457 research outputs found

    On the duration of the subsonic propeller state of neutron stars in wind-fed mass-exchange close binary systems

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    The condition for the subsonic propeller - accretor state transition of neutron stars in wind-fed mass-exchange binary systems is discussed. I show that the value of the break period, at which the neutron star change its state to accretor, presented by Davies & Pringle (1981) is underestimated by a factor of 7.5. The correct value is P_{\rm br} = 450 \mu_{30}^{16/21} \dot{M}_{15}^{-5/7} (M/M_{\sun})^{-4/21} s. This result forced us to reconsider some basic conclusions on the efficiency of the propeller spindown mechanism.Comment: 3 pages, published in A&A 368, L

    Nonadiabatic charged spherical evolution in the postquasistatic approximation

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    We apply the postquasistatic approximation, an iterative method for the evolution of self-gravitating spheres of matter, to study the evolution of dissipative and electrically charged distributions in General Relativity. We evolve nonadiabatic distributions assuming an equation of state that accounts for the anisotropy induced by the electric charge. Dissipation is described by streaming out or diffusion approximations. We match the interior solution, in noncomoving coordinates, with the Vaidya-Reissner-Nordstr\"om exterior solution. Two models are considered: i) a Schwarzschild-like shell in the diffusion limit; ii) a Schwarzschild-like interior in the free streaming limit. These toy models tell us something about the nature of the dissipative and electrically charged collapse. Diffusion stabilizes the gravitational collapse producing a spherical shell whose contraction is halted in a short characteristic hydrodynamic time. The streaming out radiation provides a more efficient mechanism for emission of energy, redistributing the electric charge on the whole sphere, while the distribution collapses indefinitely with a longer hydrodynamic time scale.Comment: 11 pages, 16 Figures. Accepted for publication in Phys Rev

    Disks Surviving the Radiation Pressure of Radio Pulsars

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    The radiation pressure of a radio pulsar does not necessarily disrupt a surrounding disk. The position of the inner radius of a thin disk around a neutron star can be estimated by comparing the electromagnetic energy density generated by the neutron star with the kinetic energy density of the disk. Inside the light cylinder, the near zone electromagnetic field is essentially the dipole magnetic field, and the inner radius is the conventional Alfven radius. Far outside the light cylinder, in the radiation zone, E=BE=B and the electromagnetic energy density is /c1/r2/c \propto 1/r^2 where SS is the Poynting vector. Shvartsman (1970) argued that a stable equilibrium can not be found in the radiative zone because the electromagnetic energy density dominates over the kinetic energy density, with the relative strength of the electromagnetic stresses increasing with radius. In order to check whether this is true also near the light cylinder, we employ global electromagnetic field solutions for rotating oblique magnetic dipoles (Deutsch 1955). Near the light cylinder the electromagnetic energy density increases steeply enough with decreasing rr to balance the kinetic energy density at a stable equilibrium. The transition from the near zone to the radiation zone is broad. The radiation pressure of the pulsar can not disrupt the disk for values of the inner radius up to about twice the light cylinder radius if the rotation axis and the magnetic axis are orthogonal. This allowed range beyond the light cylinder extends much further for small inclination angles. We discuss implications of this result for accretion driven millisecond pulsars and young neutron stars with fallback disks.Comment: Accepted by Astrophysical Journal, final version with a minor correctio

    On the state of low luminous accreting neutron stars

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    Observational appearance of a neutron star in the subsonic propeller state which is a companion of a wind-fed mass-exchange close binary system is discussed. During the subsonic propeller state the neutron star magnetosphere is surrounded by a spherical quasi-static plasma envelope, which is extended from the magnetospheric boundary up to the star accretion radius. The energy input to the envelope due to the propeller action by the neutron star exceeds the radiative losses and the plasma temperature in the envelope is of the order of the free-fall temperature. Under this condition the magnetospheric boundary is interchange stable. Nevertheless, I find that the rate of plasma penetration from the envelope into the magnetic field of the neutron star due to diffusion and magnetic field line reconnection processes is large enough for the accretion power to dominate the spindown power. I show that the accretion luminosity of the neutron star in the subsonic propeller state is 5*10**{30} - 10**{33} (dM/dt)_{15} erg/s, where dM/dt is the strength of the normal companion stellar wind which is parametrized in terms of the maximum possible mass accretion rate onto the neutron star magnetosphere. On this basis I suggest that neutron stars in the subsonic propeller state are expected to be observed as low luminous accretion-powered pulsars. The magnetospheric radius of the neutron star in this state is determined by the strength of the stellar wind, (dM/dt)_c, while the accretion luminosity is determined by the rate of plasma penetration into the star magnetosphere, (dM/dt)_a, which is (dM/dt)_a << (dM/dt)_c. That is why the classification of the neutron star state in these objects using the steady accretion model (i.e. setting (dM/dt)_a = (dM/dt)_c) can lead to a mistaken conclusion.Comment: 6 pages, accepted for publication in A&

