9,104 research outputs found

    Discovery of an Ultracool White Dwarf Companion

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    The discovery of a low luminosity common proper motion companion to the white dwarf GD392 at a wide separation of 4646'' is reported. BVRIBVRI photometry suggests a low temperature (Teff4000T_{\rm eff}\sim4000 K) while JHKJHK data strongly indicate suppressed flux at all near infrared wavelengths. Thus, GD392B is one of the few white dwarfs to show significant collision induced absorption due to the presence of photospheric H2{\rm {H_2}} and the first ultracool white dwarf detected as a companion to another star. Models fail to explain GD392B as a normal mass white dwarf. If correct, the cool companion may be explained as a low mass white dwarf or unresolved double degenerate. The similarities of GD392B to known ultracool degenerates are discussed, including some possible implications for the faint end of the white dwarf luminosity function.Comment: 27 pages, 9 figures, 4 tables, re-accepted to ApJ after some revisio

    A new magnetic white dwarf : PG2329+267

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    We have discovered that the white dwarf PG 2329+267 is magnetic, and assuming a centered dipole structure, has a dipole magnetic field strength of approximately 2.3MG. This makes it one of only approximately 4% of isolated white dwarfs with a detectable magnetic field. Linear Zeeman splitting as well as quadratic Zeeman shifts are evident in the hydrogen Balmer sequence and circular spectropolarimetry reveals 10% circular polarisation in the two displaced sigma components of Halpha. We suggest from comparison with spectra of white dwarfs of known mass that PG 2329+267 is more massive than typical isolated white dwarfs, in agreement with the hypothesis that magnetic white dwarfs evolve from magnetic chemically peculiar Ap and Bp type main sequence stars.Comment: 5 pages, with 2 encapsulated postscipts figures include

    The Future is Now: the Formation of Single Low Mass White Dwarfs in the Solar Neighborhood

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    Low mass helium-core white dwarfs (M < 0.45 Msun) can be produced from interacting binary systems, and traditionally all of them have been attributed to this channel. However, a low mass white dwarf could also result from a single star that experiences severe mass loss on the first ascent giant branch. A large population of low mass He-core white dwarfs has been discovered in the old metal-rich cluster NGC 6791. There is therefore a mechanism in clusters to produce low mass white dwarfs without requiring binary star interactions, and we search for evidence of a similar population in field white dwarfs. We argue that there is a significant field population (of order half of the detected systems) that arises from old metal rich stars which truncate their evolution prior to the helium flash from severe mass loss. There is a consistent absence of evidence for nearby companions in a large fraction of low mass white dwarfs. The number of old metal-rich field dwarfs is also comparable with the apparently single low mass white dwarf population, and our revised estimate for the space density of low mass white dwarfs produced from binary interactions is also compatible with theoretical expectations. This indicates that this channel of stellar evolution, hitherto thought hypothetical only, has been in operation in our own Galaxy for many billions of years. One strong implication of our model is that single low mass white dwarfs should be good targets for planet searches because they are likely to arise from metal-rich progenitors. We also discuss other observational tests and implications, including the potential impact on SN Ia rates and the frequency of planetary nebulae.Comment: ApJ published versio

    Searching for nova shells around cataclysmic variables

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    We present the results of a search for nova shells around 101 cataclysmic variables (CVs), using Halpha images taken with the 4.2-m William Herschel Telescope (WHT) and the 2.5-m Isaac Newton Telescope Photometric Halpha Survey of the Northern Galactic Plane (IPHAS). Both telescopes are located on La Palma. We concentrated our WHT search on nova-like variables, whilst our IPHAS search covered all CVs in the IPHAS footprint. We found one shell out of the 24 nova-like variables we examined. The newly discovered shell is around V1315 Aql and has a radius of approx.2.5 arcmin, indicative of a nova eruption approximately 120 years ago. This result is consistent with the idea that the high mass-transfer rate exhibited by nova-like variables is due to enhanced irradiation of the secondary by the hot white dwarf following a recent nova eruption. The implications of our observations for the lifetime of the nova-like variable phase are discussed. We also examined 4 asynchronous polars, but found no new shells around any of them, so we are unable to confirm that a recent nova eruption is the cause of the asynchronicity in the white dwarf spin. We find tentative evidence of a faint shell around the dwarf nova V1363 Cyg. In addition, we find evidence for a light echo around the nova V2275 Cyg, which erupted in 2001, indicative of an earlier nova eruption approx.300 years ago, making V2275 Cyg a possible recurrent nova.Comment: 14 pages, 50 figures, 3 Table

