2,147 research outputs found

    The cDNA and deduced amino acid sequence of the γ subunit of the L-type calcium channel from rabbit skeletal muscle

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    Complementary DNAs for the γ subunit of the calcium channel of rabbit skeletal muscle were isolated on the basis of peptide sequences derived from the purified protein. The deduced primary structure is without homology to other known protein sequences and is consistent with the γ subunit being an integral membrane protein

    A gene signature for post-infectious chronic fatigue syndrome

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    Background: At present, there are no clinically reliable disease markers for chronic fatigue syndrome. DNA chip microarray technology provides a method for examining the differential expression of mRNA from a large number of genes. Our hypothesis was that a gene expression signature, generated by microarray assays, could help identify genes which are dysregulated in patients with post-infectious CFS and so help identify biomarkers for the condition. Methods: Human genome-wide Affymetrix GeneChip arrays (39,000 transcripts derived from 33,000 gene sequences) were used to compare the levels of gene expression in the peripheral blood mononuclear cells of male patients with post-infectious chronic fatigue (n = 8) and male healthy control subjects (n = 7). Results: Patients and healthy subjects differed significantly in the level of expression of 366 genes. Analysis of the differentially expressed genes indicated functional implications in immune modulation, oxidative stress and apoptosis. Prototype biomarkers were identified on the basis of differential levels of gene expression and possible biological significance Conclusion: Differential expression of key genes identified in this study offer an insight into the possible mechanism of chronic fatigue following infection. The representative biomarkers identified in this research appear promising as potential biomarkers for diagnosis and treatment

    Cross Priming Amplification: Mechanism and Optimization for Isothermal DNA Amplification

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    CPA is a class of isothermal amplification reactions that is carried out by a strand displacement DNA polymerase and does not require an initial denaturation step or the addition of a nicking enzyme. At the assay temperature of 63°C, the formation of a primer-template hybrid at transient, spontaneous denaturation bubbles in the DNA template is favored over re-annealing of the template strands by the high concentration of primer relative to template DNA. Strand displacement is encouraged by the annealing of cross primers with 5′ ends that are not complementary to the template strand and the binding of a displacement primer upstream of the crossing primer. The resulting exponential amplification of target DNA is highly specific and highly sensitive, producing amplicons from as few as four bacterial cells. Here we report on the basic CPA mechanism – single crossing CPA – and provide details on alternative mechanisms

    Identification of Phosphoglycerate Kinase 1 (PGK1) as a reference gene for quantitative gene expression measurements in human blood RNA

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Blood is a convenient sample and increasingly used for quantitative gene expression measurements with a variety of diseases including chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). Quantitative gene expression measurements require normalization of target genes to reference genes that are stable and independent from variables being tested in the experiment. Because there are no genes that are useful for all situations, reference gene selection is an essential step to any quantitative reverse transcription-PCR protocol. Many publications have described appropriate genes for a wide variety of tissues and experimental conditions, however, reference genes that may be suitable for the analysis of CFS, or human blood RNA derived from whole blood as well as isolated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs), have not been described.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>Literature review and analyses of our unpublished microarray data were used to narrow down the pool of candidate reference genes to six. We assayed whole blood RNA from Tempus tubes and cell preparation tube (CPT)-collected PBMC RNA from 46 subjects, and used the geNorm and NormFinder algorithms to select the most stable reference genes. <it>Phosphoglycerate kinase 1 (PGK1) </it>was one of the optimal normalization genes for both whole blood and PBMC RNA, however, additional genes differed for the two sample types; <it>Ribosomal protein large, P0 (RPLP0</it>) for PBMC RNA and <it>Peptidylprolyl isomerase B </it>(<it>PPIB) </it>for whole blood RNA. We also show that the use of a single reference gene is sufficient for normalization when the most stable candidates are used.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We have identified <it>PGK1 </it>as a stable reference gene for use with whole blood RNA and RNA derived from PBMC. When stable genes are selected it is possible to use a single gene for normalization rather than two or three. Optimal normalization will improve the ability of results from PBMC RNA to be compared with those from whole blood RNA and potentially allows comparison of gene expression results from blood RNA collected and processed by different methods with the intention of biomarker discovery. Results of this study should facilitate large-scale molecular epidemiologic studies using blood RNA as the target of quantitative gene expression measurements.</p

    An application of kernel methods to variety identification based on SSR markers genetic fingerprinting

