30,148 research outputs found


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    Multistage, multiband and sequential imagery to identify and quantify non-forest vegetation resources

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    Earth Resources photographs from Apollo 6, 7, and 9 and photographs taken during Gemini 4, were used in the research along with high altitude and conventional aerial photography. A unified land use and resource analysis system was devised and used to develop a mapping legend. The natural vegetation, land use, macrorelief, and landforms of northern Maricopa County, Arizona, were analyzed and inventoried. This inventory was interpreted in relation to the critical problem of urban expansion and agricultural production in the study area. The central thrust of the research program has been to develop methods for use of space and small-scale, high-altitude aerial photography to develop information for land use planning and resource allocation decisions

    Young people's attitudes to religious diversity : quantitative approaches from social psychology and empirical theology

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    This essay discusses the design of the quantitative component of the ‘Young People’s Attitudes to Religious Diversity’ project, conceived by Professor Robert Jackson within the Warwick Religions and Education Research Unit, and presents some preliminary findings from the data. The quantitative component followed and built on the qualitative component within a mixed method design. The argument is advanced in seven steps: introducing the major sources of theory on which the quantitative approach builds from the psychology of religion and from empirical theology; locating the empirical traditions of research among young people that have shaped the study; clarifying the notions and levels of measurement employed in the study anticipating the potential for various forms of data analysis; discussing some of the established measures incorporated in the survey; defining the ways in which the sample was structured to reflect the four nations of the UK, and London; illustrating the potential within largely descriptive cross-tabulation forms of analysis; and illustrating the potential within more sophisticated multivariate analytic models

    Evaluation of ERTS-1 data for inventory of forest and rangeland and detection of forest stress

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    The author has identified the following significant results. Results of photointerpretation indicated that ERTS is a good classifier of forest and nonforest lands (90 to 95 percent accurate). Photointerpreters could make this separation as accurately as signature analysis of the computer compatible tapes. Further breakdowns of cover types at each site could not be accurately classified by interpreters (60 percent) or computer analysts (74 percent). Exceptions were water, wet meadow, and coniferous stands. At no time could the large bark beetle infestations (many over 300 meters in size) be detected on ERTS images. The ERTS wavebands are too broad to distinguish the yellow, yellow-red, and red colors of the dying pine foliage from healthy green-yellow foliage. Forest disturbances could be detected on ERTS color composites about 90 percent of the time when compared with six-year-old photo index mosaics. ERTS enlargements (1:125,000 scale, preferably color prints) would be useful to forest managers of large ownerships over 5,000 hectares (12,500 acres) for broad area planning. Black-and-white enlargements can be used effectively as aerial navigation aids for precision aerial photography where maps are old or not available

    Seismic vulnerability assessment: Methodological elements and applications to the case of Romania

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    This paper is intended to present some studies undertaken in order to develop a seismic vulnerability estimation system to fit the needs of development of earthquake scenarios and of development of an integrated disaster risk management system for Romania. Methodological aspects are dealt with, in connection with the criteria of categorization of buildings, with the definition of parameters used for characterizing vulnerability, with the setting up of an inventory of buildings and with the calibration of parameters characterizing vulnerability. Action was initiated along the coordinates referred to in connection with the methodological aspects mentioned above. The approach was made, as far as possible, specific to the conditions of Romania. Some data on results obtained to date are presented.seismic vulnerability, vulnerability estimation, earthquake scenarios, categorization of buildings, inventory of buildings, expected earthquake impact

    Growth or decline in the Church of England during the decade of Evangelism: did the Churchmanship of the Bishop matter?

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    The Decade of Evangelism occupied the attention of the Church of England throughout the 1990s. The present study employs the statistics routinely published by the Church of England in order to assess two matters: the extent to which these statistics suggest that the 43 individual dioceses finished the decade in a stronger or weaker position than they had entered it and the extent to which, according to these statistics, the performance of dioceses led by bishops shaped in the Evangelical tradition differed from the performance of dioceses led by bishops shaped in the Catholic tradition. The data demonstrated that the majority of dioceses were performing less effectively at the end of the decade than at the beginning, in terms of a range of membership statistics, and that the rate of decline varied considerably from one diocese to another. The only exception to the trend was provided by the diocese of London, which experienced some growth. The data also demonstrated that little depended on the churchmanship of the diocesan bishop in shaping diocesan outcomes on the performance indicators employed in the study

    Measuring attitude toward theistic faith : assessing the Astley-Francis Scale among Christian, Muslim and secular youth in England

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    Empirical research within the social scientific study of religion in general and within the psychology of religion in particular remains very conscious of the complex nature of its subject matter. Empirical research in this field needs to take cognisance of the many forms in which religion is expressed (say, Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, and Sikhism) and the many facets within the forms (say, beliefs, behaviours and affiliation). Working in the 1970s, Francis (1978a; 1978b) advanced the view that the attitudinal dimension of religion offered a particularly fruitful basis for coordinating empirical enquiry into the correlates, antecedents and consequences of religiosity across the life span