    First Lunar Occultation Results from the 2.4 m Thai National Telescope equipped with ULTRASPEC

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    The recently inaugurated 2.4\,m Thai National Telescope (TNT) is equipped, among other instruments, with the ULTRASPEC low-noise, frame-transfer EMCCD camera. At the end of its first official observing season, we report on the use of this facility to record high time resolution imaging using small detector subarrays with sampling as fast as several 10210^2\,Hz. In particular, we have recorded lunar occultations of several stars which represent the first contribution to this area of research made from South-East Asia with a telescope of this class. Among the results, we discuss an accurate measurement of α\alpha ~Cnc, which has been reported previously as a suspected close binary. Attempts to resolve this star by several authors have so far met with a lack of unambiguous confirmation. With our observation we are able to place stringent limits on the projected angular separation (<0\farcs003) and brightness (Δm>5\Delta{\rm m} > 5) of a putative companion. We also present a measurement of the binary {HR~7072}, which extends considerably the time coverage available for its yet undetermined orbit. We discuss our precise determination of the flux ratio and projected separation in the context of other available data. We conclude by providing an estimate of the performance of ULTRASPEC at TNT for lunar occultation work. This facility can help to extend the lunar occultation technique in a geographical area where no comparable resources were available until now.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomical Journa

    An observational test of common-envelope evolution

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    By analysing and modelling the change in the abundance ratio of 12^{12}C/13^{13}C and 16^{16}O/17^{17}O on the surface of the lower mass star of a binary during the common-envelope (CE) phase of evolution, we propose a simple observational test of the CE scenario. The test is based on the infrared measurement of either the 12^{12}C/13^{13}C or 16^{16}O/17^{17}O ratio of red dwarfs in post-common envelope binaries (PCEB's). In certain cases (main-sequence red dwarf secondaries in PCEB's without planetary nebulae), as well as determining whether or not accretion has occurred during the CE phase, we can determine the amount of mass accreted during the CE phase and hence the initial mass of the red dwarf component prior to the CE phase. In the other cases considered (low-mass red dwarfs in PCEB's and red dwarf's in PCEB's with planetary nebulae) we can only say whether or not accretion has occurred during the CE phase.Comment: uuencoded compressed postscript. The preprint are also available at URL http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/preprint/PrePrint.htm

    Close Binary White Dwarf Systems: Numerous New Detections and Their Interpretation

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    We describe radial velocity observations of a large sample of apparently single white dwarfs (WDs), obtained in a long-term effort to discover close, double-degenerate (DD) pairs which might comprise viable Type Ia Supernova (SN Ia) progenitors. We augment the WD sample with a previously observed sample of apparently single subdwarf B (sdB) stars, which are believed to evolve directly to the WD cooling sequence after the cessation of core helium burning. We have identified 18 new radial velocity variables, including five confirmed sdB+WD short-period pairs. Our observations are in general agreement with the predictions of the theory of binary star evolution. We describe a numerical method to evaluate the detection efficiency of the survey and estimate the number of binary systems not detected due to the effects of varying orbital inclination, orbital phase at the epoch of the first observation, and the actual temporal sampling of each object in the sample. Follow-up observations are in progress to solve for the orbital parameters of the candidate velocity variables.Comment: 30 pages (LaTeX) + 6 figures (Postscript), aaspp4 styl

    The mass and radius of the M dwarf companion to GD 448

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    We present spectroscopy and photometry of GD 448, a detached white dwarf - M dwarf binary with a period of 2.47h. We find that the NaI 8200A feature is composed of narrow emission lines due to irradiation of the M dwarf by the white dwarf within broad absorption lines that are essentially unaffected by heating. Combined with an improved spectroscopic orbit and gravitational red shift measurement from spectra of the H-alpha line, we are able to derive masses for the white dwarf and M dwarf directly (0.41 +/- 0.01 solar masses and 0.096 +/- 0.004 solar masses, respectively). We use a simple model of the CaII emission lines to establish the radius of the M dwarf assuming the emission from its surface to be proportional to the incident flux per unit area from the white dwarf. The radius derived is 0.125 +/- 0.020 solar radii. The M dwarf appears to be a normal main-sequence star in terms of its mass and radius and is less than half the size of its Roche lobe. The thermal timescale of the M dwarf is much longer than the cooling age of the white dwarf so we conclude that the M dwarf was unaffected by the common-envelope phase. The anomalous width of the H-alpha emission from the M dwarf remains to be explained, but the strengh of the line may be due to X-ray heating of the M dwarf due to accretion onto the white dwarf from the M dwarf wind.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure