211 research outputs found

    Stress, Nutritional Status and Blood Glucose Levels Among Patients with Diabetes Mellitus Type 2

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    Prevalence of diabetes mellitus (DM) was increased significantly. Stress increased cortisol could increase blood glucose levels while obesity could increase insulin resistance. Objective of this study was to examine correlation of stress and nutritional status with blood glucose levels in patients with DM type 2. Design study was cross sectional using 120 samples from patients with DM type 2 at Polyclinic of Internal Disease Dr. Moewardi Hospital Surakarta during April-May 2018. Variables in this study were stress with perceived stress scale 10 items (PSS-10), nutritional status with body mass index (BMI) and blood glucose levels with fasting blood glucose (FBG) and post-prandial blood glucose (PPBG) examination. The results showed that mean of FBG was 152.9±63.66 mg/dL and PPBG was 213.96±70.17 mg/dL. There was no significant correlation between stress and blood glucose levels, by FBG (p=0.389) and PPBG (p=0.202). However, there was significant correlation between nutritional status and PPBG (p=0.016), but FBG was not significant (p=0.209). In conclusion, there was significant correlation between nutritional status and PPBG in patients with DM type 2, but FBG was not significant. However, there was no significant correlation between stress and blood glucose levels in patients with DM type 2

    Peran Faktor Internal Dan Eksternal Terhadap Audit Delay

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    The accuracy of financial statements is influenced by internal and external factors. Internal factors consist of profitability, solvency, and the size of the company, while external factors consist of size public accounting firm, the auditor\u27s opinion and the existence of the audit committee. Profitability announcement contains good news that management will tend to report on time and if the earnings announcement contains bad news, the management tends not to report on time. Accuracy submission of financial statements determined by the size of solvency. The lower the solvency of the more precise delivery of the financial statements, whereas the higher solvency is increasingly less precise delivery of the financial statements. Audit delay will be longer if the size of the company being audited increase. This relates to the increasing number of samples to be taken and the more extensive audit procedures that must be followed. Companies audited by KAP the big four audit will have a shorter delay than the KAP companies audited by non-big four. The company received a qualified audit opinion indicates a longer delay than that received unqualified opinion. The research objective discussions on the role of internal factors, namely firm profitability, solvency, and the size of the company and the role of external factors, namely firm size public accounting firm, the auditor\u27s opinion, the existence of the audit committee of the duration of completion of the audit

    Self Objektif Remaja Dalam Keluarga Jawa

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    Memerkarakan manusia jawa adalah melihat bagaimana manusia jawa menjalankan dan mendapatkan identitas dirinya. Tulisan ini bermaksud mengeksplorasi “self” manusia jawa pada masa rentang remaja melalui self objektifnya. Penelitian dilakukan pada 301 siswa SMA remaja laki-laki dan perempuan. Dengan menggunakan metode content analysis didapatkan bahwa self objektif remaja jawa lebih menekankan pada aspek sosial dan spiritual tinimbang aspek material

    Pengaruh Perlakuan Panas Pasca Pengelasan Terhadap Laju Perambatan Retak Lelah Baja SS 400

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    Low carbon steel welding problems are the non-homogenous structure, the high residual stress, and inclusion. These conditions will increase the fatigue crack growth rate effectively. Post weld heat treatments (PWHT) can be estimated to minimize these problems. In this research, the influence of post weld heat treatments on crack growth rate of SS 400 steel was investigated. Carbon dioxide shielded GMAW process was used on butt joint of 9 mm thick SS 400 steel raw material. Four conditions of PWHT, i.e. P1, P2, P3, and P4 were treated on welding joint. For first condition, the specimen was held for 1 hour at 150 °C furnace temperature, then heated to 750 °C and held for 2 hours, then cooled in air to room temperature (P1). For 2nd condition (P2), the specimen was treated as in P1, except it was held for 1 hour at 450 °C furnace temperature. For third condition (P3), the specimen was cooled in air to room temperature, then heated to 750°C and held for 2 hours, followed by air cooling to room temperature. For fourth condition (P4), the specimen was treated as in P3, except it was cooled in the furnace at a rate of 50°C/hour to room temperature. The crack growth rate tests were carried out on 6,5 mm thick of compact tension specimen (CTS). The results were compared with the welded specimen without treatment (C1) and the base material (BM). The result shows that PWHT decreases crack growth rate on weld metal and HAZ effectively. The highest crack growth rate of transversal butt joint on weld metal was welding specimen without treatment (C1), having Paris constant number (n) = 4.21, and the lowest was P4, with n = 3.01. PWHT decreased the weld metal crack growth rate 20.19-28.503 % compare to Cl and decreased 2.687-10.149 % compare to BM. The crack growth rate of HAZ by PWHT increased 4.437-17.065 % compare to Cl. The lowest of HAZ crack growth rate of longitudinal butt joint was P4 with n = 4.066 and the lowest of weld metal crack growth rate of longitudinal butt joint was P2 with n = 2.61 Key words: fatigue crack growth rate, post weld heat treatment, Paris constant numbe

    Latihan Beban Bagi Penderita Osteoporosis

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    Osteoporosis merupakan penyakit kronik yang ditandai dengan pengurangan massa tulang,sehingga keropos dan mudah patah. Puncak massa tulang pada usia 30 tahun, selanjutnya melewatiumur tersebut terjadi penurunan. Faktor penyebab osteoporosis, meliputi: faktor sejarah keluarga,reproduktif, gaya hidup, pemakaian obat, kondisi medis, dan endogenik.Kalsium yang berfungsi sebagai pembentuk tulang perlu dipenuhi oleh penderita osteoporosis,agar massa tulangnya tidak berkurang. Manula dan wanita menopause membutuhkan kalsium sampai1.200-1.500 mg/hari. Osteoporosis mengakibatkan patah tulang yang paling sering adalah padapunggung (vertebra spinalis, torakalis, lumbalis), paha (leher femur, trochanterica), dan lengan bawah(distal radius). Patah tulang dapat dicegah dengan melakukan latihan beban. Program latihan bebanyang baik harus dilakukan hati-hati, progresif, bersifat individual, beban disesuaikan, berkelanjutan,menghindari bagian tubuh yang lemah, didampingi instruktur, dan dengan petunjuk dokter. Latihanbeban dapat dilakukan dengan dumbbell, berat badan sendiri, leg press machine dan pita elastis