9 research outputs found

    Influence of probiоtic additive “Evitalia” on growth and blood indices of quails

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    The results of the studies on the determination of the optimal dose of the probiotic additive “Evitalia” (PAE) for the quails of the Texas breed have been presented in the article. The experiments were conducted on the quails aged 1–35 days. The object of the research was the probiotic additive “Evitalia” that consisted of eight components (the strains of lactic acidmicroorganisms, macro- and microelements). The subject of the investigation was the influence of PAE on the growth, preservation, the morphological composition and biochemical indices of blood. The studies were carried out in the following conditions of microclimate and sanitary regime: the air temperature in the pens-cages was 16–18 ºC in the autumn and winter period that was 5–7 ºC lower than it was provided by the standard; in spring the temperature was 23–15 ºС that was lower than it was provided by the standard (29–35 ºС). The concentration of carbon dioxide ranged within 0.20–0.25 % (2.0–2.5 l/m3), ammonia – 12–13.4 mg/m3, the general contamination of the air by microflora was 50–60 thousand KOE/m3. The experiments were conducted on the four groups of quails, 60 quails in each group. The quails of the control group were fed by water without PAE, the probiotic at the dose of 7 mg/500 ml of water was given to the quails of the experimental group 1 (E-1), 9 mg of probiotic/500 ml water received the birds of the experimental group 2 (E-2) and the quails of the experimental group 3 (E-3) were given the probiotic at the dose of 11 mg/500 ml water. The positive influence of the probiotic additive “Evitalia” on the growth and the body live weight gain of the quails was observedin the experimental groups as compared to the quails of the control group. The trustworthy increase in the growth and live weight gain of the quails was detected on the 7-, 14-, 21-, 35-day of their life (Р < 0.05), especially in the quails that received PAE at the dose of 9 mg (E-2). The quails of the experimental group 2 exceeded the others by the average daily live weight gains. The growth intensity of the quails in the experimental group 2 was 6.43 % higher than that of the control one, higher by 3.47 % and 5.57 % than in the experimental groups 1 and 3, respectively. The preservation of the quails in the control group was lower by 4.8 – 5.1 % as compared to the quails in the experimental groups. By the data on the growth of the body live weight, the composition and biochemical indices of blood of the quails it can be concluded that the optimal dose of the probioticadditive “Evitalia” is 9 mg/500 ml water that activates hematopoesis and stimulates the growth and development of quails

    Changes in the Qualitative Composition of the milk of Holstein Cows During Summer Chronic Heat Stress

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    Seasonal summer heat stress leads to significant economic losses, resulting in a drop in milk yield in dairy cows and a deterioration in milk quality. The purpose of this study was to determine the changes in some qualitative parameters of milk in Holstein cows during chronic heat stress on one of the largest commercial dairy farms Ukraine (50°49′14″ N, 31°49′23″ E). Five multiparous cows of medium lactation with a milk yield of about 30 kg per day were randomly selected into the reference (in the spring, at the end of May) and the experimental group (in the summer, at the end of August). Milk samples were taken from cows during the morning milking. Qualitative analysis of milk included the identification of milk solids-not-fat, density, mass fraction of lactose, fat, protein and minerals, as well as the freezing point, electrical conductivity and active acidity using ultrasonic method. Animals were kept in naturally ventilated barns. The total mixed single-type balanced diet consisting of corn silage and concentrates that the cows received remained unchanged. The sampling of milk from cows of the experimental group was preceded by a continuous 26-day hot period, during which the maximum daily values of the temperature and humidity index did not fall below 72 units. The results showed that in the milk of the animals of the experimental group there was a significant decrease in the content of milk solids-not-fat, the mass fraction of fat and protein (P0.05). The mass fraction of lactose and minerals tended to increase. It should be noted that the average daily milk yield of dairy cows in the herd in spring and summer was almost at the same level. In conclusion, the results of the study showed that high summer temperatures lead to a deterioration in the quality of milk in Holstein cows. Despite the decrease in milk density and freezing point, these figures met the requirements of the standard. Organoleptic indicators of milk, electrical conductivity and active acidity of milk did not change in hot weather, their value indicated the naturalness of milk. The mass fraction of milk fat, which undergoes the greatest change under the influence of seasonal heat stress, is one of the most valuable components of milk, which has a direct effect on nutritional value and purchase price of raw milk. Therefore, a further deeper study of the fatty acid composition of milk using the method of chromato-mass spectrometry will provide valuable data necessary to search for possible herd management strategies to maintain high milk quality under conditions of seasonal heat stress

    Морфофункціональний стан печінки щурів за впливу спиртової настоянки Aralia elata на тлі високожирового раціону

