a longitudinal, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial

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    Background Anorexia nervosa (AN) is a severe psychiatric disease that often takes a chronic course due to insufficient treatment options. Emerging evidence on the gut-brain axis offers the opportunity to find innovative treatments for patients with psychiatric disorders. The gut microbiome of patients with AN shows profound alterations that do not completely disappear after weight rehabilitation. In previous studies, the administration of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) resulted in effects that might be beneficial in the treatment of AN, affecting the microbiome, body weight and executive functions. Therefore, the MiGBAN study aims to examine the effects of a nutritional supplementation with PUFA on the gut microbiome and body mass index (BMI) in patients with AN. Methods This is a longitudinal, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial. Within 2 years, 60 adolescent patients aged 12 to 19 years with AN will receive either PUFA or placebo for 6 months additional to treatment as usual. After 1 year, the long-term effect of PUFA on the gut microbiome and consecutively on BMI will be determined. Secondary outcomes include improvement of gastrointestinal symptoms, eating disorder psychopathology, and comorbidities. Additionally, the interaction of the gut microbiome with the brain (microbiome-gut-brain axis) will be studied by conducting MRI measurements to assess functional and morphological changes and neuropsychological assessments to describe cognitive functioning. Anti-inflammatory effects of PUFA in AN will be examined via serum inflammation and gut permeability markers. Our hypothesis is that PUFA administration will have positive effects on the gut microbiota and thus the treatment of AN by leading to a faster weight gain and a reduction of gastrointestinal problems and eating disorder psychopathology. Discussion Due to previously heterogeneous results, a systematic and longitudinal investigation of the microbiome-gut-brain axis in AN is essential. The current trial aims to further analyse this promising research field to identify new, effective therapeutic tools that could help improve the treatment and quality of life of patients. If this trial is successful and PUFA supplementation contributes to beneficial microbiome changes and a better treatment outcome, their administration would be a readily applicable additional component of multimodal AN treatment

    Exploration of large, rare copy number variants associated with psychiatric and neurodevelopmental disorders in individuals with anorexia nervosa

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    Anorexia nervosa (AN) is a serious and heritable psychiatric disorder. To date, studies of copy number variants (CNVs) have been limited and inconclusive because of small sample sizes. We conducted a case-only genome-wide CNV survey in 1983 female AN cases included in the Genetic Consortium for Anorexia Nervosa. Following stringent quality control procedures, we investigated whether pathogenic CNVs in regions previously implicated in psychiatric and neurodevelopmental disorders were present in AN cases. We observed two instances of the well-established pathogenic CNVs in AN cases. In addition, one case had a deletion in the 13q12 region, overlapping with a deletion reported previously in two AN cases. As a secondary aim, we also examined our sample for CNVs over 1 Mbp in size. Out of the 40 instances of such large CNVs that were not implicated previously for AN or neuropsychiatric phenotypes, two of them contained genes with previous neuropsychiatric associations, and only five of them had no associated reports in public CNV databases. Although ours is the largest study of its kind in AN, larger datasets are needed to comprehensively assess the role of CNVs in the etiology of AN

    The effects of polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) administration on the microbiome-gut-brain axis in adolescents with anorexia nervosa (the MiGBAN study): study protocol for a longitudinal, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial

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    Background: Anorexia nervosa (AN) is a severe psychiatric disease that often takes a chronic course due to insufficient treatment options. Emerging evidence on the gut-brain axis offers the opportunity to find innovative treatments for patients with psychiatric disorders. The gut microbiome of patients with AN shows profound alterations that do not completely disappear after weight rehabilitation. In previous studies, the administration of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) resulted in effects that might be beneficial in the treatment of AN, affecting the microbiome, body weight and executive functions. Therefore, the MiGBAN study aims to examine the effects of a nutritional supplementation with PUFA on the gut microbiome and body mass index (BMI) in patients with AN. Methods: This is a longitudinal, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial. Within 2 years, 60 adolescent patients aged 12 to 19 years with AN will receive either PUFA or placebo for 6 months additional to treatment as usual. After 1 year, the long-term effect of PUFA on the gut microbiome and consecutively on BMI will be determined. Secondary outcomes include improvement of gastrointestinal symptoms, eating disorder psychopathology, and comorbidities. Additionally, the interaction of the gut microbiome with the brain (microbiome-gut-brain axis) will be studied by conducting MRI measurements to assess functional and morphological changes and neuropsychological assessments to describe cognitive functioning. Anti-inflammatory effects of PUFA in AN will be examined via serum inflammation and gut permeability markers. Our hypothesis is that PUFA administration will have positive effects on the gut microbiota and thus the treatment of AN by leading to a faster weight gain and a reduction of gastrointestinal problems and eating disorder psychopathology. Discussion: Due to previously heterogeneous results, a systematic and longitudinal investigation of the microbiome-gut-brain axis in AN is essential. The current trial aims to further analyse this promising research field to identify new, effective therapeutic tools that could help improve the treatment and quality of life of patients. If this trial is successful and PUFA supplementation contributes to beneficial microbiome changes and a better treatment outcome, their administration would be a readily applicable additional component of multimodal AN treatment. Trial registration: German Clinical Trials Register DRKS00017130. Registered on 12 November 2019

    Brain melanocortin receptors: from cloning to function

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    The cloning of brain melanocortin (MC) receptors, the mapping of their expression pattern and the identification of MC receptor selective ligands have opened a new avenue towards elucidating the role of the melanocortin system in the brain. MC receptors have now been implicated in melanocortin-induced grooming behavior in rats, in the melanocortin-induced lowering of blood pressure and in the control of weight homeostasis. Functional opioid antagonism and the anti-pyretic and anti-inflammatory effects of melanocortins are probably also mediated via MC receptors. However, the effects of melanocortins on avoidance behavior and the effect of 2-MSH on increasing blood pressure are not mediated via one of the cloned brain MC receptors. The structure of brain MC receptors, their expression pattern, the MC receptor selective ligands and the function of MC receptors are briefly reviewed

    Melanocortins and the brain: from effects via receptors to drug targets

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    The lack of specific receptors (and antagonists) has hampered the research on the neural mechanism of action of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)- and melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH)-like peptides. Yet the original observations in the 1970s already pointed to cAMP as a possible mediator of ACTH/MSH effects in neurons. The cloning of melanocortin receptors since 1992, the identification of at least two subtypes (melanocortin MC3 and MC4 receptors) that are present in neural tissue and the development of selective and potent agonists as well as antagonists have markedly furthered the position of melanocortins as important neuropeptides. In this paper we discuss the role of especially the receptor subtype melanocortin MC4 in various behaviors including grooming behavior and feeding behavior and consider new insights in the interaction between the opioid and the melanocortin system at the level of the spinal cord (i.e. pain perception). Finally, based on new data obtained in molecular pharmacological studies on brain melanocortin receptors, we suggest a general concept for selective receptorligand interaction: ligand residues outside the peptide core-sequence may direct the conformation of the residues in the ligand core-sequence that interact directly with the receptor-binding pocket and thereby determine selectivity