8 research outputs found

    Ethnodemography of Bashkirs in Regions of Russia (1970—2010)

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    The issues of ethno-demographic and ethno-linguistic development of the Bashkir population in the regions of the Russian Federation are considered. It is noted that the tendencies of demographic processes among the Bashkirs in the regions and in the republic of the same name are very different. The features of the ethnodemographic development of the Bashkirs in the regions of their historical settlement are shown, in which general trends coincide with the demographic processes in the country as a whole. It cannot be said about the Republic of Bashkortostan, which is characterized by sharp fluctuations in the size of the titular ethnic group. The dynamics of the ethnic and linguistic identity of the Bashkir population in the regions of historical settlement is revealed in a comparative aspect with the subjects to which the Bashkirs moved at a later time and in which their number is a small proportion. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that it was the first to analyze the ethno-demographic and ethno-linguistic aspects of the development of the Bashkirs in the Russian Federation, including in the regions of their historical settlement. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that the issue of the demographic development of the Bashkir population at the present stage, especially in the republic of the same name, has acquired an ethnopolitical discourse. It has been proven that, despite the policy of reviving ethnicity and the native language, the Bashkirs, like other peoples, are gradually losing it in favor of being recognized as a native Russian


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    According to the data obtained by Russian and foreign investigators, the major complication after radical prostatectomy (RPE) is urinaryincontinence that is recorded in 20-30% of cases.Objective. To improve the results of surgical treatment in patients with prostate cancer, by developing and introducing a well-rounded post-operative rehabilitation program.Subjects and methods. Seventy-four patients who were treated at the urology clinic, Bashkir State Medical University, and underwent RPEin 2005 to 2007 have been examined; 27 of them were diagnosed as having urinary incontinence (UI). After discharge from the clinic, acontrol group received rehabilitative treatment at the sanatorium “Krasnousolsk” of the Republic of Bashkortostan. Results and discussion. Therapeutic exercises and pelvic floor electrostimulation halve the number of day urinations and paddings used inpatients with UI, by increasing the bladder capacity from 138.2±12.7 to 196±11.2 ml and improving the trophism of the bladder neck andurethra in the sphincteral area. Реабилитация больных после радикальной простатэктоми

    Изменения ультраструктуры и микроциркуляции стенки мочевого пузыря у пациентов с неинвазивными формами рака

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    Bladder cancer relapses are associated with diffuse pattern of neoplastic changes in the mucous layer of the bladder; treatment efficacy depends on the degree of structural alterations in the bladder wall.Materials and methods: for evaluation of microcirculation characteristics and structural alterations of mucous layer of the bladder we have used laser analyzer of capillary blood circulation («ЛАКК-01» produced by НПП «ЛАЗМА», Russia) and compact mobile optic tomograph (ИПФ РАН, Russia).Results: conducted researches have shown alterations affecting both epithelial and submucous layers with their microcirculatory bed in perifocal to bladder tumor tissues.Conclusions: complimentary application of laser Doppler flowmeter and compact mobile optic tomograph allows defining the type and extent of pathologic process in the bladder wall in superficial tumors and choosing optimal method of correction.

    Water and electrolyte imbalance in patients with metabolic syndrome

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    Considering the high incidence of renal impairment in metabolic syndrome (MS), an analysis of electrolyte metabolism was performed in 112 patients preoperatively and 53 patients postoperatively. Aldosterone level, adrenocorticotropic hormone level, neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin level, cortisol level, β2-microglobulin level, serum vasopressin level, urinary microalbumin level measurements were taken as a combined patient assessment procedure. MS patients were found to demonstrate a decrease in circadian amounts of urea, potassium, sodium and chlorides excretion. An increase in vasopressin production and an enhancement of microalbumin excretion were detected. The specified disturbances developed as «a vicious circle»: fluid retention resulted in heperfiltration, with renal dysfunction leading to a deteriorated hydro-electrolyte imbalance. An improvement of circadian electrolyte excretion rates, as well as a decline in vasopressin and cortisol levels, occurred due to a reduction of abdominal fat volume


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    According to the data obtained by Russian and foreign investigators, the major complication after radical prostatectomy (RPE) is urinaryincontinence that is recorded in 20-30% of cases.Objective. To improve the results of surgical treatment in patients with prostate cancer, by developing and introducing a well-rounded post-operative rehabilitation program.Subjects and methods. Seventy-four patients who were treated at the urology clinic, Bashkir State Medical University, and underwent RPEin 2005 to 2007 have been examined; 27 of them were diagnosed as having urinary incontinence (UI). After discharge from the clinic, acontrol group received rehabilitative treatment at the sanatorium “Krasnousolsk” of the Republic of Bashkortostan. Results and discussion. Therapeutic exercises and pelvic floor electrostimulation halve the number of day urinations and paddings used inpatients with UI, by increasing the bladder capacity from 138.2±12.7 to 196±11.2 ml and improving the trophism of the bladder neck andurethra in the sphincteral area. </p

    Changes of the ultrastructure and microcirculation of bladder wall in patients with non-invasive types of cancer

