55 research outputs found

    Development and Evaluation of an Undergraduate Science Communication Module

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    This paper describes the design and evaluation of an undergraduate final year science communication module for the Science Faculty at the University of East Anglia. The module focuses specifically on science communication and aims to bring an understanding of how science is disseminated to the public. Students on the module are made aware of the models surrounding science communication and investigate how the science culture interfaces with the public. During the module they learn how to adapt science concepts for different audiences and how to talk confidently about science to a lay-audience. Student motivation for module choice centres on the acquisition of transferable skills and students develop these skills through designing, running and evaluating a public outreach event at a school or in a public area. These transferable skills acquired include communication, interaction with different organisations such as museums and science centres, developing understanding of both the needs of different audiences and the importance of time management. They also develop skills relating to self-reflection and how to use this as a tool for future self development. The majority of students completing the module go on to further study, either a PhD, MSc or teacher training. The module can be sustained in its present formed if capped at 40 students, however it is recognised that to increase cohort size, further investment of faculty time and resources would be required

    The physical and mental health of a large military cohort: baseline functional health status of the Millennium Cohort

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background:</p> <p>The US military is currently involved in large, lengthy, and complex combat operations around the world. Effective military operations require optimal health of deployed service members, and both mental and physical health can be affected by military operations.</p> <p>Methods:</p> <p>Baseline data were collected from 77,047 US service members during 2001–2003 as part of a large, longitudinal, population-based military health study (the Millennium Cohort Study). The authors calculated unadjusted, adjusted, and weighted means for the Medical Outcomes Study Short Form 36-item Survey for Veterans physical (PCS) and mental component summary (MCS) scores over a variety of demographic and military characteristics at baseline.</p> <p>Results:</p> <p>The unadjusted mean PCS and MCS scores for this study were 53.4 (95% confidence interval: 53.3–53.4) and 52.8 (95% confidence interval: 52.7–52.9). Average PCS and MCS scores were slightly more favorable in this military sample compared to those of the US general population of the same age and sex. Factors independently associated with more favorable health status included male gender, being married, higher educational attainment, higher military rank, and Air Force service. Combat specialists had similar health status compared to other military occupations. Having been deployed to Southwest Asia, Bosnia, or Kosovo between 1998 and 2000 was not associated with diminished health status.</p> <p>Conclusion:</p> <p>The baseline health status of this large population-based military cohort is better than that of the US general population of the same age and sex distribution over the same time period, especially in older age groups. Deployment experiences during the period of 1998–2001 were not associated with decreased health status. These data will serve as a useful reference for other military health studies and for future longitudinal analyses.</p

    Charakterystyka bakteryjna galaktanazy na polisacharydach roslinnych

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    Opisano izolację bakteryjnej galaktanazy, której wytwarzanie indukowano za pomocą arabinogalaktanu izolowanego z mąki sojowej. Charakterystyki oczyszczonego białka enzymatycznego dokonano w oparciu o galaktan otrzymany z włóknistej pozostałości z produkcji skrobii ziemniaczanej. Masa molowa enzymu wyznaczona za pomocą elektroforezy wynosiła około 40000Da, optimum pH 6,0, a temperatury 40° C. Mechanizm działania galaktanazy określono jako przede wszystkim typu endo. Enzym dość energicznie rozkładał preparaty ścian komórkowych jabłka i buraka cukrowego (odpowiednio 23,7 i 29,8% cukrów), uwalniając głównie galaktozę i uronidy, jednakże jego zdolności macerowania tkanek roślinnych były ograniczone.Purification of a bacterial galactanase with soybean arabinogalactan as a triggering agent has been described. The purified enzyme protein was characterized with a help of potato galactan isolated from the fibre residue from the starch production. Molecular weight of the enzyme, determined by SDS electrophoresis was 40000Da, optimum pH 6.0, and optimum temperature 40° C. Mechanism of action was found to be mainly of an endo type. The enzyme decomposed apple and sugar beet cell wall preparations moderately well (23.7% and 29.8% of sugars, respectively), releasing predominantly galactose and uronides. Any effective maceration of a plant tissue by this enzyme would be doubtful

    The profile distribution of zinc in arable alluvial soils with naturally elevated content of calcium carbonate

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    The objective of the study was to analyze profile spatiation of total and DTPA-extractable zinc forms in alluvial arable soils. Six soil profiles located in the Unisław Basin were analyzed. The soils were classified as alluvial black earths. The alluvial material of the examined soils was overlying calcareous sinter situated 100 cm deep into the ground. Soil samples were analyzed for the grain size composition, reaction, Corg and the CaCO3 content. The total zinc concentration was assessed after mineralization in HF+ HClO4 mixture according to Crock and Severson (1980), while zinc forms extractable with DTPA were assayed with ASA as described by Lindsay and Norvell (1978). The soils did not show symptoms of zinc pollution. Its total, Zn concentrations ranged between 6.25 and 18.78 mg kg–1, while an average content was 11.16 mg kg–1. The analyzed soil samples contained zinc forms extractable with DTPA in amounts fluctuating between 0.32 and 2.6 mg kg–1. The highest concentrations of total and available zinc were noted in the surface horizons of the soils and in the horizons enriched with organic carbon.Celem pracy była analiza profilowego rozmieszczenia cynku w formie całkowitej i ekstrahowanej DTPA w glebach aluwialnych użytkowanych rolniczo. Przedmiotem badań było 6 profili glebowych zlokalizowanych na terenie Basenu Unisławskiego. Gleby te sklasyfikowano jako mady czarnoziemne. Materiał aluwialny badanych gleb zalegał na martwicy wapiennej, która występowała na głębokości ok. 100 cm. Z podstawowych właściwości w analizowanych próbkach glebowych oznaczono: uziarnienie, odczyn, zawartość C- org. oraz CaCO3. Całkowitą zawartość Zn oznaczono po mineralizacji w mieszaninie kwasów HF+ HClO4 metodą Crocka i Seversona (1980), natomiast formę ekstrahowaną DTPA metodą Lindsaya i Norvella (1978), z zastosowaniem metody ASA. Badane gleby nie wykazywały zanieczyszczenia cynkiem, którego całkowita zawartość wynosiła 6.25–18.78 mg kg–1. Zawartość cynku ekstrahowanego DTPA wahała się od 0.32 do 2.6 mg kg–1. Największe ilości cynku całkowitego i przyswajalnego odnotowano w poziomach powierzchniowych analizowanych gleb oraz w poziomach wzbogaconych w węgiel organiczny