    Mutual Repression enhances the Steepness and Precision of Gene Expression Boundaries

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    Embryonic development is driven by spatial patterns of gene expression that determine the fate of each cell in the embryo. While gene expression is often highly erratic, embryonic development is usually exceedingly precise. In particular, gene expression boundaries are robust not only against intrinsic noise from gene expression and protein diffusion, but also against embryo-to-embryo variations in the morphogen gradients, which provide positional information to the differentiating cells. How development is robust against intra- and inter-embryonic variations is not understood. A common motif in the gene regulation networks that control embryonic development is mutual repression between pairs of genes. To assess the role of mutual repression in the robust formation of gene expression patterns, we have performed large-scale stochastic simulations of a minimal model of two mutually repressing gap genes in Drosophila, hunchback (hb) and knirps (kni). Our model includes not only mutual repression between hb and kni, but also the stochastic and cooperative activation of hb by the anterior morphogen Bicoid (Bcd) and of kni by the posterior morphogen Caudal (Cad), as well as the diffusion of Hb and Kni. Our analysis reveals that mutual repression can markedly increase the steepness and precision of the gap gene expression boundaries. In contrast to spatial averaging and cooperative gene activation, mutual repression thus allows for gene-expression boundaries that are both steep and precise. Moreover, mutual repression dramatically enhances their robustness against embryo-to-embryo variations in the morphogen levels. Finally, our simulations reveal that gap protein diffusion plays a critical role not only in reducing the width of gap gene expression boundaries via spatial averaging, but also in repairing patterning errors that could arise due to the bistability induced by mutual repression.Comment: 29 pages, 9 figures, supporting text with 9 supporting figures; accepted for publication in PLoS Comp. Bio

    Superparticle actions from superfields

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    Gauge invariant complex covariant actions for superparticles are derived from the field equations for the chiral superfields in a precise manner. The massive and massless cases in four dimensions are treated both free and in interaction with an external super Maxwell field. By means of a generalized BRST quantization these complex actions are related to real actions with second class constraints which are new in some cases.Comment: 23 pages, ITP-G\"{o}teborg 94-14, LATE

    Where Are All The Fallback Disks? Constraints on Propeller Systems

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    Fallback disks are expected to form around new-born neutron stars following a supernova explosion. In almost all cases, the disk will pass through a propeller stage. If the neutron star is spinning rapidly (initial period 10\sim 10 ms) and has an ordinary magnetic moment (1030\sim 10^{30} G cm3^3), the rotational power transferred to the disk by the magnetic field of the neutron star will exceed the Eddington limit by many orders of magnitude, and the disk will be rapidly disrupted. Fallback disks can thus survive only around slow-born neutron stars and around black holes, assuming the latter do not torque their surrounding disks as strongly as do neutron stars. This might explain the apparent rarity of fallback disks around young compact objects.Comment: Submitted to Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Sterile neutrinos with eV masses in cosmology -- how disfavoured exactly?

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    We study cosmological models that contain sterile neutrinos with eV-range masses as suggested by reactor and short-baseline oscillation data. We confront these models with both precision cosmological data (probing the CMB decoupling epoch) and light-element abundances (probing the BBN epoch). In the minimal LambdaCDM model, such sterile neutrinos are strongly disfavoured by current data because they contribute too much hot dark matter. However, if the cosmological framework is extended to include also additional relativistic degrees of freedom -- beyond the three standard neutrinos and the putative sterile neutrinos, then the hot dark matter constraint on the sterile states is considerably relaxed. A further improvement is achieved by allowing a dark energy equation of state parameter w<-1. While BBN strongly disfavours extra radiation beyond the assumed eV-mass sterile neutrino, this constraint can be circumvented by a small nu_e degeneracy. Any model containing eV-mass sterile neutrinos implies also strong modifications of other cosmological parameters. Notably, the inferred cold dark matter density can shift up by 20 to 75% relative to the standard LambdaCDM value.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures, v2: minor changes, matches version accepted for publication in JCA

    Maximum Mass-Radius Ratios for Charged Compact General Relativistic Objects

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    Upper limits for the mass-radius ratio and total charge are derived for stable charged general relativistic matter distributions. For charged compact objects the mass-radius ratio exceeds the value 4/9 corresponding to neutral stars. General restrictions for the redshift and total energy (including the gravitational contribution) are also obtained.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, RevTex. To appear in Europhys. Let