12 research outputs found

    Distinct Reproductive Risk Profiles for Intrinsic-Like Breast Cancer Subtypes: Pooled Analysis of Population-Based Studies

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    Background: Reproductive factors have been shown to be differentially associated with risk of estrogen receptor (ER)-positive and ER-negative breast cancer. However, their associations with intrinsic-like subtypes are less clear. Methods: Analyses included up to 23353 cases and 71072 controls pooled from 31 population-based case-control or cohort studies in the Breast Cancer Association Consortium across 16 countries on 4 continents. Polytomous logistic regression was used to estimate the association between reproductive factors and risk of breast cancer by intrinsic-like subtypes (luminal A-like, luminal B-like, luminal B-HER2-like, HER2-enriched-like, and triple-negative breast cancer) and by invasiveness. All statistical tests were 2-sided. Results: Compared with nulliparous women, parous women had a lower risk of luminal A-like, luminal B-like, luminal B-HER2-like, and HER2-enriched-like disease. This association was apparent only after approximately 10 years since last birth and became stronger with increasing time (odds ratio [OR] = 0.59, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 0.49 to 0.71; and OR = 0.36, 95% CI = 0.28 to 0.46 for multiparous women with luminal A-like tumors 20 to less than 25 years after last birth and 45 to less than 50 years after last birth, respectively). In contrast, parous women had a higher risk of triple-negative breast cancer right after their last birth (for multiparous women: OR = 3.12, 95% CI = 2.02 to 4.83) that was attenuated with time but persisted for decades (OR = 1.03, 95% CI = 0.79 to 1.34, for multiparous women 25 to less than 30 years after last birth). Older age at first birth (Pheterogeneity <. 001 for triple-negative compared with luminal A-like breast cancer) and breastfeeding (Pheterogeneity <. 001 for triple-negative compared with luminal A-like breast cancer) were associated with lower risk of triple-negative breast cancer but not with other disease subtypes. Younger age at menarche was associated with higher risk of all subtypes; older age at menopause was associated with higher risk of luminal A-like but not triple-negative breast cancer. Associations for in situ tumors were similar to luminal A-like. Conclusions: This large and comprehensive study demonstrates a distinct reproductive risk factor profile for triple-negative breast cancer compared with other subtypes, with implications for the understanding of disease etiology and risk prediction

    Olympic and World Championship track and field athletes’ experiences during the specialising and investment stages of development: a qualitative study with Australian male and female representatives

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    Athlete talent development literature has revealed high attrition rates of elite junior athletes during their mid-to-late adolescence (age 15–19 years) across a range of sports, including track and field (T&F). However, much of the research has focused on early athletic participation during the sampling stage rather than the transition from junior elite to senior elite representation. Based on the Developmental Model of Sport Participation (DMSP), this study investigated factors during the specialising and investment stages that underpinned the development of 14 elite Australian junior T&F athletes who transitioned into elite senior careers. Semi-structured interviews were employed to elicit a deep understanding of the 14 athletes’ developmental experiences. Inductive thematic analysis revealed four major dimensions of talent development during the specialising and investment stages – training, competition, social support and personal factors. Early training and competition experiences for elite Australian T&F athletes were commensurate with the specialising stage of the DMSP, where athletes balanced involvement in various sports with T&F. The findings from the present study confirm that most athletes were late specialisers, and did not focus on their main senior event and were not ready to fully investment in specialised intense training until towards the end of the investment stage. Athletes revealed experiences at junior international competitions, support from parents and peers and knowledge and guidance of coaches to their appropriate developmental stage were instrumental in their development. Overall our findings provide further support to the DMSP model recommendation that young athletes are not physically or psychosocially ready to enter the investment stage at least age 16 years

    Propagación in vitro de plantas adultas de Vaccinium meridionale (Ericaceae) In vitro propagation of mature plants of Vaccinium meridionale (Ericaceae)

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    Se desarrolló un procedimiento de micropropagación de plantas adultas de Vaccinium meridionale utilizando como explantes primarios ápices caulinares. Durante la fase de establecimiento in vitro de explantes se estudió el efecto de los medios MS/3, WPM, AND y el propuesto por Kyte para Blueberry, suplementados con 2-iP más AIA ó BA más AIA. Durante la proliferación de microtallos se evaluó el efecto del medio MS/3 líquido, sólido y en doble fase (una fase líquida sobre una fase solidificada con agar), suplementados con 2-iP más AIA. El enraizamiento in vitro y ex vitro de microtallos y macollas se indujo utilizando auxinas y/o carbón activado y para el desarrollo de raíces se utilizó un sustrato enriquecido con materia orgánica. El endurecimiento de plántulas se realizó de manera simultánea con el proceso de desarrollo radical. Después de la fase de establecimiento, la media más alta, 4.5, yemas axilares desarrolladas por explante viable, se cuantificó en MS/3 suplementado con 59.05 µM de 2-iP más 17.13 µM de AIA. Durante la fase de proliferación de microtallos la media más alta, 7.25, se cuantificó en MS/3 en doble fase. Después de 60 días de endurecimiento el 88-100% de los microtallos enraizaron y reactivaron su crecimiento.<br>Using stem apex as primary explants, a micropropagation protocol of Vaccinium meridionale was established. During establishment phase the effect of the MS/3, WPM, AND and Kyte media, supplemented with 2-iP plus IAA or BA plus IAA was studied. During microshoot proliferation the effect of MS/3 liquid, solid and double phase (the liquid phase in a solidified phase with agar) supplemented with 2-iP plus IAA was evaluated. In vitro and ex vitro rooting of microshoots and microshoots was accomplished using auxines and/or activated charcoal; for root development a substratum with abundant organic matter was utilized. Plantlet hardening was achived simultaneously with the radical development process. After establishment phase, the highest quantity of axillary buds/explant was quantified in cultures performed in MS/3 supplemented with 2-iP, 59.05 µM plus IAA 17.13 µM. During the microshoot proliferation phase the highest average production was obtained in double phase MS/3. After 60 days of hardening 88-100% of rooted microshoots was obtained; these plantlets showed growth reactivation