1,460 research outputs found

    Visual inspection on cervix with acetic acid and Lugol’s iodine as a screening tool in detection of carcinoma cervix

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    Background: Cervical cancer is a preventable and curable disease. In Indian women cervical malignancy accounts for 26.1–43.8% of all cancers. Visual inspection with acetic acid (VIA) or visual inspection with Lugol's iodine (VILI) are considered to be a promising screening tools alternative to cervical cytology for primary cervical cancer screening in low resource setting. The purpose of the study is to evaluate VIA and VILI as cervical cancer screening tools in low resource setting; and to compare the efficacy of VIA and VILI in early detection of cancer cervix via colposcopy.Methods: The clinical study was conducted on 80 gynecological patients with history of heavy menstrual bleed and post-coital bleeding are included in study. Unmarried women patients, and active vaginal bleeding, were excluded. A biopsy was taken in patients with abnormal findings or suspicious findings of VIA/VILI.Results: In the present study, sensitivity of VIA and VILI is 90% and 50% respectively, specificity of VIA and VILI is 98.57% and 100% respectively, positive predictive value of VIA and VILI are 90%, 100% respectively, negative predictive value of VIA and VILI are 98.57% and 93.3% respectively with biopsy as the reference standard.Conclusions: It is concluded that VIA and VILI are good screening test in low resource setting as it can used in strategy of see and treat and screen and treat since there is low compliance of follow up of patients

    Imitation in Large Games

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    In games with a large number of players where players may have overlapping objectives, the analysis of stable outcomes typically depends on player types. A special case is when a large part of the player population consists of imitation types: that of players who imitate choice of other (optimizing) types. Game theorists typically study the evolution of such games in dynamical systems with imitation rules. In the setting of games of infinite duration on finite graphs with preference orderings on outcomes for player types, we explore the possibility of imitation as a viable strategy. In our setup, the optimising players play bounded memory strategies and the imitators play according to specifications given by automata. We present algorithmic results on the eventual survival of types

    PSO Based reduced order modelling of autonomous AC microgrid considering state perturbation

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    Reduced order modelling of complex autonomous microgrid system is crucial to its small signal modelling and stability concerns. To reduce the storage requirements and computational time, the order of such microgrids can be reduced by Model Order Reduction (MOR) techniques. This paper presents an optimal reduction technique, which retains dominant poles of the original system and achieves subsequent error minimization through the Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm (PSO). The 36th order complex microgrid system is reduced to 9th order approximant, which retains the significant dynamics of the original system. The simulation results reflect the superiority of the proposed method as compared to the balanced truncation method in terms of the time and frequency domain analysis of the reduced order equivalents. State perturbation in the state space model has also been considered in full as well as reduced order system dynamics and eigenvalue analysis for system stability


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    Objective: Aristolochia krisagathra, a species endemic to the Western Ghats of India is found closely allied to two other species native to India, A. indica and A. tagala. The plant is medicinally useful and hence may harbor important phytochemical constituents. The phytochemical studies on this plant are less. Hence, the objective of the research was to analyse the oil composition of this endemic plant considering the seasons and plant parts.Methods: The essential oil analyses of both the leaf and stem oil of the plant was carried out in three different periods, pre-monsoon, monsoon and post-monsoon to analyse the major compounds present and the effect of seasons on the oil composition. Oil extraction of the shade dried leaves and stem were done in a clevenger type apparatus. 4 h of hydro distillation was done and the oil samples were analyzed by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS).Results: The stem oil yield was higher than leaves and the oil colour of the leaves and stem varied. The results showed the predominance of sesquiterpenes. Diterpenes were completely absent in the stem oil in all the three seasons but was present in leaf oil in small concentrations. The oil yield from stem was higher than leaves. The major compound in the leaf and stem oil varied. Major compound in the pre-monsoon and post-monsoon remained the same, copaene in the leaf and alloaromadendrene in the stem. The major compound in the monsoon period was delta-cadinene in leaf and spathulenol in stem. Caryophyllene, the sesquiterpene hydrocarbon, was present in both the stem and leaf oil irrespective of the seasons studied.Conclusion: The study showed that the plant parts and seasons are important factors affecting the oil composition. Hence while collecting medicinal plants and their oils for various bioactivities, these factors need to be considered

