97 research outputs found

    Identification of an iron-sulfur cluster that modulates the enzymatic activity in NarE, a Neisseria meningitidis ADP-ribosyltransferase.

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    In prokaryotes, mono-ADP-ribose transfer enzymes represent a family of exotoxins that display activity in a variety of bacterial pathogens responsible for causing disease in plants and animals, including those affecting mankind, such as diphtheria, cholera, and whooping cough. We report here that NarE, a putative ADP-ribosylating toxin previously identified from Neisseria meningitidis, which shares structural homologies with Escherichia coli heat labile enterotoxin and toxin from Vibrio cholerae, possesses an iron-sulfur center. The recombinant protein was expressed in E. coli, and when purified at high concentration, NarE is a distinctive golden brown in color. Evidence from UV-visible spectrophotometry and EPR spectroscopy revealed characteristics consistent of an iron-binding protein. The presence of iron was determined by colorimetric method and by an atomic absorption spectrophotometer. To identify the amino acids involved in binding iron, a combination of site-directed mutagenesis and UV-visible and enzymatic assays were performed. All four cysteine residues were individually replaced by serine. Substitution of Cys(67) and Cys(128) into serine caused a drastic reduction in the E(420)/E(280) ratio, suggesting that these two residues are essential for the formation of a stable coordination. This modification led to a consistent loss in ADP-ribosyltransferase activity, while decrease in NAD-glycohydrolase activity was less dramatic in these mutants, indicating that the correct assembly of the iron-binding site is essential for transferase but not hydrolase activity. This is the first observation suggesting that a member of the ADP-ribosyltransferase family contains an Fe-S cluster implicated in catalysis. This observation may unravel novel functions exerted by this class of enzyme

    Spectroscopic characterisation of the naphthalene dioxygenase from Rhodococcus sp. StrainNCIMB12038

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    Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), such as naphthalene, are potential health risks due to their carcinogenic and mutagenic effects. Bacteria from the genus Rhodococcus are able to metabolise a wide variety of pollutants such as alkanes, aromatic compounds and halogenated hydrocarbons. A naphthalene dioxygenase from Rhodococcus sp. strain NCIMB12038 has been characterised for the first time, using electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy and UV-Vis spectrophotometry. In the native state, the EPR spectrum of naphthalene 1,2-dioxygenase (NDO) is formed of the mononuclear high spin Fe(III) state contribution and the oxidised Rieske cluster is not visible as EPR-silent. In the presence of the reducing agent dithionite a signal derived from the reduction of the [2Fe-2S] unit is visible. The oxidation of the reduced NDO in the presence of O2-saturated naphthalene increased the intensity of the mononuclear contribution. A study of the “peroxide shunt”, an alternative mechanism for the oxidation of substrate in the presence of H2O2, showed catalysis via the oxidation of mononuclear centre while the Rieske-type cluster is not involved in the process. Therefore, the ability of these enzymes to degrade recalcitrant aromatic compounds makes them suitable for bioremediative applications and synthetic purposes

    Cupricyclins, Novel Redox-Active Metallopeptides Based on Conotoxins Scaffold

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    Highly stable natural scaffolds which tolerate multiple amino acid substitutions represent the ideal starting point for the application of rational redesign strategies to develop new catalysts of potential biomedical and biotechnological interest. The knottins family of disulphide-constrained peptides display the desired characteristics, being highly stable and characterized by hypervariability of the inter-cysteine loops. The potential of knottins as scaffolds for the design of novel copper-based biocatalysts has been tested by engineering a metal binding site on two different variants of an ω-conotoxin, a neurotoxic peptide belonging to the knottins family. The binding site has been designed by computational modelling and the redesigned peptides have been synthesized and characterized by optical, fluorescence, electron spin resonance and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The novel peptides, named Cupricyclin-1 and -2, bind one Cu2+ ion per molecule with nanomolar affinity. Cupricyclins display redox activity and catalyze the dismutation of superoxide anions with an activity comparable to that of non-peptidic superoxide dismutase mimics. We thus propose knottins as a novel scaffold for the design of catalytically-active mini metalloproteins

    Alzheimer's Aβ Peptides with Disease-Associated N-Terminal Modifications: Influence of Isomerisation, Truncation and Mutation on Cu2+ Coordination

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    coordination of various Aβ peptides has been widely studied. A number of disease-associated modifications involving the first 3 residues are known, including isomerisation, mutation, truncation and cyclisation, but are yet to be characterised in detail. In particular, Aβ in plaques contain a significant amount of truncated pyroglutamate species, which appear to correlate with disease progression. coordination modes between pH 6–9 with nominally the same first coordination sphere, but with a dramatically different pH dependence arising from differences in H-bonding interactions at the N-terminus. coordination of Aβ, which may be critical for alterations in aggregation propensity, redox-activity, resistance to degradation and the generation of the Aβ3–× (× = 40/42) precursor of disease-associated Aβ3[pE]–x species

    Copper Biomolecules in Solution

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    For Copper(II) in biological systems, and even for small copper complexes in fluid solution at room temperature, the CW lineshapes are strongly influenced by molecular motion. the intermediate tumbling lineshapes for Cu(II) complexes have been analyzed using the stochastic Liouville equations. Various methods of analysing Cu(II) spectra are presented. Examples are given for complexes of pepetides, phenanthroline plus glutathione, bleomycin, and B-casomorphins. The methods could be extended to other paramagnetic metal ions