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    Bladder cancer relapses are associated with diffuse pattern of neoplastic changes in the mucous layer of the bladder; treatment efficacy depends on the degree of structural alterations in the bladder wall.Materials and methods: for evaluation of microcirculation characteristics and structural alterations of mucous layer of the bladder we have used laser analyzer of capillary blood circulation («ЛАКК-01» produced by НПП «ЛАЗМА», Russia) and compact mobile optic tomograph (ИПФ РАН, Russia).Results: conducted researches have shown alterations affecting both epithelial and submucous layers with their microcirculatory bed in perifocal to bladder tumor tissues.Conclusions: complimentary application of laser Doppler flowmeter and compact mobile optic tomograph allows defining the type and extent of pathologic process in the bladder wall in superficial tumors and choosing optimal method of correction

    Нарушение водно-электролитного обмена у пациентов с метаболическим синдромом

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    Considering the high incidence of renal impairment in metabolic syndrome (MS), an analysis of electrolyte metabolism was performed in 112 patients preoperatively and 53 patients postoperatively. Aldosterone level, adrenocorticotropic hormone level, neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin level, cortisol level, β2-microglobulin level, serum vasopressin level, urinary microalbumin level measurements were taken as a combined patient assessment procedure. MS patients were found to demonstrate a decrease in circadian amounts of urea, potassium, sodium and chlorides excretion. An increase in vasopressin production and an enhancement of microalbumin excretion were detected. The specified disturbances developed as «a vicious circle»: fluid retention resulted in heperfiltration, with renal dysfunction leading to a deteriorated hydro-electrolyte imbalance. An improvement of circadian electrolyte excretion rates, as well as a decline in vasopressin and cortisol levels, occurred due to a reduction of abdominal fat volume.Учитывая широкую распространенность поражения почек при метаболическом синдроме (МС), исследование электролитного обмена проведено у 112 пациентов до лечения и 53 — после. В комплекс обследования были включены определение уровней альдостерона, адренокортикотропного гормона, нейтрофильного желатиназаассоциированного липокалина, кортизола, β2-микроглобулина, вазопрессина крови и микроальбумина мочи. У пациентов с МС выявлено снижение суточной экскреции мочевины, калия, натрия и хлоридов. Установлено увеличение выработки вазопрессина и увеличение экскреции микроальбумина. Отмеченные нарушения развиваются по типу порочного круга: задержка жидкости приводит к гиперфильтрации, почечная дисфункция усугубляет водно-электролитные расстройства. Уменьшение объема абдоминального жира приводит к улучшению параметров суточной экскреции электролитов, снижению уровня вазопрессина и кортизола

    Распространенность мутации c.5161C>T гена BRCA1 у пациентов с онкологическими заболеваниями из Республики Башкортостан

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    Introduction. Despite the significant progress in investigation of genetic susceptibility to cancers, there are still unclear questions in the field of molecular epidemiology. Numerous new data obtained using modern sequencing technologies require large case/control studies in different populations.The study objective – to investigate the prevalence of BRCA1*c.5161C&gt;T mutation in unselected breast, ovarian and prostate cancer patients from Bashkortostan.Materials and methods. In the presented study, the prevalence of the BRCA1*c.5161C&gt;T mutation was assessed in breast cancer, ovarian cancer and prostate cancer patients (n = 696). The study cohorts includes individuals of Tatar and Bashkir ethnic origin living in Bashkortostan Republic.Results. The BRCA1 mutation c.5161C&gt;T was detected in patients with breast cancer, ovarian cancer and prostate cancer in individuals of Tatar ethnic origin with a frequency of ~1,3 % (6/449), but not in Bashkirs. This mutation was also detected in two individuals of control group (2/700). We conclude that the contribution of the BRCA1 mutation c.5161C&gt;T to hereditary breast, ovarian and prostate cancers, is likely to be small in Bashkortostan Republic.Conclusion. Further research will be required to investigate whether this mutation also plays a role in other populations of Turkic origin.Введение. На основании многочисленных эпидемиологических и лабораторных исследований в области молекулярной эпидемиологии достигнуты существенные успехи в изучении генетической предрасположенности злокачественных новообразований, но еще остается ряд нерешенных вопросов. Применение современных технологий секвенирования позволило получить новые данные, которые необходимо проанализировать с использованием популяционного подхода с вовлечением в работу больших по численности исследуемых групп.Цель исследования – оценить частоту мутации BRCA1*c.5161C&gt;T у пациентов с раком молочной, железы, яичников и предстательной железы, проживающих в Республике Башкортостан.Материалы и методы. В представленной статье проанализирована встречаемость мутации BRCA1*c.5161C&gt;T у пациентов с раком молочной железы, яичников и предстательной железы татарской и башкирской этнической принадлежности, проживающих в Республике Башкортостан (n = 696).Результаты. Мутация BRCA1*c.5161C&gt;T встречается у пациентов татарской этнической принадлежности с раком молочной железы, яичников и предстательной железы примерно в 1,3 % случаев (6/449); у пациентов-башкир она не обнаружена. Данная мутация также определена в контрольной выборке (2/700). Полученные результаты не подтверждают высокую частоту мутации BRCA1*c.5161C&gt;T у башкир.Заключение. В перспективе необходимы дальнейшие исследования для оценки частоты распространения данного варианта в других популяциях, населяющих Волго-Уральский регион России