    A Tale of Two Quantum Compass Models

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    We investigate two variants of quantum compass models (QCMs). The first, an orbital-only honeycomb QCM, is shown to exhibit a quantum phase transition (QPT) from a XXXX- to ZZZZ-ordered phase in the 3D3D-Ising universality class, in accord with earlier studies. In a fractionalized parton construction, this describes a "superfluid-Mott insulator" transition between a higher-order topological superfluid (HOTS) and the Toric code, the latter described as a pp-wave resonating valence bond (RVB) state of the partons. The second variant, the spinless fermion QCM on a square lattice, is of interest in context of cold-atom lattices with higher-angular momentum states on each atom. We explore finite-temperature orbital order-disorder transitions in the itinerant and localized limits using complementary methods. In the itinerant limit, we uncover an intricate temperature(TT)-dependent dimensional crossover from a high-TT "insulator"-like state, via an incoherent bad-metal-like state at intermediate TT, to a two-dimensional insulator at low TT, well below the "orbital" ordering scale. Finally, we discuss how engineering specific, tunable and realistic perturbations in both these variants can act as a playground for simulating a variety of exotic QPTs between topologically ordered and trivial phases. In the cold-atom context, we propose a novel way to engineer a quantum Lifshitz criticality at a QPT between a boson and a Bose-exciton superfluid. We argue that advances in design of Josephson junction arrays and manipulating cold-atom lattices offer the hope of simulating such novel phases of matter in the foreseeable future.Comment: 16 pages, 12 figure

    Tomographic approach to resolving the distribution of LISA Galactic binaries

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    The space based gravitational wave detector LISA is expected to observe a large population of Galactic white dwarf binaries whose collective signal is likely to dominate instrumental noise at observational frequencies in the range 10^{-4} to 10^{-3} Hz. The motion of LISA modulates the signal of each binary in both frequency and amplitude, the exact modulation depending on the source direction and frequency. Starting with the observed response of one LISA interferometer and assuming only doppler modulation due to the orbital motion of LISA, we show how the distribution of the entire binary population in frequency and sky position can be reconstructed using a tomographic approach. The method is linear and the reconstruction of a delta function distribution, corresponding to an isolated binary, yields a point spread function (psf). An arbitrary distribution and its reconstruction are related via smoothing with this psf. Exploratory results are reported demonstrating the recovery of binary sources, in the presence of white Gaussian noise.Comment: 13 Pages and 9 figures high resolution figures can be obtains from http://www.phys.utb.edu/~rajesh/lisa_tomography.pd


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    The title compound, [Mn(C18H18N2O4)(C7H5O3)(H2O)], was synthesized by a template reaction of ethane-1,2-diamine and 3-methoxy­salicylaldehyde in presence of manganese(II) 4-hydroxy­benzoate. The Jahn–Teller-distorted manganese(III) centre has an octa­hedral geometry. Extensive O—H⋯O hydrogen-bonding inter­actions generate a two-dimensional sheet structure parallel to (103)

    Curing Acute Prostatitis by means of Ayurveda - A Case Report

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    Bacterial prostatitis (BP) is a bacterial infection of the prostate gland occurring in a bimodal distribution in younger and older men. It can be acute (ABP) or chronic (CBP) in nature and if not treated appropriately, can result in significant morbidity. Ayurveda is a traditional system of medicine, in which herbal medicines are mainly used for restoring the health. This case report deals with the way of curing acute prostatitis using Ayurveda treatment modalities

    Role of Interferon Gamma Release Assay in Active TB Diagnosis among HIV Infected Individuals

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    immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infected individuals. In this study, we assessed the sensitivity of Interferon gamma release assay (IGRA) in active tuberculosis patients who were positive for HIV infection and compared it with that of tuberculin skin test (TST). Methodology/Principal Findings: A total of 105 HIV-TB patients who were naı¨ve for anti tuberculosis and anti retroviral therapy were included for this study out of which 53 (50%) were culture positive. Of 105 tested, QuantiFERON-TB Gold intube (QFT-G) was positive in 65% (95% CI: 56% to 74%), negative in 18% (95% CI: 11% to 25%) and indeterminate in 17% (95% CI: 10% to 24%) of patients. The sensitivity of QFT-G remained similar in pulmonary TB and extra-pulmonary TB patients. The QFT-G positivity was not affected by low CD4 count, but it often gave indeterminate results especially in individuals with CD4 count ,200 cells/ml. All of the QFT-G indeterminate patients whose sputum culture were positive, showed #0.25 IU/ml of IFN-c response to phytohemagglutinin (PHA). TST was performed in all the 105 patients and yielded the sensitivity of 31% (95% CI: 40% to 22%). All the TST positives were QFT-G positives. The sensitivity of TST was decreased, when CD4 cell counts declined. Conclusions/Significance: Our study shows neither QFT-G alone or in combination with TST can be used to exclude the suspicion of active TB disease. However, unlike TST, QFT-G yielded fewer false negative results even in individuals with low CD4 count. The low PHA cut-off point for indeterminate results suggested in this study (#0.25 IU/ml) may improve the proportion of valid QFT-G results