189 research outputs found

    English medium of instruction in Chinese higher education:A systematic mapping review of empirical research

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    In 2001, the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China issued guidelines to promote the quality of higher education and to advocate the expansion of the use of English (Ministry of Education (MoE). 2001. Guanyu jiaqiang gaodeng xuexiao benke jiaoxue gongzuo tigao jiaoxue zhiliang de ruogan yijian [Guidelines for Improving the Quality of Undergraduate Teaching at Higher Education Institutions]. Available at: http://old.moe.gov.cn/publicfifiles/business/htmlfifiles/moe/moe_309/200412/4682.html). This paper reviews empirical studies in English and Chinese on EMI in Chinese higher education published from 2001 to 2019, during the last two decades since these guidelines were released. The review contributes to the field of EMI by documenting, analysing and synthesising empirical evidence and by situating EMI studies in China in the global trends of EMI research. The review aims to give an overview of studies targeted at both global and local audiences, therefore, publications in both English and Chinese were included. To select the Chinese articles the core journals indexed by CNKI were searched, and for the English articles, we used ERIC, IBSS, SCOPUS and WOS databases. After excluding theoretically oriented studies, literature reviews and commentaries, 42 articles remained. The in-depth analysis revealed that the main topics of these studies included the student perception, implementation and educational practices, and the role of language. We conclude that in general there are insufficient empirical studies, especially about EMI teachers' perspectives to inform policies and practices at the micro, meso and macro level. Based on the findings, directions for further research are identified and recommendations for methodological approaches for future studies are also made. </p

    English medium of instruction in Chinese higher education:A systematic mapping review of empirical research

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    In 2001, the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China issued guidelines to promote the quality of higher education and to advocate the expansion of the use of English (Ministry of Education (MoE). 2001. Guanyu jiaqiang gaodeng xuexiao benke jiaoxue gongzuo tigao jiaoxue zhiliang de ruogan yijian [Guidelines for Improving the Quality of Undergraduate Teaching at Higher Education Institutions]. Available at: http://old.moe.gov.cn/publicfifiles/business/htmlfifiles/moe/moe_309/200412/4682.html). This paper reviews empirical studies in English and Chinese on EMI in Chinese higher education published from 2001 to 2019, during the last two decades since these guidelines were released. The review contributes to the field of EMI by documenting, analysing and synthesising empirical evidence and by situating EMI studies in China in the global trends of EMI research. The review aims to give an overview of studies targeted at both global and local audiences, therefore, publications in both English and Chinese were included. To select the Chinese articles the core journals indexed by CNKI were searched, and for the English articles, we used ERIC, IBSS, SCOPUS and WOS databases. After excluding theoretically oriented studies, literature reviews and commentaries, 42 articles remained. The in-depth analysis revealed that the main topics of these studies included the student perception, implementation and educational practices, and the role of language. We conclude that in general there are insufficient empirical studies, especially about EMI teachers' perspectives to inform policies and practices at the micro, meso and macro level. Based on the findings, directions for further research are identified and recommendations for methodological approaches for future studies are also made. </p

    Kinerja Badan Permusyawaratan Desa dalam Penyelenggaraan Pemerintahan Desa

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    Badan Permusyawaratan Desa merupakan mitra pemerintah desa yang solid dalam membangun dan mensejahterakan rakyat. Pemerintah Desa dan Badan Permusyawaratan Desa diharapkan bisa membawa kemajuan dengan memberikan pengarahan dan masukan dalam membangun pemerintahan desa menjadi baik.. Fungsi BPD sebagai lembaga yang menetapkan Peraturan Desa bersama Kepala Desa, serta menampung dan menyalurkan aspirasi masyarakat. Tujuan penelitian untuk menejelaskan fungsi kinerja BPD dalam penyelenggaraan Pemerintahan Desa, hambatan-hambatan yang dihadapi BPD dalam mengoptimalkan kinerjanya dalam penyelenggaraan pemerintahan desa, dan upaya-upaya yang dilakukan BPD untuk mengatasi hambatan-hambatan yang timbul dalam rangka optimalisasi kinerja BPD dalam penyelenggaraan pemerintahan desa. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan diskriptif. Metode pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah metode observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Metode analisis data kualitatif dilakukan secara interaktif dan berlansung secara terus-menerus sampai tuntas, sehingga datanya lebih menekankan pada aspek pemahaman secara mendalam terhadap suatu masalah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, bahwa BPD telah menjalankan kedua fungsinya dengan baik. Hambatan-hambatan yang dihadapi oleh BPD dalam melaksanakan fungsinya disebabkan oleh hambatan internal dan eksternal, telah disikapi secara positif oleh BPD. Namun secara umum BPD sudah berjalan dengan baik,komunikasi yang baik antara BPD dan Pemerintahan Desa, dan masyarakat yang cukup puas dengan kinerja pemerintahan desa.The Village Consultative Body is a solid village government partner in building and prospering the people. The Village Government and the Village Consultative Body are expected to be able to bring progress by providing direction and input in developing a good village government. The function of the BPD is an institution that establishes Village Regulations with the Village Head, and accommodates and channeles community aspirations. The research objective is to explain the function of BPD performance in the implementation of Village Government, the obstacles faced by the BPD in optimizing its performance in the administration of village governance, and the efforts made by the BPD to overcome the obstacles that arise in order to optimize BPD performance in implementing village governance. The method used in this study is a qualitative research method with a descriptive approach. The method of data collection in this study is the method of observation, interviews, and documentation. The method of qualitative data analysis is carried out interactively and runs continuously until complete, so that the data emphasizes more on aspects of deep understanding of a problem. The results of the study show that the BPD has carried out both functions well. The obstacles faced by the BPD in carrying out its functions caused by internal and external barriers, have been responded positively by the BPD. But in general the BPD has been running well, good communication between the BPD and the Village Government, and the community is quite satisfied with the performance of the village administration

    Clinical, Bacteriological and Radiological study of Community Acquired Pneumonia

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    Pneumonia is major cause of mortality and morbidity in both developing countries and developed countries. It is next to diarrhea among all acute infectious disease in mortality. It affects all age groups. Pneumonia is the major cause of death in children under five years and extremes of age. Pneumonia is more common in immune compromised like Diabetes, HIV and patient with chronic lung disease. AIM AND OBJECTIVES: The study focuses on Clinical, Radiological and Bacteriological aspects of patients admitted in CMCH with Pneumonia. The objectives of the study are as follows, To know the prevalence of causative microorganism of COMMUNITY ACQUIRED PNEUMONIA in Coimbatore region. Radiological profile of the above patients. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This is a cross sectional study of 50 cases admitted in Coimbatore Medical college hospital was done in the period from July 2016 to June 2017. The cases were evaluated through proper history taking, clinical examination, blood investigation ,sputum culture and radiological investigation RESULTS: Cough present almost in all patients. Fever present in nearly all patients. Only few patients had absence of fever, P value – 0.197. Expectoration present in nearly all patients, P value – 0.429. Pleuritic chest pain present in 86% of patients, P value 0.049 More Significant in age >50 years. Haemoptysis present in 16% of patients and absent in 84% Crepitations present in almost all patients 98%. Cyanosis present in 16% of patients, absent in 84%, P value 0.016, More Significant in age >50 years, Bronchial breath sounds present in almost all patients , 96%, P value 0.721, Altered sensorium present in 6% of patients, absent in 94%,3 patients aged >50 years had altered sensorium among 28 patients. Age <50 years had no altered sensorium. Smoking observed in 56% of patients with pneumonia. So smoking is more significant in patients aged >50 years. With p Value 0.033. Smoking and COPD are more common associated risk factors for pneumonia. Alcohol is observed in 44% and absent in 56% of the patients. Alcohol is significant in patients aged >50 years. With p Value 0.010. Diabetes Mellitus is observed in 42% and absent in 58% of the patients. Diabetes Mellitus is significant in patients aged >50 years. With p Value 0.001. Hypertension present in 36% of patients, absent in 64%, COPD is observed in 50% and absent in 50% of the patients. COPD is significant in patients aged >50 years. With p Value 0.001 .sputum culture yield 94% organisms, Blood Culture yield 2% organisms. smoking, COPD patients affected by gram negative organisms. Right lower lobe and bilateral lung commonly affected. Mean duration of hospital stay 6-8 days. CONCLUSION: Males affected more than females, Streptococcal pneumonia is the common pathogen causing community acquired pneumonia, Followed by Klebsiella pneumonia observed in this study. E.coli, Pseudomonas and staphylococcus observed in few patients. Gram negative organism common in elderly patient, COPD and in Smokers. Common age group involved are 40 – 60 years. However old age groups mostly affected in pneumonia. Right lung is involved in majority of patients. Patients with comorbid conditions like Diabetes Mellitus are affected by pneumonia. Smoking, COPD and. Alcohol are major risk factors, Sputum culture yields organism. Blood culture yield no organism. Our study will use to identify the common organism in CMCH, and useful for physicians to start empirical treatment

