4,674 research outputs found

    Genesis Reentry Observations and Data Analysis

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    The Genesis spacecraft reentry represented a unique opportunity to observe a "calibrated meteor" from northern Nevada. Knowing its speed, mass, composition, and precise trajectory made it a good subject to test some of the algorithms used to determine meteoroid mass from observed brightness. It was also a good test of an inexpensive set of cameras that could be deployed to observe future shuttle reentries. The utility of consumer-grade video cameras was evident during the STS-107 accident investigation, and the Genesis reentry gave us the opportunity to specify and test commercially available cameras that could be used during future reentries. This Technical Memorandum describes the video observations and their analysis, compares the results with a simple photometric model, describes the forward scatter radar experiment, and lists lessons learned from the expedition and implications for the Stardust reentry in January 2006 as well as future shuttle reentries

    Airborne laser topographic mapping results from initial joint NASA/US Army Corps of Engineers experiment

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    Initial results from a series of joint NASA/US Army Corps of Engineers experiments are presented. The NASA Airborne Oceanographic Lidar (AOL) was exercised over various terrain conditions, collecting both profile and scan data from which river basin cross sections are extracted. Comparisons of the laser data with both photogrammetry and ground surveys are made, with 12 to 27 cm agreement observed over open ground. Foliage penetration tests, utilizing the unique time-waveform sampling capability of the AOL, indicate 50 cm agreement with photogrammetry (known to have difficulty in foliage covered terrain)

    Inelastic collapse of a randomly forced particle

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    We consider a randomly forced particle moving in a finite region, which rebounds inelastically with coefficient of restitution r on collision with the boundaries. We show that there is a transition at a critical value of r, r_c\equiv e^{-\pi/\sqrt{3}}, above which the dynamics is ergodic but beneath which the particle undergoes inelastic collapse, coming to rest after an infinite number of collisions in a finite time. The value of r_c is argued to be independent of the size of the region or the presence of a viscous damping term in the equation of motion.Comment: 4 pages, REVTEX, 2 EPS figures, uses multicol.sty and epsf.st

    An Exponential Luminous Efficiency Model for Hypervelocity Impact into Regolith

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    The flash of thermal radiation produced as part of the impact-crater forming process can be used to determine the energy of the impact if the luminous efficiency is known. From this energy the mass and, ultimately, the mass flux of similar impactors can be deduced. The luminous efficiency, eta, is a unique function of velocity with an extremely large variation in the laboratory range of under 6 km/s but a necessarily small variation with velocity in the meteoric range of 20 to 70 km/s. Impacts into granular or powdery regolith, such as that on the moon, differ from impacts into solid materials in that the energy is deposited via a serial impact process which affects the rate of deposition of internal (thermal) energy. An exponential model of the process is developed which differs from the usual polynomial models of crater formation. The model is valid for the early time portion of the process and focuses on the deposition of internal energy into the regolith. The model is successfully compared with experimental luminous efficiency data from both laboratory impacts and from lunar impact observations. Further work is proposed to clarify the effects of mass and density upon the luminous efficiency scaling factors. Keywords hypervelocity impact impact flash luminous efficiency lunar impact meteoroid

    Glassy behaviour in an exactly solved spin system with a ferromagnetic transition

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    We show that applying simple dynamical rules to Baxter's eight-vertex model leads to a system which resembles a glass-forming liquid. There are analogies with liquid, supercooled liquid, glassy and crystalline states. The disordered phases exhibit strong dynamical heterogeneity at low temperatures, which may be described in terms of an emergent mobility field. Their dynamics are well-described by a simple model with trivial thermodynamics, but an emergent kinetic constraint. We show that the (second order) thermodynamic transition to the ordered phase may be interpreted in terms of confinement of the excitations in the mobility field. We also describe the aging of disordered states towards the ordered phase, in terms of simple rate equations.Comment: 11 page

    Quantum diagonalization of Hermitean matrices

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    To measure an observable of a quantum mechanical system leaves it in one of its eigenstates and the result of the measurement is one of its eigenvalues. This process is shown to be a computational resource: Hermitean (N Ă—N) matrices can be diagonalized, in principle, by performing appropriate quantum mechanical measurements. To do so, one considers the given matrix as an observable of a single spin with appropriate length s which can be measured using a generalized Stern-Gerlach apparatus. Then, each run provides one eigenvalue of the observable. As the underlying working principle is the `collapse of the wavefunction' associated with a measurement, the procedure is neither a digital nor an analogue calculation - it defines thus a new example of a quantum mechanical method of computation

    Explanation for Anomalous Shock Temperatures Measured by Neutron Resonance Spectroscopy

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    Neutron resonance spectrometry (NRS) has been used to measure the temperature inside Mo samples during shock loading. The temperatures obtained were significantly higher than predicted assuming ideal hydrodynamic loading. The effect of plastic flow and non-ideal projectile behavior were assessed. Plastic flow was calculated self-consistently with the shock jump conditions: this is necessary for a rigorous estimate of the locus of shock states accessible. Plastic flow was estimated to contribute a temperature rise of 53K compared with hydrodynamic flow. Simulations were performed of the operation of the explosively-driven projectile system used to induce the shock in the Mo sample. The simulations predicted that the projectile was significantly curved on impact, and still accelerating. The resulting spatial variations in load, including radial components of velocity, were predicted to increase the apparent temperature that would be deduced from the width of the neutron resonance by 160K. These corrections are sufficient to reconcile the apparent temperatures deduced using NRS with the accepted properties of Mo, in particular its equation of state.Comment: near-final version, waiting for final consent from an autho

    Lunar Meteoroid Impact Observations and the Flux of Kilogram-sized Meteoroids

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    Lunar impact monitoring provides useful information about the flux of meteoroids in the hundreds of grams to kilograms size range. The large collecting area of the night side of the lunar disk, approximately 3.8 10(exp 6)sq km in our camera field-of-view, provides statistically significant counts of the meteoroids striking the lunar surface. Over 200 lunar impacts have been observed by our program in roughly 4 years. Photometric calibration of the flashes observed in the first 3 years along with the luminous efficiency determined using meteor showers and hypervelocity impact tests (Bellot Rubio et al. 2000; Ortiz et al. 2006; Moser et al. 2010; Swift et al. 2010) provide their impact kinetic energies. The asymmetry in the flux on the evening and morning hemispheres of the Moon is compared with sporadic and shower sources to determine their most likely origin. These measurements are consistent with other observations of large meteoroid fluxes
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