4,885 research outputs found

    Propagation of axions in a strongly magnetized medium

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    The polarization operator of an axion in a degenerate gas of electrons occupying the ground-state Landau level in a superstrong magnetic field HH0=me2c3/e=4.411013H\gg H_0=m_e^2c^3/e\hbar =4.41\cdot 10^{13} G is investigated in a model with a tree-level axion-electron coupling. It is shown that a dynamic axion mass, which can fall within the allowed range of values (105eVma102eV)(10^{-5} eV \lesssim m_a\lesssim 10^{-2} eV), is generated under the conditions of strongly magnetized neutron stars. As a result, the dispersion relation for axions is appreciably different from that in a vacuum.Comment: RevTex, no figures, 13 pages, Revised version of the paper published in J. Exp. Theor. Phys. {\bf 88}, 1 (1999

    Neutrino dispersion in external magnetic fields

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    We calculate the neutrino self-energy operator Sigma (p) in the presence of a magnetic field B. In particular, we consider the weak-field limit e B << m_\ell^2, where m_\ell is the charged-lepton mass corresponding to the neutrino flavor \nu_\ell, and we consider a "moderate field" m_\ell^2 << e B << m_W^2. Our results differ substantially from the previous literature. For a moderate field, we show that it is crucial to include the contributions from all Landau levels of the intermediate charged lepton, not just the ground-state. For the conditions of the early universe where the background medium consists of a charge-symmetric plasma, the pure B-field contribution to the neutrino dispersion relation is proportional to (e B)^2 and thus comparable to the contribution of the magnetized plasma.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure, revtex. Version to appear in Phys. Rev. D (presentation improved, reference list revised, numerical error in Eq.(41) corrected, conclusions unchanged

    Homogenization of the planar waveguide with frequently alternating boundary conditions

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    We consider Laplacian in a planar strip with Dirichlet boundary condition on the upper boundary and with frequent alternation boundary condition on the lower boundary. The alternation is introduced by the periodic partition of the boundary into small segments on which Dirichlet and Neumann conditions are imposed in turns. We show that under the certain condition the homogenized operator is the Dirichlet Laplacian and prove the uniform resolvent convergence. The spectrum of the perturbed operator consists of its essential part only and has a band structure. We construct the leading terms of the asymptotic expansions for the first band functions. We also construct the complete asymptotic expansion for the bottom of the spectrum

    Nanoparticles as a possible moderator for an ultracold neutron source

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    Ultracold and very cold neutrons (UCN and VCN) interact strongly with nanoparticles due to the similarity of their wavelengths and nanoparticles sizes. We analyze the hypothesis that this interaction can provide efficient cooling of neutrons by ultracold nanoparticles at certain experimental conditions, thus increasing the density of UCN by many orders of magnitude. The present analytical and numerical description of the problem is limited to the model of independent nanoparticles at zero temperature. Constraints of application of this model are discussed

    Spectral and localization properties of the Dirichlet wave guide with two concentric Neumann discs

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    Bound states of the Hamiltonian describing a quantum particle living on three dimensional straight strip of width dd are investigated. We impose the Neumann boundary condition on the two concentric windows of the radii aa and b b located on the opposite walls and the Dirichlet boundary condition on the remaining part of the boundary of the strip. We prove that such a system exhibits discrete eigenvalues below the essential spectrum for any a,b>0a,b>0. When aa and bb tend to the infinity, the asymptotic of the eigenvalue is derived. A comparative analysis with the one-window case reveals that due to the additional possibility of the regulating energy spectrum the anticrossing structure builds up as a function of the inner radius with its sharpness increasing for the larger outer radius. Mathematical and physical interpretation of the obtained results is presented; namely, it is derived that the anticrossings are accompanied by the drastic changes of the wave function localization. Parallels are drawn to the other structures exhibiting similar phenomena; in particular, it is proved that, contrary to the two-dimensional geometry, at the critical Neumann radii true bound states exist.Comment: 25 pages, 7 figure

    On a possibility of inelasticity partial coefficient K sub gamma determination in pi C and pi Pb interactions at 10 to the 14th power eV (experiment PAMIR 1)

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    The investigation of hadron-nuclear interactions in Pamir experiment is carried out by means of X-ray emulsion chambers of two types: carbon (C) and lead (Pb). While comparing the results from the chambers of both types it was found a discrepancy in n sub h and E sub h(1)R values. The observed discrepancy in C and Pb chambers is connected with the difference in values of effective coefficients of energy transfer to the soft component K sub eff for C and Pb chambers

    Magnetic fluctuations and superconducting properties of CaKFe4As4 studied by 75As NMR

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    We report 75^{75}As nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) studies on a new iron-based superconductor CaKFe4_4As4_4 with TcT_{\rm c} = 35 K. 75^{75}As NMR spectra show two distinct lines corresponding to the As(1) and As(2) sites close to the K and Ca layers, respectively, revealing that K and Ca layers are well ordered without site inversions. We found that nuclear quadrupole frequencies νQ\nu_{\rm Q} of the As(1) and As(2) sites show an opposite temperature (TT) dependence. Nearly TT independent behavior of the Knight shifts KK are observed in the normal state, and a sudden decrease in KK in the superconducting (SC) state clearly evidences spin-singlet Cooper pairs. 75^{75}As spin-lattice relaxation rates 1/T1T_1 show a power law TT dependence with different exponents for the two As sites. The isotropic antiferromagnetic spin fluctuations characterized by the wavevector q{\bf q} = (π\pi, 0) or (0, π\pi) in the single-iron Brillouin zone notation are revealed by 1/T1TT_1T and KK measurements. Such magnetic fluctuations are necessary to explain the observed temperature dependence of the 75^{75}As quadrupole frequencies, as evidenced by our first-principles calculations. In the SC state, 1/T1T_1 shows a rapid decrease below TcT_{\rm c} without a Hebel-Slichter peak and decreases exponentially at low TT, consistent with an s±s^{\pm} nodeless two-gap superconductor.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Phys.Rev.

    Microscopic origin of the mobility enhancement at a spinel/perovskite oxide heterointerface revealed by photoemission spectroscopy

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    The spinel/perovskite heterointerface γ\gamma-Al2_2O3_3/SrTiO3_3 hosts a two-dimensional electron system (2DES) with electron mobilities exceeding those in its all-perovskite counterpart LaAlO3_3/SrTiO3_3 by more than an order of magnitude despite the abundance of oxygen vacancies which act as electron donors as well as scattering sites. By means of resonant soft x-ray photoemission spectroscopy and \textit{ab initio} calculations we reveal the presence of a sharply localized type of oxygen vacancies at the very interface due to the local breaking of the perovskite symmetry. We explain the extraordinarily high mobilities by reduced scattering resulting from the preferential formation of interfacial oxygen vacancies and spatial separation of the resulting 2DES in deeper SrTiO3_3 layers. Our findings comply with transport studies and pave the way towards defect engineering at interfaces of oxides with different crystal structures.Comment: Accepted as Rapid Communications in Physical Review

    Conservation of energy and momenta in nonholonomic systems with affine constraints

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    We characterize the conditions for the conservation of the energy and of the components of the momentum maps of lifted actions, and of their `gauge-like' generalizations, in time-independent nonholonomic mechanical systems with affine constraints. These conditions involve geometrical and mechanical properties of the system, and are codified in the so-called reaction-annihilator distribution