    A Survey on Resource Allocation Techniques in Cloud Computing

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    Cloud is an important and emerging technology utilized by various fields for storing, processing and retrieving of data anywhere and anytime without any interruption. Cloud is now acting as a platform for many companies for storing and other computational purposes to reduce infrastructure and maintenance cost similarly they can utilize their application widely based on pay per use. To make available of data to all cloud users Resource Allocation (RA) is mandatory process. In cloud hardware, software and platform are the resources utilized to satisfy user needs hence sharing these resources according to users need is a difficult task. Cloud service provider and cloud service consumer plays the major role in RA. The parameters under resource allocation, its issues and challenges are needed to be analyzed deeply before implementing any optimizing approach in RA. Hence in this work various resource allocation methods have been studied and issues in it is analyzed and presented as a survey. This work is useful for both cloud users and researchers in overcoming the challenges faced in RA

    Pengelolaan Produksi USAha Bordir Bukittinggi (Studi Kasus pada USAha Bordir Ambun Suri)

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    This study describes how the business premises Ambun Suri manage production so much in demand, this study aims to obtain information, analyze and describe data tentangpengelolaan Ambun Suri production embroidery business as workforce planning, tools and raw materials, and production planning.The method used in this study is a qualitative case study method. This research was conducted in the city of Bukittinggi. The type of data in the form of primary data and secondary data. Data collection was done by observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis techniques used are data reduction means summarizing key points in accordance with the focus of research, the presentation of the data is done in the form of a brief description, and conclusions mentioned here can answer the problem formulation. To get valid data to perform data validity extended way back spaciousness observation point researchers to obtain additional discovery, increase endurance, triangulation and auditing.Results of research on the management of the production of embroidery, namely: (1) planning workforce consisting of recruitment is done in non-formal, planning work time in a place of business Ambun Suri 5 days a week and remuneration planning tailored to the work or how much finished materials embroidered (2) planning tool starts from planning sewing machine, sewing needle, thread and material used starting from planning its kind and many are used in production. (3) for the planning of production starting from the planning motifs, decorative patterns, embroidery process to distribute it

    Persepsi Aparatur Pemerintah Desa terhadap Dana Desa di Kecamatan Seluma Barat Kabupaten Seluma

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    Ahmad Soleh, Feri Susanto, Reka Susanti; Perception of the village government's arapatur to the village fund in Seluma Barat Sub-district of Seluma District. The perception of the village government apparatus will affect activities in the use of village funds. The purpose of this research is to know the perception of village government apparatus to village fund in Seluma Barat sub-district of Seluma district. Determination of samples in this study using Purposive sampling. The sample in this research are 36 people, namely the Village Head, Secretary, Treasurer, and the head of BPD who served as the village government apparatus from 9 (Nine) villages in Seluma Barat District Seluma District. The nine villages include Talang Perapat village, Purbosari village, Air Latak village, Pagar Agung village, Talang Tinggi village, Lunjuk village, Sengkuang village, Tanjung Agung village and Lubuk Lagan village. Rating Scale is used in analyzing data obtained by using questionnaires. The results showed that the perception of the village government apparatus on village governance activities showed good interpretation (71.8%); Perceptions of village government apparatuses towards development activities and improvements in village infrastructure show excellent interpretation (88.6%); Perceptions of village government apparatuses on community empowerment activities showed excellent interpretation (85.4%); And perception of village government apparatus towards social activities showed excellent interpretation (81,2%)

    Eksperimentasi Model Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah (Pbm) Dan Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah (Pbm) Dengan Pendekatan Saintifik Pada Materi Bangun Ruang Ditinjau Dari Kemampuan Komunikasi Matematika Siswa Kelas VIII SMP Negeri Se-kabupaten Sragen

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    The aim of the research was to determine the effect of learning models on mathematics achievement viewed from mathematic communication ability. The learning model compared were direct, PBM with scientific approach, and PBM. This was quasi-experimental research with 3x3 factorial design. The population were all students of Junior High School in Sragen. The samples are the students of SMPN 2 Gemolong, SMPN 1 Kedawung, and SMPN 2 Masaran, which taken by using stratified cluster random sampling technique. The instruments used were mathematics achievement test and mathematic communication ability test. The data analysis technique was used unbalanced two ways anova. Based on the data analysis, it can be concluded as follows. (1) The students receiving PBM learning model with scientific approach and PBM learning model had better learning achievement than those receiving direct learning model. The students receiving PBM learning model with scientific approach had equal learning achievement to those receiving PBM learning model. (2) The students with high mathematic communication ability had better learning achievement than those with medium and low mathematic communication abilities. Those with medium mathematic communication ability had equal learning achievement to those with low one. (3) In each groups of student mathematic communication ability PBM learning model with scientific approach and PBM learning model provided better learning achievement than direct learning model, PBM learning model with scientific approach provided equal learning achievement to PBM learning model. (4) In each learning model, the students with high mathematic communication ability had better learning achievement than those with medium and low mathematic communication abilities. Those with medium mathematic communication ability had equal learning achievement to those with low one
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