144 research outputs found

    A noise-immune cavity-assisted non-destructive detection for an optical lattice clock in the quantum regime

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    We present and implement a non-destructive detection scheme for the transition probability readout of an optical lattice clock. The scheme relies on a differential heterodyne measurement of the dispersive properties of lattice-trapped atoms enhanced by a high finesse cavity. By design, this scheme offers a 1st order rejection of the technical noise sources, an enhanced signal-to-noise ratio, and an homogeneous atom-cavity coupling. We theoretically show that this scheme is optimal with respect to the photon shot noise limit. We experimentally realize this detection scheme in an operational strontium optical lattice clock. The resolution is on the order of a few atoms with a photon scattering rate low enough to keep the atoms trapped after detection. This scheme opens the door to various different interrogations protocols, which reduce the frequency instability, including atom recycling, zero-dead time clocks with a fast repetition rate, and sub quantum projection noise frequency stability

    Polarizabilities of the 87Sr Clock Transition

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    In this paper, we propose an in-depth review of the vector and tensor polarizabilities of the two energy levels of the 87Sr clock transition whose measurement was reported in [P. G. Westergaard et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 210801 (2011)]. We conduct a theoretical calculation that reproduces the measured coefficients. In addition, we detail the experimental conditions used for their measurement in two Sr optical lattice clocks, and exhibit the quadratic behaviour of the vector and tensor shifts with the depth of the trapping potential and evaluate their impact on the accuracy of the clock

    Search for vector dark matter in microwave cavities with Rydberg atoms

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    We propose a novel experiment to search for dark matter, based on the application of an electric field inside a microwave cavity and electrometry using Rydberg atoms. We show that this kind of experiment could be extremely useful for detecting specific dark matter candidates, namely massive vector fields coupled to the photon field, more commonly known as dark photons. Such a massive vector field is a good candidate for dark matter. Using realistic experimental parameters we show that such an experiment could improve the current constraint on the coupling constant of the dark photons to Standard Model photons in the 1 to 10~μ\mueV mass range, with the possibility of tuning the maximum sensitivity via the cavity size. The main limiting factors on the sensitivity of the experiment are the amplitude stability of the applied field and the measurement uncertainty of the electric field by the atoms.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Atomic fountains and optical clocks at SYRTE: status and perspectives

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    In this article, we report on the work done with the LNE-SYRTE atomic clock ensemble during the last 10 years. We cover progress made in atomic fountains and in their application to timekeeping. We also cover the development of optical lattice clocks based on strontium and on mercury. We report on tests of fundamental physical laws made with these highly accurate atomic clocks. We also report on work relevant to a future possible redefinition of the SI second

    Quantum simulation of frustrated magnetism in triangular optical lattices

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    Magnetism plays a key role in modern technology as essential building block of many devices used in daily life. Rich future prospects connected to spintronics, next generation storage devices or superconductivity make it a highly dynamical field of research. Despite those ongoing efforts, the many-body dynamics of complex magnetism is far from being well understood on a fundamental level. Especially the study of geometrically frustrated configurations is challenging both theoretically and experimentally. Here we present the first realization of a large scale quantum simulator for magnetism including frustration. We use the motional degrees of freedom of atoms to comprehensively simulate a magnetic system in a triangular lattice. Via a specific modulation of the optical lattice, we can tune the couplings in different directions independently, even from ferromagnetic to antiferromagnetic. A major advantage of our approach is that standard Bose-Einstein-condensate temperatures are sufficient to observe magnetic phenomena like N\'eel order and spin frustration. We are able to study a very rich phase diagram and even to observe spontaneous symmetry breaking caused by frustration. In addition, the quantum states realized in our spin simulator are yet unobserved superfluid phases with non-trivial long-range order and staggered circulating plaquette currents, which break time reversal symmetry. These findings open the route towards highly debated phases like spin-liquids and the study of the dynamics of quantum phase transitions.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Rayleigh superradiance and dynamic Bragg gratings in an end-pumped Bose-Einstein condensate

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    We study experimentally superradiant Rayleigh scattering from a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) in a new parameter regime where pump depletion and the exchange of photons between the endfire modes are important. Through experiments and simulations we show that collective atom light coupling leads to the self-organized formation of dynamic Bragg gratings within the sample. These gratings lead to an efficient back-scattering of pump photons and optical resonator structures within the BEC.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Experimenting an optical second with strontium lattice clocks

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    Progress in realizing the SI second had multiple technological impacts and enabled to further constraint theoretical models in fundamental physics. Caesium microwave fountains, realizing best the second according to its current definition with a relative uncertainty of 2-4x10^(-16), have already been superseded by atomic clocks referenced to an optical transition, both more stable and more accurate. Are we ready for a new definition of the second? Here we present an important step in this direction: our system of five clocks connects with an unprecedented consistency the optical and the microwave worlds. For the first time, two state-of-the-art strontium optical lattice clocks are proven to agree within their accuracy budget, with a total uncertainty of 1.6x10^(-16). Their comparison with three independent caesium fountains shows a degree of reproducibility henceforth solely limited at the level of 3.1x10^(-16) by the best realizations of the microwave-defined second.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, 2 table

    An Optical Lattice Clock with Spin-polarized 87Sr Atoms

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    We present a new evaluation of an 87Sr optical lattice clock using spin polarized atoms. The frequency of the 1S0-3P0 clock transition is found to be 429 228 004 229 873.6 Hz with a fractional accuracy of 2.6 10^{-15}, a value that is comparable to the frequency difference between the various primary standards throughout the world. This measurement is in excellent agreement with a previous one of similar accuracy

    75%-efficiency blue generation from an intracavity PPKTP frequency doubler

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    We report on a high-efficiency 461 nm blue light conversion from an external cavity-enhanced second-harmonic generation of a 922 nm diode laser with a quasi-phase-matched KTP crystal (PPKTP). By choosing a long crystal (LC=20 mm) and twice looser focusing (w0=43 μ\mum) than the "optimal" one, thermal lensing effects due to the blue power absorption are minimized while still maintaining near-optimal conversion efficiency. A stable blue power of 234 mW with a net conversion efficiency of eta=75% at an input mode-matched power of 310 mW is obtained. The intra-cavity measurements of the conversion efficiency and temperature tuning bandwidth yield an accurate value d33(461 nm)=15 pm/V for KTP and provide a stringent validation of some recently published linear and thermo-optic dispersion data of KTP

    Near-to mid-IR spectral purity transfer with a tunable frequency comb: methanol frequency metrology over a record frequency span

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    We report the development and operation of a frequency-comb-assisted high-resolution mid-infrared molecular spectrometer combining high spectral purity, SI-traceability, wide tunability and high sensitivity. An optical frequency comb is used to transfer the spectral purity of a SI-traceable 1.54 μ\mum metrology-grade frequency reference to a 10.3 μ\mum quantum cascade laser (QCL). The near-infrared reference is operated at the French time/frequency metrology institute, calibrated there to primary frequency standards, and transferred to Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers via the REFIMEVE fiber network. The QCL exhibits a sub-10 --15 frequency stability from 0.1 to 10 s and its frequency is traceable to the SI with a total uncertainty better than 4 x 10 --14 after 1-s averaging time. We have developed the instrumentation allowing comb modes to be continuously tuned over 9 GHz resulting in a QCL of record spectral purity uninterruptedly tunable at the precision of the reference over an unprecedented span of 1.4 GHz. We have used our apparatus to conduct sub-Doppler spectroscopy of methanol in a multi-pass cell, demonstrating state-of-art frequency uncertainties down to the few kilohertz level. We have observed weak intensity resonances unreported so far, resolved subtle doublets never seen before and brought to light discrepancies with the HITRAN database. This demonstrates the potential of our apparatus for probing subtle internal molecular processes, building accurate spectroscopic models of polyatomic molecules of atmospheric or astrophysical interest, and carrying out precise spectroscopic tests of fundamental physics