7,453 research outputs found

    Influence of structural disorder and large-scale geometric fluctuations on the Coherent Transport of Metallic Junctions and Molecular Wires

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    Structural disorder is present in almost all experimental measurements of electronic transport through single molecules or molecular wires. To assess its influence on the conductance is computationally demanding, because a large number of conformations must be considered. Here we analyze an approximate recursive layer Green function approach for the ballistic transport through quasi one-dimensional nano-junctions. We find a rapid convergence of the method with its control parameter, the layer thickness, and good agreement with existing experimental and theoretical data. Because the computational effort rises only linearly with system size, this method permits treatment of very large systems. We investigate the conductance of gold- and silver wires of different sizes and conformations. For weak electrode disorder and imperfect coupling between electrode and wire we find conductance variations of approximately 20%. Overall we find the conductance of silver junctions well described by the immediate vicinity of narrowest point in the junction, a result that may explain the observation of well-conserved conductance plateaus in recent experiments on silver junctions. In an application to flexible oligophene wires, we find that strongly distorted conformations that are sterically forbidden at zero temperature, contribute significantly to the observed average zero-bias conductance of the molecular wire

    Molecular origin of the anisotropic dye orientation in emissive layers of organic light emitting diodes

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    Molecular orientation anisotropy of the emitter molecules used in organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs) can give rise to an enhanced light-outcoupling efficiency, when their transition dipole moments are oriented preferentially parallel to the substrate, and to a modified internal quantum efficiency, when their static dipole moments give rise to a locally modified internal electric field. Here, the orientation anisotropy of state-of-the-art phosphorescent dye molecules is investigated using a simulation approach which mimics the physical vapor deposition process of amorphous thin films. The simulations reveal for all studied systems significant orientation anisotropy. Various types are found, including a preference of the static dipole moments to a certain direction or axis. However, only few systems show an improved outcoupling efficiency. The outcoupling efficiency predicted by the simulations agrees with experimentally reported values. The simulations reveal in some cases a significant effect of the host molecules, and suggest that the driving force of molecular orientation lies in the molecule-specific van der Waals interactions of the dye molecule within the thin film surface. The electrostatic dipole-dipole interaction slightly reduces the anisotropy. These findings can be used for the future design of improved dye molecules.</p

    Sequentially extracted arsenic from different size fractions of contaminated soils

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    Pre-selectable integer quantum conductance of electrochemically fabricated silver point contacts

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    The controlled fabrication of well-ordered atomic-scale metallic contacts is of great interest: it is expected that the experimentally observed high percentage of point contacts with a conductance at non-integer multiples of the conductance quantum G_0 = 2e^2/h in simple metals is correlated to defects resulting from the fabrication process. Here we demonstrate a combined electrochemical deposition and annealing method which allows the controlled fabrication of point contacts with pre-selectable integer quantum conductance. The resulting conductance measurements on silver point contacts are compared with tight-binding-like conductance calculations of modeled idealized junction geometries between two silver crystals with a predefined number of contact atoms

    Breakdown of the Luttinger sum-rule at the Mott-Hubbard transition in the one-dimensional t1-t2 Hubbard model

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    We investigate the momentum distribution function near the Mott-Hubbard transition in the one-dimensional t1-t2 Hubbard model (the zig-zag Hubbard chain), with the density-matrix renormalization-group technique. We show that for strong interactions the Mott-Hubbard transition occurs between the metallic-phase and an insulating dimerized phase with incommensurate spin excitations, suggesting a decoupling of magnetic and charge excitations not present in weak coupling. We illustrate the signatures for the Mott-Hubbard transition and the commensurate-incommensurate transition in the insulating spin-gapped state in their respective ground-state momentum distribution functions