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In crop production systems, genetic markers are increasingly used to distinguish individuals within a larger population based on their genetic make-up. Supervised approaches cannot be applied directly to genotyping data due to the specific nature of those data which are neither continuous, nor nominal, nor ordinal but only partially ordered. Therefore, a strategy is needed to encode the polymorphism between samples such that known supervised approaches can be applied. Moreover, finding a minimal set of molecular markers that have optimal ability to discriminate, for example, between given groups of varieties, is important as the genotyping process can be costly in terms of laboratory consumables, labor, and time. This feature selection problem also needs special care due to the specific nature of the data used.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>An approach encoding SSR polymorphisms in a positive definite kernel is presented, which then allows the usage of any kernel supervised method. The polymorphism between the samples is encoded through the Nei-Li genetic distance, which is shown to define a positive definite kernel between the genotyped samples. Additionally, a greedy feature selection algorithm for selecting SSR marker kits is presented to build economical and efficient prediction models for discrimination. The algorithm is a filter method and outperforms other filter methods adapted to this setting. When combined with kernel linear discriminant analysis or kernel principal component analysis followed by linear discriminant analysis, the approach leads to very satisfactory prediction models.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The main advantage of the approach is to benefit from a flexible way to encode polymorphisms in a kernel and when combined with a feature selection algorithm resulting in a few specific markers, it leads to accurate and economical identification models based on SSR genotyping.</p

    Exponential Megapriming PCR (EMP) Cloning-Seamless DNA Insertion into Any Target Plasmid without Sequence Constraints

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    We present a fast, reliable and inexpensive restriction-free cloning method for seamless DNA insertion into any plasmid without sequence limitation. Exponential megapriming PCR (EMP) cloning requires two consecutive PCR steps and can be carried out in one day. We show that EMP cloning has a higher efficiency than restriction-free (RF) cloning, especially for long inserts above 2.5 kb. EMP further enables simultaneous cloning of multiple inserts.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant GM077537

    Mediastinal lymph node metastasis model by orthotopic intrapulmonary implantation of Lewis lung carcinoma cells in mice

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    This study is designed to establish a pulmonary tumour model to investigate the biology and therapy of lung cancer in mice. Current methods for forming a solitary intrapulmonary nodule and subsequent metastasis to mediastinal lymph nodes are not well defined. Lewis lung carcinoma (LLC) cell suspensions were orthotopically introduced into the lung parenchyma of C57/BL6 mice via a limited skin incision without thoracotomy followed by direct puncture through the intercostal space. The implantation process was performed within approximately 50 s per mouse, and the operative mortality was less than 5%. Single pulmonary nodules developed at the implanted site in 93% of animals and subsequent mediastinal lymph node metastasis was observed in all mice that formed a lung nodule after intrapulmonary implantation. The size of tumour nodule and the weight of mediastinal lymph node increased in a time-dependent manner. The mean survival time of mice implanted successfully with LLC cells was 21 ± 2 days (range 19–24 days). Histopathological analysis revealed that no metastatic tumour was detectable in the mediastinal lymph nodes on day 11, but metastatic foci at mediastinal lymph nodes were clearly observed on days 17 and 21 after implantation. Other metastases in distant organs or lymph nodes were not observed at 21 days after the implantation. Comparative studies with intrapleural and intravenous injections of LLC cells suggest that the mediastinal lymph node metastasis by intrapulmonary impantation is due to the release of tumour cells from the primary nodule, and not due to extrapulmonary leakage of cells. An intravenous administration of cis-diamine dichrolo platinum on day 1 after tumour implantation tended to suppress the primary tumour nodule and significantly inhibited lymph node metastasis. Thus, a solitary pulmonary tumour nodule model with lymph node metastasis approximates clinical lung cancer and may provide a useful basis for lung cancer research. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig

    Regional Financial Integration in East Asia against the Backdrop of Recent European Experiences

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    This article discusses recent trends in regional financial integration in East Asia and current efforts of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) member countries to foster regional financial integration against the backdrop of three decades of experience with financial integration in Europe. It reviews the two major crisis episodes of the recent European financial history to illustrate the risks associated with comprehensive capital account liberalisation and financial integration without commensurate supervisory structures. The article highlights the importance of targeted macroprudential policies and the development of an adequate region-wide regulatory and supervisory framework to reduce the risks associated with regional – and hence international – financial integration