622 research outputs found

    The Impact of Viral Marketing on Consumer Interest on Indihome Product

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    This study aims to determine the impact of viral marketing on consumer buying interest of Indihome as one of the products of PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk Bandung. Every company must try to set the best marketing strategy to win the competition in the business, including marketing a product through social media. Indihome is one of the products marketed using the viral marketing method, which uses Instagram social media. This research method uses quantitative methods with data collection techniques through questionnaires to 60 respondents and uses descriptive analysis and verification approaches. The results showed that Viral Marketing had a significant effect on Consumer Buying Interests. Keywords: Viral Marketing, Consumer Buying Interes

    Strength and Stiffness Calculation Procedures for Composite Slabs

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    Two procedures for calculating the strength and stiffness of composite slabs based on a partial interaction model are introduced. The procedures rely on elemental test results for interfacial and end-anchorage behavior, and thus offer an alternate solution to the m and k method that relies heavily on full scale slab tests. Strength calculations made using the new procedures along with calculations from the Steel Deck Institute procedure are compared to a series of full size composite slab test results

    Hubungan Antara Asertivitas Dan Kematangan Dengan Kecenderungan Neurotik Pada Remaja

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the correlations between neuroticness, assertivity, and maturity. It was hypotesized that there were relationships between neuroticness, assertivity and maturity; and there was a negative correlation between neuroticness and assertivity, also there was a negative correlation between neuroticness and maturity. The subjects were 95 male and female students of SMK 7 in Yogyakarta, 15 – 18 years old. Three questionaires were applied to measure neuroticness, assertivity, and maturity. Multiple regression analysis was used as a statisticalmethod. Results of the study showed that there was relationship between neuroticness, assertivity, and maturity (F = 6,88; Ry(1-2) = 0,36; p<0,01); and there were positive correlation between neuroticness and asertivity rx1y = 2,12 (p<0,05), there were positive correlation between neuroticness and maturityrx2y = 0,28 (p<0,05). These two minor hypotheses were failed

    Analisis Pengaruh Rasio ROA, LDR, NIM dan NPL terhadap Abnormal Return Saham Perbankan di Indonesia pada Periode Sekitar Pengumuman Subprime Mortgage

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    Information has strongly influenced the capital market condition. The information could come from internal company as well as external parties. If an event contains information, usually the market will react at the time information is revealed to the market. An event study method could be used to test the content of information from the event. Like other market, Bursa Efek Indonesia is related to some information. This research analyzes the USA mortgage sub-prime effect on the banking stocks in Indonesia. The reaction from market could be seen in return abnormal changes in 7 days before and after the announcement. A sample of 26 banking stocks is chosen for this research to test the effect of USA sub-prime mortgage on banking stocks in Indonesia, particularly on its Return On Assets (ROA), Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR), Net Interest Margin (NIM) and Non Performing Loan (NPL) with t-test and multiple regression. The result shows the abnormal returns of banking stocks at BEI are significantly influenced by USA sub-prime mortgage except 5 days and 1 day before the announcement and 1 day and 6 days after. The banking performances, ROA and NPL, are also affected by the USA sub-prime mortgage

    Technological Trends of Antennas in Cars

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    Effect Of Leadership Style On Performance Of Employees PT Lintas Mediatama Bandung

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    The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze leadership style, employee performance and the influence of leadership style on the performance of employees of PT Lintas Mediatama Bandung. This study uses a non probability sampling technique with a type of census. The population in this study were thirty employees of PT Lintas Mediatama Bandung. All population members are used as samples. Data collection methods are divided into primary data and secondary data. primary data collection using observation, questionnaires, and interviews. Secondary data collection uses literature studies and scientific journal references. Test of research instruments such as frequency calculation, validity and reliability test the author uses SPSS version 20. The results of the study show that there is a relationship between leadership style and employee performance. The leadership style has a positive influence on employee performance. Key words: leadership style, employees performanc

    Faktor-faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Mahasiwa Menggunakan Jasa Antar Jemput Ke Kampus

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    Mobil pribadi kini menjadi pilihan moda transportasi utama sebagian besar masyarakat Indonesia, termasuk di kota Surabaya. Hal ini berdampak pula pada bertambahnya jumlah kendaraan pribadi yang tersebar di kampus. Fenomena ini tentu menimbulkan efek negatif bagi lalulintas kampus dan sekitarnya. Pihak kampus dapat menerapkan Manajemen Transportasi Kampus yang berorientasi pada sustainable transportation untuk mengatasinya. Salah satu penerapannya adalah dengan menggunakan jasa antar jemput ke kampus Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktorfaktor dan insentif yang diinginkan mahasiswa agar mau berpindah moda dari mobil pribadi ke jasa antar jemput. Responden adalah mahasiswa dari UKP, UHT, UKWM, UC, dan UBAYA. Data yang diperoleh selanjutnya akan diolah dengan bantuan program Microsoft Excel dan Statistical Product and Service Solution (SPSS). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa dari lima faktor dan delapan insentif, diketahui bahwa ketepatan waktu dan potongan biaya kuliah adalah faktor dan insentif yang paling mempengaruhi mahasiswa agar mau berpindah moda ke jasa antar jemput

    Partisipasi Sosial-Politik sebagai Praktik Hospitalitas Kaum Pentakostal

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    Abstract. The involvement of the church in social life outside the church is something that continues to struggle from time to time; the church, on the one hand, felt compelled to be involved in all aspects of life; on the other, it felt sufficient to focus on the spiritual dimension of life. Meanwhile, participation in the social domain is often articulated with religious mission activities that wish to win souls and increase the number of church members. This article aimed to present a theological reflection framework on hospitality in a Pentecostal perspective, as a spirituality that drives the participatory philosophy of Pentecostals in the public sphere, both socially and politically. The method used is descriptive analysis, with a literature study approach. The result is that the hospitality attitude of the early church in the Acts constructs a Pentecostal reflection of the participation of Pentecostals in the public sphere.Abstrak. Keterlibatan gereja dalam kehidupan sosial di luar gereja merupakan hal yang terus mengalami pergumulan dari waktu ke waktu; gereja di satu sisi merasa harus terlibat dalam seluruh aspek kehidupan, di sisi lain merasa cukup untuk memfokuskan pada dimensi kehidupan rohani. Sementara itu, partisipasi pada domain sosial tidak jarang diartikulasikan dengan kegiatan misi gerejawi yang ingin memenangkan jiwa dan menambahkan jumlah anggota gereja. Artikel ini bertujuan menyajikan sebuah kerangka refleksi teologis tentang hospitalitas dalam perspektif Pentakostal, sebagai spirtualitas yang menggerakkan sikap partisipatif kaum Pentakostal pada ruang publik, baik secara sosial dan politik. Metode yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif, dengan pendekatan studi literatur. Hasilnya, sikap hospitalitas jemaat mula-mula pada narasi Kisah Para Rasul mengonstruksi sebuah perenungan Pentakostal mengenai partisipasi kaum Pentakostal pada ruang publik
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