8,166 research outputs found

    Identification of behaviour change techniques and engagement strategies to design a smartphone app to reduce alcohol consumption using a formal consensus method

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    Background: Digital interventions to reduce excessive alcohol consumption have the potential to have a broader reach and be more cost-effective than traditional brief interventions. However, there is not yet a strong evidence base on their ability to engage users or on their effectiveness. Objective: This study aimed to identify the behaviour change techniques (BCTs) and engagement strategies most worthy of further study by inclusion in a smartphone application (app) to reduce alcohol consumption, using formal expert consensus methods. Methods: The first phase of the study consisted of a Delphi exercise with three rounds. It was conducted with seven international experts in the field of alcohol and/or behaviour change. In the first round, experts identified BCTs most likely to be effective at reducing alcohol consumption and strategies most likely to engage users with an app; these were rated in the second round; and those rated as effective by at least four out of seven participants were ranked in the third round. The rankings were analysed using Kendall’s W coefficient of concordance, which indicates consensus between participants. The second phase consisted of a new, independent group of experts (n=43) ranking the BCTs that were identified in the first phase. The correlation between the rankings of the two groups was assessed using Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient. Results: Twelve BCTs were identified as likely to be effective. There was moderate agreement among the experts over their ranking (W=.465, χ2(11)=35.77, P<.001) and the BCTs receiving the highest mean rankings were self-monitoring, goal-setting, action planning, and feedback in relation to goals. There was a significant correlation between the ranking of the BCTs by the group of experts who identified them and a second independent group of experts (Spearman’s rho=.690, P=.01). Seventeen responses were generated for strategies likely to engage users. There was moderate agreement among experts on the ranking of these engagement strategies (W=.563, χ2(15)=59.16, P<.001) and those with the highest mean rankings were ease of use, design – aesthetic, feedback, function, design – ability to change design to suit own preferences, tailored information, and unique smartphone features. Conclusions: The BCTs with greatest potential to include in a smartphone app to reduce alcohol consumption were judged by experts to be self-monitoring, goal-setting, action planning, and feedback in relation to goals. The strategies most likely to engage users were ease of use, design, tailoring of design and information, and unique smartphone features

    Thermal conductivity of heterogeneous mixtures and lunar soils

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    The theoretical evaluation of the effective thermal conductivity of granular materials is discussed with emphasis upon the heat transport properties of lunar soil. The following types of models are compared: probabilistic, parallel isotherm, stochastic, lunar, and a model based on nonlinear heat flow system synthesis

    Defect Specific Penetrants

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    The failure to detect small through-the-thickness flaws in non-metallic coatings on metallic substrates can lead to corrosion rates several orders of magnitude greater than those of the bare metal. Therefore, the detection of such defects has high priority even though presently used inspection procedures are both expensive and difficult to perform. It has recently been shown that it is possible to make a penetrant that can detect those through-thickness flaws to the exclusion of all others. These penetrants are made by adding chelating agents to a carrier fluid such as an alcohol. The chelating agent becomes fluorescent when it contacts a metal substrate. Initial work utilized the chelating agent 8-hydroxy quinoline, and is sensitive to most metals. Current work is concentrating on chelating agents that are specific to certain metals. Thus, cracks in chromium coatings or steel can be detected if they penetrate on the steel base. Work on organic and biological agents show promise

    Modern slavery in business: The sad and sorry state of a non-field

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    “Modern slavery,” a term used to describe severe forms of labor exploitation, is beginning to spark growing interest within business and society research. As a novel phenomenon, it offers potential for innovative theoretical and empirical pathways to a range of business and management research questions. And yet, development into what we might call a “field” of modern slavery research in business and management remains significantly, and disappointingly, underdeveloped. To explore this, we elaborate on the developments to date, the potential drawbacks, and the possible future deviations that might evolve within six subdisciplinary areas of business and management. We also examine the value that nonmanagement disciplines can bring to research on modern slavery and business, examining the connections, critiques, and catalysts evident in research from political science, law, and history. These, we suggest, offer significant potential for building toward a more substantial subfield of research

    Spontaneous gastrosplenic fistula in primary gastric lymphoma: case report and review of literature

