1,812 research outputs found

    Investigation of several aspects of LANDSAT 4/5 data quality

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    A technique under development uses a zoom transfer scope to register the photograph of the target with digitally enlarged photographic hardcopy of the TM data using a visual fit to the area surrounding the target. The first attempt using the Sacramento Scene (44/33) of February 1, 1983 indicated that relief displacement in the aerial photography would cause large errors. A second attempt is in progress using the aero-triangulated scene centers which have no relief displacement. Being calculated points, the scene centers have somewhat larger absolute errors in geolocation, approximately 3 meters instead of 1.5 meters. The average TM effective instantaneous field of view (EIFOV) calculated from modulation transfer functions (MTFs) is 52.7 m. This is smaller than the 55 and 65 m EIFOVs reported earlier using noisy MTFs but larger than the EIFOVs from the San Mateo Bridge analysis which ranged from 44.5 to 50.9 m and averaged 47.6 m for the same TM scene

    Investigation of several aspects of LANDSAT-4 data quality

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    The Thematic Mapper scene of Sacramento, CA acquired during the TDRSS test was received in TIPS format. Quadrants for both scenes were tested for band-to-band registration using reimplemented block correlation techniques. Summary statistics for band-to-band registrations of TM band combinations for Quadrant 4 of the NE Arkansas scene in TIPS format are tabulated as well as those for Quadrant 1 of the Sacramento scene. The system MTF analysis for the San Francisco scene is completed. The thermal band did not have sufficient contrast for the targets used and was not analyzed

    AIS Investigation of Agricultural Monocultures

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    Airborne Imaging Spectrometer (AIS) data were acquired over an agricultural area in eastern San Joaquin County, California in July, 1984. Cover type information was subsequently collected for all fields along this flight line. The lack of detailed ground data on individual fields, however, limited AIS data analysis to a qualitative comparison of the spectral reflectance curves for a total of nine cover types. Based on this analysis, it appears that cover types with a positive slope in the 1550 to 1700 nm region have a higher spectral response in the 1200 to 1300 nm region compared to those cover types with a negative slope in the 1550 to 1700 nm region. Within cover type, spectral variability was also found to be greater than that between cover types. Given the lack of additional field data, the reason for these differences is a matter of speculation

    Impact of LANDSAT MSS sensor differences on change detection analysis

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    Some 512 by 512 pixel subwindows for simultaneously acquired scene pairs obtained by LANDSAT 2,3 and 4 multispectral band scanners were coregistered using LANDSAT 4 scenes as the base to which the other images were registered. Scattergrams between the coregistered scenes (a form of contingency analysis) were used to radiometrically compare data from the various sensors. Mode values were derived and used to visually fit a linear regression. Root mean square errors of the registration varied between .1 and 1.5 pixels. There appear to be no major problem preventing the use of LANDSAT 4 MSS with previous MSS sensors for change detection, provided the noise interference can be removed or minimized. Data normalizations for change detection should be based on the data rather than solely on calibration information. This allows simultaneous normalization of the atmosphere as well as the radiometry

    The Impact of Religious Belief in the Theater of Operations

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    This article argues that although acknowledged by present doctrine, religious beliefs are considerably more important to military operations than is generally recognized

    Calibration of the visible and near-infrared channels of the LANDSAT-5 Thematic Mapper using high-altitude aircraft measurements

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    Visible near-infrared sensors mounted on operational satellites now in use do not have on-board full aperture absolute calibration devices. One means of establishing an in-orbit calibration for a satellite sensor is to make simultaneous measurements of a bright, uniform scene along the satellite view vector from a calibrated instrument on board a high altitude aircraft. In the work reported here, aircraft data were recorded over White Sands, New Mexico at satellite overpass time for the LANDSAT-5 Thematic Mapper (TM). A comparison of the coincident aircraft and orbiting satellite data showed the radiometric gain for TM channel 1 had degraded 4.7 percent by August 28, 1985; gains for TM channels 2 and 3 were within 1 percent of prelaunch values

    Assessment of Thematic Mapper band-to-band registration by the block correlation method

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    Rectangular blocks of pixels from one band image were statistically correlated against blocks centered on identical pixels from a second band image. The block pairs were shifted in pixel increments both vertically and horizontally with respect to each other and the correlation coefficient to the maximum correlation was taken as the best estimate of registration error for each block pair. For the band combinations of the Arkansas scene studied, the misregistration of TM spectral bands within the noncooled focal plane lie well within the 0.2 pixel target specification. Misregistration between the middle IR bands is well within this specification also. The thermal IR band has an apparent misregistration with TM band 7 of approximately 3 pixels in each direction. The TM band 3 has a misregistration of approximately 0.2 pixel in the across-scan direction and 0.5 pixel in the along-scan direction, with both TM bands 5 and 7

    Tools for Achieving Wheat Quality

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    Established and supported under the Australian Government’s Cooperative Research Centre Progra

    The effect of spatial, spectral and radiometric factors on classification accuracy using thematic mapper data

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    An experiment of a factorial design was conducted to test the effects on classification accuracy of land cover types due to the improved spatial, spectral and radiometric characteristics of the Thematic Mapper (TM) in comparison to the Multispectral Scanner (MSS). High altitude aircraft scanner data from the Airborne Thematic Mapper instrument was acquired over central California in August, 1983 and used to simulate Thematic Mapper data as well as all combinations of the three characteristics for eight data sets in all. Results for the training sites (field center pixels) showed better classification accuracies for MSS spatial resolution, TM spectral bands and TM radiometry in order of importance

    Tools for Achieving Wheat Quality

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    Established and supported under the Australian Government’s Cooperative Research Centre Progra
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