127,017 research outputs found

    Thermal stability of metastable magnetic skyrmions: Entropic narrowing and significance of internal eigenmodes

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    We compute annihilation rates of metastable magnetic skyrmions using a form of Langer's theory in the intermediate-to-high damping (IHD) regime. For a N\'eel skyrmion, a Bloch skyrmion, and an antiskyrmion, we look at two possible paths to annihilation: collapse and escape through a boundary. We also study the effects of a curved vs. a flat boundary, a second skyrmion and a non-magnetic defect. We find that the skyrmion's internal modes play a dominant role in the thermally activated transitions compared to the spin-wave excitations and that the relative contribution of internal modes depends on the nature of the transition process. Our calculations for a small skyrmion stabilized at zero-field show that collapse on a defect is the most probable path. In the absence of a defect, the annihilation is largely dominated by escape mechanisms, even though in this case the activation energy is higher than that of collapse processes. Escape through a flat boundary is found more probable than through a curved boundary. The potential source of stability of metastable skyrmions is therefore found not to lie in high activation energies, nor in the dynamics at the transition state, but comes from entropic narrowing in the saddle point region which leads to lowered attempt frequencies. This narrowing effect is found to be primarily associated with the skyrmion's internal modes.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figure

    Correlation between superfluid density and Tc of underdoped YBa2Cu3O6+x near the superconductor-insulator transition

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    We report measurements of the ab-plane superfluid density Ns (magnetic penetration depth, \lambda) of severely underdoped films of YBa2Cu3O6+x, with Tc's from 6 to 50 K. Tc is not proportional to Ns(0); instead, we find Tc ~ Ns^{1/2.3 +/- 0.4}. At the lowest dopings, Tc is as much as 5 times larger than the upper limit set by the KTB transition temperature of individual CuO2 bilayers.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, Submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Coupled oscillators and Feynman's three papers

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    According to Richard Feynman, the adventure of our science of physics is a perpetual attempt to recognize that the different aspects of nature are really different aspects of the same thing. It is therefore interesting to combine some, if not all, of Feynman's papers into one. The first of his three papers is on the ``rest of the universe'' contained in his 1972 book on statistical mechanics. The second idea is Feynman's parton picture which he presented in 1969 at the Stony Brook conference on high-energy physics. The third idea is contained in the 1971 paper he published with his students, where they show that the hadronic spectra on Regge trajectories are manifestations of harmonic-oscillator degeneracies. In this report, we formulate these three ideas using the mathematics of two coupled oscillators. It is shown that the idea of entanglement is contained in his rest of the universe, and can be extended to a space-time entanglement. It is shown also that his parton model and the static quark model can be combined into one Lorentz-covariant entity. Furthermore, Einstein's special relativity, based on the Lorentz group, can also be formulated within the mathematical framework of two coupled oscillators.Comment: 31 pages, 6 figures, based on the concluding talk at the 3rd Feynman Festival (Collage Park, Maryland, U.S.A., August 2006), minor correction

    Constraining population synthesis models via the binary neutron star population

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    The observed sample of double neutron-star (NS-NS) binaries presents a challenge to population-synthesis models of compact object formation: the parameters entering into these models must be carefully chosen so as to match (i) the observed star formation rate and (ii) the formation rate of NS-NS binaries, which can be estimated from the observed sample and the selection effects related to the discoveries with radio-pulsar surveys. In this paper, we select from an extremely broad family of possible population synthesis models those few (2%) which are consistent with the observed sample of NS-NS binaries. To further sharpen the constraints the observed NS-NS population places upon our understanding of compact-object formation processes, we separate the observed NS-NS population into two channels: (i) merging NS-NS binaries, which will inspiral and merge through the action of gravitational waves within 1010 Gyr, and (ii) wide NS-NS binaries, consisting of all the rest. With the subset of astrophysically consistent models, we explore the implications for the rates at which double black hole (BH-BH), black hole-neutron star (BH-NS), and NS-NS binaries will merge through the emission of gravitational waves.Comment: (v1) Submitted to ApJ. Uses emulateapj.cls. 8 pages, 7 figures. (v2) Minor textual changes in response to referee queries. Substantial additions in appendicies, including a detailed discussion of sample multidimensional population synthesis fit

    Path sampling for lifetimes of metastable magnetic skyrmions and direct comparison with Kramers' method

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    We perform a direct comparison between Kramers' method in many dimensions -- i.e., Langer's theory -- adapted to magnetic spin systems, and a path sampling method in the form of forward flux sampling, as a means to compute collapse rates of metastable magnetic skyrmions. We show that a good agreement is obtained between the two methods. We report variations of the attempt frequency associated with skyrmion collapse by three to four orders of magnitude when varying the applied magnetic field by 5%\% of the exchange strength, which confirms the existence of a strong entropic contribution to the lifetime of skyrmions. This demonstrates that in complex systems, the knowledge of the rate prefactor, in addition to the internal energy barrier, is essential in order to properly estimate a lifetime.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures (main text), 8 pages including supplemental materia

    Superconductivity and Physical Properties of CaPd2Ge2 Single Crystals

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    We present the superconducting and normal state properties of CaPd2Ge2 single crystal investigated by magnetic susceptibility \chi, isothermal magnetization M, heat capacity C_p, in-plane electrical resistivity \rho and London penetration depth \lambda versus temperature T and magnetic field H measurements. Bulk superconductivity is inferred from the \rho(T) and C_p(T) data. The \rho(T) data exhibit metallic behavior and undergoes a superconducting transition with T_c onset = 1.98 K and zero resistivity state at T_c 0 = 1.67 K. The \chi(T) reveal the onset of superconductivity at 2.0 K. For T>2.0 K, the \chi(T) and M(H) are weakly anisotropic paramagnetic with \chi_ab > \chi_c. The C_p(T) confirm the bulk superconductivity below T_c = 1.69(3) K. The superconducting state electronic heat capacity is analyzed within the framework of a single-band \alpha-model of BCS superconductivity and various normal and superconducting state parameters are estimated. Within the \alpha-model, the C_p(T) data and the ab plane \lambda(T) data consistently indicate a moderately anisotropic s-wave gap with \Delta(0)/k_B T_c ~ 1.6, somewhat smaller than the BCS value of 1.764. The relationship of the heat capacity jump at T_c and the penetration depth measurement to the anisotropy in the s-wave gap is discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, 2 Tables; Submitted to PR

    Valence Bond Solids and Their Quantum Melting in Hard-Core Bosons on the Kagome Lattice

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    Using large scale quantum Monte Carlo simulations and dual vortex theory we analyze the ground state phase diagram of hard-core bosons on the kagome lattice with nearest neighbor repulsion. In contrast to the case of a triangular lattice, no supersolid emerges for strong interactions. While a uniform superfluid prevails at half-filling, two novel solid phases emerge at densities ρ=1/3\rho=1/3 and ρ=2/3\rho=2/3. These solids exhibit an only partial ordering of the bosonic density, allowing for local resonances on a subset of hexagons of the kagome lattice. We provide evidence for a weakly first-order phase transition at the quantum melting point between these solid phases and the superfluid.Comment: 4 pages, 7 figure