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    Spin Foam Models of Matter Coupled to Gravity

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    We construct a class of spin foam models describing matter coupled to gravity, such that the gravitational sector is described by the unitary irreducible representations of the appropriate symmetry group, while the matter sector is described by the finite-dimensional irreducible representations of that group. The corresponding spin foam amplitudes in the four-dimensional gravity case are expressed in terms of the spin network amplitudes for pentagrams with additional external and internal matter edges. We also give a quantum field theory formulation of the model, where the matter degrees of freedom are described by spin network fields carrying the indices from the appropriate group representation. In the non-topological Lorentzian gravity case, we argue that the matter representations should be appropriate SO(3) or SO(2) representations contained in a given Lorentz matter representation, depending on whether one wants to describe a massive or a massless matter field. The corresponding spin network amplitudes are given as multiple integrals of propagators which are matrix spherical functions.Comment: 30 pages, 9 figures, further remarks and references added. Version to appear in Class. Quant. Gra

    Stellar Kinematics of the Double Nucleus of M31

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    We report observations of the double nucleus of M31 with the f/48 long-slit spectrograph of the HST Faint Object Camera. We obtain a total exposure of 19,000 sec. over 7 orbits, with the 0.063-arcsec-wide slit along the line between the two brightness peaks (PA 42). A spectrum of Jupiter is used as a spectral template. The rotation curve is resolved, and reaches a maximum amplitude of ~250 km/s roughly 0.3 arcsec either side of a rotation center lying between P1 and P2, 0.16 +/- 0.05 arcsec from the optically fainter P2. We find the velocity dispersion to be < 250 km/s everywhere except for a narrow ``dispersion spike'', centered 0.06 +/- 0.03 arcsec on the anti-P1 side of P2, in which sigma peaks at 440 +/- 70 km/s. At much lower confidence, we see local disturbances to the rotation curve at P1 and P2, and an elevation in sigma at P1. At very low significance we detect a weak asymmetry in the line-of-sight velocity distribution opposite to the sense usually encountered. Convolving our V and sigma profiles to CFHT resolution, we find good agreement with the results of Kormendy & Bender (1998, preprint), though there is a 20% discrepancy in the dispersion that cannot be attributed to the dispersion spike. Our results are not consistent with the location of the maximum dispersion as found by Bacon et al. We find that the sinking star cluster model of Emsellem & Combes (1997) does not reproduce either the rotation curve or the dispersion profile. The eccentric disk model of Tremaine (1995) fares better, and can be improved somewhat by adjusting the original parameters. However, detailed modeling will require dynamical models of significantly greater realism.Comment: 29 pages, Latex, AASTeX v4.0, with 7 eps figures. To appear in The Astronomical Journal, February 199

    The development of Drink Less: an alcohol reduction smartphone app for excessive drinkers

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    Excessive alcohol consumption poses a serious problem for public health. Digital behavior change interventions have the potential to help users reduce their drinking. In accordance with Open Science principles, this paper describes the development of a smartphone app to help individuals who drink excessively to reduce their alcohol consumption. Following the UK Medical Research Council’s guidance and the Multiphase Optimization Strategy, development consisted of two phases: (i) selection of intervention components and (ii) design and development work to implement the chosen components into modules to be evaluated further for inclusion in the app. Phase 1 involved a scoping literature review, expert consensus study and content analysis of existing alcohol apps. Findings were integrated within a broad model of behavior change (Capability, Opportunity, Motivation-Behavior). Phase 2 involved a highly iterative process and used the “Person-Based” approach to promote engagement. From Phase 1, five intervention components were selected: (i) Normative Feedback, (ii) Cognitive Bias Re-training, (iii) Self-monitoring and Feedback, (iv) Action Planning, and (v) Identity Change. Phase 2 indicated that each of these components presented different challenges for implementation as app modules; all required multiple iterations and design changes to arrive at versions that would be suitable for inclusion in a subsequent evaluation study. The development of the Drink Less app involved a thorough process of component identification with a scoping literature review, expert consensus, and review of other apps. Translation of the components into app modules required a highly iterative process involving user testing and design modification
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