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    Aralia tincture (Aralia elata) is a well-known adaptogen, so most of its effects that influence the body are associated with the general properties of this plant's preparations. They are metabolic regulators that increase the body's ability to adapt to various environmental stressors and prevent occurring damage. The purpose of this work is to determine the effect of various doses of A. elata roots alcohol tincture on the liver morphofunctional state of laboratory rats that are receiving a diet with excess fat. From 28 young laboratory rats that consumed an excess fat diet for 35 days, four groups were formed. Animals of the first group (control) received pure water without restriction; the second group – 0.1 % ethanol, and the third and fourth – received 0.1 % and 0.01 % alcohol tincture of Aralia (A. elata), respectively. After the experiment's completion, the absolute and relative mass and liver histostructure of animals were determined, and biochemical blood tests were performed to determine the main indicators of this organ's functional activity. In rats that were kept on the excess fat diet, the replacement of water with 0.1 % ethanol solution and 0.01 % alcohol tincture of aralia caused a decrease in the relative mass of the liver, and 0.1 % aralia alcohol tincture – caused a significant increase. It has been demonstrated that 0.1 % ethanol causes a significant increase in the total protein level in the blood. An analysis of the blood enzyme activity has shown that ethanol consumption reduced the activity of AST and ALT from the value of the control group, and the Aralia alcohol tincture returned these indicators to the level of the control group. The liver histostructure of rats in the control group was characterized by the appearance of signs of fatty degeneration along the periphery of the hepatic lobules, with the consumption of 0.1 % ethanol in addition to the excess fat diet, the accumulation of fat droplets was detected in both perilobular (around lobules) zone and in the center of the lobule itself near the central vein. In hepatocytes located along the periphery of the lobules, mainly large fat drops have accumulated, and in the center – small ones. The use of Aralia alcohol tinctures improved the liver parenchyma's morphological state. Fatty degeneration of hepatocytes was less pronounced. Fat inclusions in the cytoplasm of hepatocytes were small, diffusely located in the cytoplasm, and did not show cell destruction.Настоянка аралії (Aralia elata) – широковідомий адаптоген, тому більша частина ефектів її впливу на організм пов’язана із загальними властивостями препаратів цієї рослини. Вони є регуляторами метаболізму, що збільшують здатність організму адаптуватися до різних стресових факторів навколишнього середовища та запобігають виникненню пошкоджень. Мета роботи – визначити вплив різних доз спиртової настоянки коренів A. еlata на морфофункціональний стан печінки лабораторних щурів на тлі раціону з надлишковим вмістом жиру. З 28 молодих лабораторних щурів, які споживали протягом 35 діб високожировий раціон, сформовано чотири групи. Тварини першої групи (контроль) отримували без обмеження чисту воду; другої – 0,1 % етанол, третьої і четвертої – 0,1 % і 0,01 % спиртову настоянку аралії (A. еlata) відповідно. По завершенні досліду визначали абсолютну і відносну масу та гістоструктуру печінки тварин, а також проводили біохімічні дослідження крові з визначенням основних показників функціональної активності цього органу. У щурів, які утримувались на високожировому раціоні, заміна води 0,1 % розчином етанолу та 0,01 % спиртовою настоянкою аралії викликала зменшення відносної маси печінки, а 0,1 % – достовірне збільшення. Встановлено, що 0,1 % етанол викликає достовірне збільшення рівня загального білка в крові. Аналіз активності ферментів крові показав, що споживання етанолу знижувало активність АСТ і АЛТ щодо значення контрольної групи, а спиртова настоянка аралії повертала ці показники до рівня контрольної групи. Гістоструктура печінки щурів контрольної групи характеризувалася появою ознак жирової дистрофії по периферії печінкових часточок, при споживанні 0,1 % етанолу додатково до високожирового раціону виявляли накопичення жирових краплин як перилобулярно, так і в центрі часточок поблизу центральної вени. В гепатоцитах розміщених по периферії часточок переважно накопичувалися крупні жирові краплини, а в центрі – дрібні. Застосування спиртових настоянок аралії поліпшувало морфологічний стан паренхіми печінки. Жирова дистрофія гепатоцитів була менш вираженою. Жирові включення в цитоплазмі гепатоцитів були дрібними, розміщувалися в цитоплазмі дифузно, руйнування клітин не виявлено

    Effect of milk thistle and silimevit on the functional state and protein synthesizing-function of the liver of laying hens under conditions of cadmium load

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    The purpose of the work was to study the effect of Cadmium on liver function disorders and to develop practical recommendations for using silimevit and milk thistle to reduce the toxic effect of Cadmium on chickens. To achieve the set goal in experiments on chickens under cadmium load, it was necessary to solve the following tasks: to study the effect of Cadmium on the protein synthesis function of the liver of laying hens; to study the effect of Cadmium on the functional state of the liver of laying hens; to investigate the effect of silimevit and the fruits of milk thistle on the functional state of the liver of laying hens under cadmium load; to investigate the effect of silimevit and milk thistle fruits on the protein synthesis function of the liver of laying hens under cadmium load and to justify the use of silimevit and milk thistle to prevent cadmium toxicosis in chickens. Drinking cadmium sulfate to laying hens violates the liver's functional state and protein-synthesizing function. A decrease in total protein and albumin content in their blood was established (Р < 0.001). An increase in alanine and aspartate aminotransferase activity was detected (Р < 0.001). Silimevit and milk thistle positively affect the functional state of the liver of laying hens under cadmium load, as evidenced by a decrease in the activity of aminotransferases in their blood serum. Silimevit and spotted thistle, under the cadmium load of laying hens, positively affect the liver's protein-synthesizing function, evidenced by an increase in total protein and albumin fraction. Feeding laying hens under cadmium load with slime feed contributed to a better-normalizing effect on the activity of aminotransferases and protein-synthesizing function of the chickens' liver than milk thistle

    The influence of the feed additive “Sylimevit” on the antioxidant protection of the body of dogs

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    Under the influence of the pathological factor, there is a change in the intensity of lipid peroxidation, the accumulation in the blood of the concentration of products of free radical oxidation and reactive oxygen species, a decrease in the buffer capacity of the blood relative to the maintenance of optimal parameters of the intensity of free extreme reactions. The work aimed to investigate the effect of the feed additive “Sylimevit” on the antioxidant protection of the body of dogs after preventive deworming. 10 German Shepherd dogs aged 1–2 years were used for experimental research. It was established that when feeding the feed additive “Sylimevit” to dogs in the period after deworming, activation of the enzyme link of the antioxidant system occurs in the blood, which is indicated by an increase in the activity of catalase and superoxide dismutase in the blood serum of these animals and inhibition of lipid peroxidation processes (reduction of secondary and end products lipid peroxidation). On the 30th day of the experiment, the activity of catalase and superoxide dismutase in the blood of animals of the experimental group was the highest, and the level of lipid peroxidation products was the lowest. The obtained research results confirm the antioxidant properties of the Sylimevit feed additive. This may be because the composition of the drug includes milk thistle, methiphene, and vitamins, which in turn enhance the effect of each other and thereby inhibit the formation of radicals and the processes of lipid peroxidation. It is also worth noting the antioxidant properties of milk thistle, which according to the literature, also have similar properties. The complex effect of the indicated biologically active elements provided high hepatoprotective and antioxidant effects

    The state of the immune system of rats under conditions of oxidative stress and the influence of the feed additive “Sylimevit”

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    The immune system plays a crucial role in maintaining the body's homeostasis, determining the state of health of animals and their ability to adapt. The work aimed to investigate the effect of a feed additive based on milk thistle fruits, selenium, metiphene, and vitamins A, E, and C on rats' immune status under experimental tetrachloromethane poisoning conditions. The study was conducted on young white male Wistar laboratory rats. Intragastric administration of tetrachloromethane twice (with an interval of 48 hours) in a dose of 0.1 ml per 100 g of body weight in a 50 % oil solution was used for the experimental intoxication of rats. The animals of the second experimental group were fed the feed additive “Sylimevit” for 30 days together with feed at a dose of 0.1 g per 100 g of body weight. The introduction of tetrachloromethane in experimental groups of rats led to the development of oxidative stress, which occurs due to specific chemical processes in the body of experimental animals. It was found that the development of oxidative stress caused by tetrachloromethane leads to suppression of the humoral and nonspecific link of the immune system of rats. This is manifested in a decrease in the bactericidal and lysozyme activity of the blood serum, a decrease in the phagocytic index, and the phagocytic activity of neutrophils. In addition, an increase in the number of circulating immune complexes was observed. It was also established that feeding the feed additive “Sylimevit” strengthens the immune defense of the body of rats poisoned with tetrachloromethane. This feed additive helps to strengthen the body's defense mechanisms, increasing the immune response and helping to resist the toxic effects of tetrachloromethane

    The results of fattening hybrid pigs of Danish selection

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    The results of a study of the breed combinations that influence pigs of Danish selection on fattening, meat, and economic indicators are presented. The experimental animals were divided into two groups according to their genotype. The method of groups-analogs was applied. The pigs were similar in terms of conditional heredity, sex, age, and body weight within each group. Five animals from each group were slaughtered at the meat processing plant to study the meat qualities. These studies arose due to the constant search for the most successful and cost-effective options for breed combinations that guarantee the effect of heterosis in hybrid offspring, which determined the scientific novelty and relevance. The dependence on breed combinations of fattening and meat qualities of young pigs obtained by simple two-breed and complex three-breed industrial crossbreeding of breeds of Danish selection has been established. At the final stage of fattening, a significant intergroup difference was established in terms of the average daily increase in body weight in favor of pigs of the breed combination F2 ¼Y ¼L ½D at 5.4% at P > 0.999 compared with analogs of the breed combination F1 ½Y ½L. Crossbreeds of the F2 generation turned out to be more early maturing and reached a body weight of 100 kg in 168.1 days, compared to 173.2 days in crossbreeds of the F1 generation with a difference of 5.1 days (P > 0.95) and a slaughter weight of 110 kg with a difference of 5.5 days (P > 0.95). They also spent less feed by 0.18 feed units per 1 kg of body weight gain, but the intergroup difference was insignificant. At slaughter, the weight of the steamed carcass in the crossbreeds of generation F2 ¼Y ¼L ½D was higher by 6.7 kg (P<0.95), and the slaughter yield was higher by 5.9 % (P > 0.999). It is concluded that the combination of Yorkshire breeds with Landraces and Durocs achieves a high economic effect on pork production since the level of profitability of pork production in three-breed hybrids is higher by 6.6%, respectively than in two-breed ones

    Influence of country of origin and lineage on the lifetime milk production of Holstein cows

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    This work investigated the percentage influence of country of origin and lineage on parameters of lifetime milk production in Holstein cows brought as heifers to Ukraine from Western Europe. The animals were kept untethered in new, modern, uninsulated steel cowsheds in a large dairy complex. Data from the Orsek dairy management system were used to evaluate randomly selected cows of different origins with complete lactation for lifetime milk, fat and protein yield. Despite significant differences in milk productivity between animals depending on their country of origin and line, the share of the influence of these factors was fairly small. Two-way analysis of variance showed that the percentage influence of the line on lifetime milk yield was 5,5%, and its influence on the yield of milk fat and protein was 6,3-7,8%. The percentage influence of the country of origin was even smaller, at 0,5–2,6% (with a greater impact on milk yield). The rather small effect of the factors studied could be due to the influence of environmental factors (feeding and living conditions), which should be investigated in further studies

    The effect of the drug “Bendamine” on the clinical and morphological parameters of dogs in heart failure

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    The study aimed to investigate the effect of the drug “Bendamine” on dogs' clinical and morphological parameters in heart failure. Two groups of dogs were formed for research: control (healthy) and experimental (sick). The 30-day experiment included ten dogs from the control group, ten dogs of the observed (unhealthy) spaniel breed, and 10–12 years old dogs. The treatment regimen for sick dogs: furosemide was administered orally on an empty stomach at 2 mg/kg every 12 hours; enalapril was administered orally at 0.5 mg/kg every 12 hours; Bendamine was administered orally on an empty stomach at 20 mg/kg every 24 hours. It is recommended to divide the dose into two doses. In the study of hematopoiesis, we found that erythrocytes in dogs with heart failure increased by 18.2 %, while hemoglobin levels decreased by 1.8 %. Before treatment, red blood cell counts were found to reduce the mean hemoglobin in the erythrocyte and the mean erythrocyte volume. In the experimental group of dogs treated with the “Bendamine”, normalization of morphological blood parameters was found. The number of erythrocytes was 5.8 ± 0.06 T/L, and the hemoglobin level was 143.5 ± 4.7 g/L. The use of the drug “Bendamine” contributed to the gradual restoration of the functional state of the hematopoietic system in dogs with heart failure. This is also indicated by the red blood cell index of the dogs after the course of treatment. The therapy application in the experimental group significantly reduced the frequency and severity of shortness of breath and increased endurance during exercise. There was also a decrease in the frequency and duration of cough attacks. After treatment, signs, and intensity of ascites decreased in dogs of the experimental group. It has been suggested that this is due to an increase in myocardial contractile function due to the positive ionotropic action of Bendamine. The owners also recorded an improvement in appetite in animals after 30 days of therapy. Even in the dogs of the experimental group, after treatment, physical activity and emotional reactions improved. They were less depressed and more inclined to communicate with the owners. Thus, the use of the cardiac drug “Bendamine” in dogs with heart failure positively affected the restoration of hematopoiesis and the normalization of morphological parameters of the blood